Li Feng thought for a while, seeming to consider whether he should continue speaking. Finally, he frowned and said softly: "I only know that they used a secret communication channel and contacted through an online forum. I can provide you with relevant information."

Qi Lin nodded and expressed his gratitude to Li Feng. He realizes that tracking this secret communication channel may be the key to finding the person behind it. So, he told Li Feng to remain silent and temporarily left the cafe.

After Qi Lin left the cafe, he immediately returned to his office. He turned on his computer and began to investigate the information provided by Li Feng.

By analyzing relevant clues, Qi Lin discovered a seemingly ordinary online forum called "Eye of Darkness". This forum is mainly for anonymous communication and involves various illegal activities and secret transactions. Qi Lin studied the forum in depth, hoping to find some clues about the commercial espionage case.

On the forum, Qi Lin found a post titled "Financial Giant's Confidential Document Stealing Plan." The content of the post described in detail the execution process of the entire theft plan.

Including personnel arrangements, time nodes, etc. Most importantly, the post mentioned a character codenamed "Ghost", who is said to be the mastermind behind the scenes.

Qi Lin firmly grasped this clue and began to search for more information about ghosts on the forum. After many days of searching, he finally found several accounts related to ghosts. He attempts to track down the ghost's true identity through interactions with these accounts.

Qi Lin decided to start with an account called "Guardian of the Eye of Darkness". He sent a private message to the account, expressing his interest in the ghost and hoping to communicate with the guardian.

After a while, Qi Lin finally received a reply from the guardian. The guardian expressed his willingness to communicate with him and provided an encrypted communication method. Qi Lin immediately downloaded the relevant software and established contact with the guardian.

"Are you Qi Lin? I heard that you are looking for clues about the ghost. I can tell you some information about him, but only if you prove that you are trustworthy." The guardian sent a message.

Qi Lin knew that this was a test and he needed to show his ability and sincerity. He replied to the Guardian, describing in detail some of the important cases he had solved and his detective experience.

After reading, the guardian was silent for a moment, and then sent a message: "Your qualifications seem to meet our requirements. But I need more conclusive evidence to prove your ability. If you can successfully obtain a confidential document of the target company , we can consider cooperation.

Qi Lin took a deep breath. He knew that if he could get the confidential documents, he would not only prove his strength, but also get more clues about the ghost. So, he agreed to this request from the guardian and proposed some security measures to ensure the interests of both parties.

A few days later, Qi Lin successfully obtained an important confidential document of the target company, proving his ability and sincerity. He handed the document to the Guardian, hoping to have real communication with the ghost.

The guardian expressed satisfaction to Qilin and told him that the ghost was willing to meet him. He provided a time and place and asked Qi Lin to meet alone. Qi Lin knew that this was a dangerous decision, but he also knew that this was the only chance to track down the mastermind behind the scenes.

At the agreed time and place, Qi Lin came to a remote warehouse area. He cautiously entered one of the empty warehouses, looking for traces of ghosts.

Suddenly, a shadow came out of the corner of the warehouse. The man slowly walked towards Qi Lin, wearing a mask, making it impossible to identify his true identity.

"Are you Qi Lin?" The ghost's voice was full of mystery and mystery.

"Yes, I am Qi Lin. I have been following this case and am eager to uncover the truth behind it. Why did you steal the company's confidential documents?" Qi Lin tried to guide the ghost to reveal the true purpose.

The ghost was silent for a moment, seeming to weigh whether to reveal more information. Finally, he took off his mask, revealing the face of a young man.

"There is no pure black and white in this world, only the game of interests. I stole confidential documents to expose those dark activities. There is huge corruption hidden behind this company, and we must expose the truth." Ghost's eyes revealed determination. and determination.

Qi Lin felt the ghost's anger and pain, and he began to understand the complexity of this case. This is not just a case of commercial espionage, but also involves the struggle for power and social justice.

"Ghost, I understand your wish, but using illegal means is not the best way to solve the problem. Let me help you, we can reveal the truth through legal means and give society a fair judgment." Qi Lin tried to persuade Ghost to change direction.

The ghost thought for a moment and finally nodded.

"Okay, if you can prove your sincerity, I am willing to try legal means to reveal the truth. But please remember that time is tight and we must act quickly. There is a hint of expectation in the ghost's tone.

Qi Lin and Ghost reached a consensus and decided to cooperate to expose the company's corruption through legal means. They formulated an action plan and began working closely together.

Qi Lin and Ghost started their action plan, and they decided to expose the company's corruption by collecting more evidence. They conducted in-depth investigations into key figures within the company and used legal means to gather relevant information.

During the investigation, they discovered some important clues, which hinted at the existence of corruption, profit transfer and other improper behaviors among the company's senior executives. They tracked the money flow and found some hidden accounting records, which further confirmed their suspicions.

In order to ensure that the truth can be revealed publicly, Qi Lin and Ghost decided to submit all evidence to the local anti-corruption agency. They contacted the agency and arranged a secret meeting.

During the meeting, they provided the agency with a detailed chain of evidence and their specific allegations of high-level company involvement. The institution expresses its appreciation for their efforts and dedication

and promised to investigate.

During the investigation, they unexpectedly discovered that there were other insiders within the company who were also oppressed by the company's corrupt practices. Qi Lin and Ghost decided to cooperate with these people to jointly promote the progress of the case.

As the investigation deepens, more and more evidence is revealed, and corruption within the company can no longer be concealed. The media began to gradually pay attention to this major scandal that was being exposed, and the pressure from public opinion gradually increased. .

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