Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

809: They Are The Embodiment Of Justice

Eventually, the anti-corruption agency launched a formal investigation into the company's top executives for corruption and abuse of power. They were forced to undergo judicial trials and were eventually convicted.

The entire incident attracted widespread attention from society, and the company's corrupt behavior was thoroughly exposed. The public expressed appreciation for Qi Lin and Ghost Recon, considering them to be the embodiment of justice.

Qi Lin and Ghost established a deep friendship in the process of revealing the truth, and they decided to continue to cooperate and promote the investigation and disclosure of more similar cases.

Qi Lin and Ghost realized that their work was just the beginning. They decided to set up a dedicated team dedicated to exposing and combating all kinds of corruption.

Their team is composed of volunteers, including lawyers, reporters, investigators and other talents with different backgrounds. Together, they developed work procedures and codes of conduct to ensure that all investigations and disclosures comply with legal and ethical standards.

The team began to accept various reports and case investigations, and they were committed to protecting the interests of society and maintaining fairness and justice. Through their efforts, more corrupt behaviors were exposed, and the criminals paid the price they deserved.

Qi Lin and Ghost understand that fighting corruption is an arduous task that requires long-term persistence and hard work. But they believe that as long as there are still voices of justice, there is hope to change the status quo and make society more just and transparent.

Their team actively promotes anti-corruption awareness and works with all walks of life to provide training and educational resources to help people understand the dangers of corrupt behavior and encourage everyone to participate in anti-corruption work.

Through their efforts, society's attention to corruption has continued to increase, and the government has begun to take more stringent measures to combat corruption. The public's recognition and support for Qi Lin and Ghost and their team are also increasing.

However, the challenges and risks they face are gradually increasing. Corrupt elements are unwilling to be exposed and will use various means to prevent investigations and disclosures. Qi Lin and Ghost's team must always remain vigilant and take appropriate safety measures.

In this arduous battle, Qi Lin and Ghost always stick to their beliefs. They believe that as long as someone pursues justice, they can change the status quo and bring real changes to society.

They continue to overcome obstacles, expose corruption and protect the rights and interests of vulnerable groups. They have become the guardians of justice, bringing a glimmer of light to society on the edge of darkness and light.

Although the road is difficult and dangerous, Qi Lin and Ghost are hopeful and firmly believe that as long as they work tirelessly, they can bring more justice and kindness to the world.

Qi Lin held the case file and examined the details with an expressionless face. This was a hit-and-run case, which occurred on a busy street in the city center. The victim, a young woman, was knocked to the side of the road and the driver fled. Her injuries were serious and she is still receiving treatment in the hospital.

Qi Lin learned from the case file that witnesses described the vague characteristics of the vehicle involved in the accident, but did not provide more specific clues. He knew the case was full of challenges, but he was confident he could find the answer.

The next day, Qi Lin came to the scene of the accident. He carefully observed the surrounding environment, hoping to find some useful clues. Suddenly, he noticed a black car parked in a nearby parking lot. There was an obvious scratch on the car's front bumper. He immediately walked over to conduct further investigation.

When Qi Lin was observing the car curiously, a middle-aged man suddenly appeared behind him. "What are you doing?" the man asked, looking nervous.

"Are you the owner of this car?" Qi Lin asked, keenly aware of the other person's nervousness.

"Yes, I am the owner of this car. What's wrong?" the man replied, with a trace of forgetfulness in his voice.

"Have you noticed the scratches on the front bumper of your car? Has anything happened?" Qi Lin asked calmly.

The man hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Well, when I was driving last night, I seemed to hit something. But I didn't hear any sound, and I didn't see any problems."

Qi Lin noticed something unnatural through the man's eyes. "Can you tell me where you were last night?"

The man was obviously a little embarrassed, but he finally replied: "I went to my friend's house last night, had a party with them, and drank some wine."

Qi Lin noticed the hesitation in the man's tone. "Okay, thank you for your cooperation." He gave the man a business card. "If you think of anything else or have any clues, please feel free to contact me."

After the man left, Qi Lin began to think about the case. He realized that the clues he had were not enough and more investigation was needed. So, he decided to return to the crash site again

Write eyewitnesses for face-to-face interviews.

At the crash site, Qi Lin found several witnesses. A young woman described what she saw: "I was crossing the road when I suddenly heard a loud crash and saw a black vehicle speeding away from the scene.

Qi Lin continued to ask other witnesses, hoping to find more useful information. Finally, he found an old man who seemed to have the key clue. "What did you see?" Qi Lin looked at the old man seriously, waiting for his answer.

The old man frowned and after thinking deeply for a while, he finally said: "I happened to be drinking coffee in a nearby coffee shop. After hearing the impact, I walked to the window and took a look and saw the license plate number.

Qi Lin was delighted, this was an important clue. "Can you tell me the license plate number?"

The old man nodded and drew the shape of the license plate number in the air with his finger. "B-2-8-6-4-W-3," he recalled.

Qi Lin quickly wrote down the license plate number. "Thank you very much for the information you provided. It is very helpful to our investigation. Please leave your contact information if necessary.

The old man smiled and handed Qi Lin a business card. "This is my contact information. If you need anything else, feel free to contact my nephew.

Qi Lin took the business card and expressed his gratitude. "Okay, I will keep in touch with you."

After leaving the witness, Qi Lin immediately entered the license plate number into the police database. A few minutes later [he had information about the vehicle's owner. The owner is a singer

young man.

Qi Lin decided to go to Wang Liang's residence to investigate. He bypassed a park and came to a quiet community. After finding Wang Liang's house number, he pressed the doorbell. .

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