"Huang Kai, you are controlled in Wang Li's murder case." Qi Lin said seriously, "We have found enough evidence to testify against you.

Huang Kai lowered his head and was silent for a moment, then suddenly burst into painful laughter: "I love her, but she betrayed me. I can't accept this fact!"

Qi Lin took a deep breath and tried to communicate with Huang Kai calmly: "Huang Kai, killing people will not solve the problem, it will only make everything worse. Now you must take responsibility for your actions."

Huang Kai finally stopped laughing. He looked into Qi Lin's eyes and gradually returned to reason: "Maybe you are right. I am willing to cooperate with the investigation and pay the price for my crimes."

After Qi Lin and Li Yuxin handed over the suspect to the local police, they felt a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. They successfully solved this complicated murder case, and "527" ensured that justice would be done.

However, this is only a small part of their journey as detectives. They know that there are countless mysteries waiting for them to solve, and countless truths waiting for them to reveal. Qi Lin and Li Yuxin are determined to continue tracking the next case and bring justice and peace to society.

They returned to the police station, compiled the information, and reported the latest progress of the case to their superiors. After receiving recognition and support from their leaders, they returned to work and were ready to face new challenges.

Qi Lin has always believed: "There is a story hidden behind every case, and every suspect has his own motives and secrets. As long as we persevere, observe and reason with our hearts, we will definitely be able to find the truth."

Li Yuxin said: "We are fighting for justice and to protect the rights and interests of innocent people. No matter what difficulties we encounter, we cannot give up and must go on firmly.

They will face various challenges on this journey, including dark crimes under the bright sunshine and twisted hearts in the dark night. But they believe that as long as they continue to learn, grow, use their intelligence and firm will, they will always maintain their pursuit of the truth.

This time, Qi Lin received the task of a commercial espionage case. It is said that confidential documents of a well-known company have been stolen, and it is rumored that the case involves multiple competitors around the world. After collecting relevant clues, Qi Lin went to the company's headquarters to launch an investigation.

When Qi Lin walked into the headquarters building, he immediately felt the tense atmosphere. People discussed the details of the case in low voices, as if the entire company was shrouded in a shadow. Qi Lin found Li Lei, the senior manager in charge of the case, hoping to get more information from him.

"Hello, Mr. Li. I am Qi Lin, the detective responsible for investigating this commercial espionage case. Can you tell me the basic situation of the case? Qi Lin asked.

Li Lei replied anxiously: "Mr. Qi, our company has just recently developed a revolutionary new product that can subvert the entire market. However, our confidential documents have been stolen, which makes us very worried. We suspect There are competitors or commercial espionage involved. We hope you can help us find out the truth.

Qi Lin nodded thoughtfully: "Mr. Li, please provide me with a detailed list of employees, as well as records of entry and exit of the company in the past few months. I need more background information to conduct an investigation."

A few days later, Qi Lin received the information provided by Li Lei. He carefully analyzed all the clues and began to track certain suspicious employees. He noticed that two employees, Zhang Hua and Wang Ming, had been in and out of the company frequently in recent months and had access to sensitive information.

Qi Lin decided to find Zhang Hua to investigate first. He met Zhang Hua in a cafe. Zhang Hua is a technical expert who is highly valued by the company. Qi Lin showed his excellent psychological insight and tried to find clues from Zhang Hua.

"Mr. Zhang, do you know about this commercial espionage case?" Qi Lin asked.

Zhang Hua looked at Qi Lin in surprise, and his expression became nervous. He hesitated, then said: "I know someone is stealing our company's confidential documents, but I have nothing to do with it. I am extremely loyal to the company and will never betray our team."

Qi Lin noticed the uncertainty and fear in Zhang Hua's eyes. He decided to take a more direct approach.

"Mr. Zhang, please tell me frankly. If you have any clues or other information, now is the time to tell it. I can guarantee your safety. Otherwise, the consequences may be more serious." Qi Lin said firmly.

Zhang Hua felt the pressure doubled, and finally lowered his head and said softly: "I do know something... A few months ago, I overheard a conversation in the company bathroom, and several people were discussing theft. Plan for confidential documents. One of them, named Li Feng, was a senior engineer of the company, and he was suspected to be the mastermind behind the case. Qi Lin was moved, and he decided to find Li Feng to see if he could get more clues from him.

Through investigation, Qi Lin found a cafe that Li Feng often visited. When he entered the cafe, he found Li Feng sitting in a corner, looking at the computer screen intently. Qi Lin walked over and sat next to Li Feng.

"Hello, Mr. Li. I am Qi Lin, a detective. I heard that you and some people made a plan to steal the company's confidential documents. Now, I need you to tell me the truth. Otherwise, you will face legal action Sanctions." Qi Lin said firmly.

Li Feng was shocked. He didn't expect anyone to know his plan. He turned to look at Qi Lin, trying to stay calm.

"How did you know? This is impossible!" Li Feng said with a slightly trembling voice.

"Mr. Li, I am a professional detective, and my mission is to solve this type of case. You should understand that you cannot escape the punishment of the law. Now, I will give you a chance to explain your plan to me in detail." Qi Lin Said patiently.

Li Feng felt helpless. He knew that concealing it any longer would not only be useless, but would also get him into deeper trouble. Therefore, he began to confess everything to Qi Linkun.

"To tell you the truth, I did participate in the plan to steal the company's confidential documents. However, I was not the mastermind behind it. Someone took advantage of my weakness and threatened me to cooperate with them. They promised me a large sum of money in return ." Li Feng said in a low voice.

Qi Lin thought for a moment after listening, and realized that the case might be much more complicated than he thought. He needs to find the mastermind and the motive behind the entire theft plan.

"Mr. Li, thank you for your confession. Now, I need you to provide any information that can help me find the mastermind behind the scenes. Only by finding the real culprit can we solve this case." Qi said encouragingly. .

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