After a while, the door was opened. Wang Liang looked at Qi Lin in surprise. "Who are you? What's the matter?" he asked.

Qi Lin showed his detective certificate. "I'm Detective Qi Lin, and I'm here to investigate a hit-and-run case. According to the witness's description, the license plate number of the vehicle involved matches your vehicle.

Wang Liang's face turned a little pale. He hesitated for a moment, and then invited Qi Lin into the room. "Come in, do you have any questions?"

Entering Wang Liang's home, Qi Lin noticed a black car parked in the garage not far away [it was the same car he found in the parking lot before. "Is this your car?" he asked, pointing to the workshop.

Wang Liang nodded. "Yes, this is my car. But I promise, I am not involved in any hit-and-run cases."

Qi Lin stared at Wang Liang, trying to catch the subtle changes in him. "Can you tell me where you were last night? Did you leave home?"

Wang Liang hesitated for a moment, and then replied: "I was at home last night and didn't go out. My friends can testify. 17

Qi Lin nodded. "Okay, please provide your friend's contact information and I will get in touch with them as soon as possible."

Wang Liang gave Qi Lin several phone numbers slightly uneasily. "This is their contact information, please clarify the facts as soon as possible.

Qi Lin accepted the number. "Thank you for your cooperation. I will contact you again if necessary. 030" He nodded to Wang Liang and left his residence.

Qi Lin returned to the office and sorted out his thoughts. He decided to contact Wang Liang's friends first to confirm whether his alibi was reliable.

Over the phone, Qi Lin had detailed conversations with several of Wang Liang's friends. They all insisted that they were with Wang Liang last night and had not left home. Qi Lin felt that these people's confessions were very firm and did not seem like they were lying.

However, clues in the case and eyewitness descriptions still point to Wang Liang's vehicle. Qi Lin knew that he could not give up easily and needed more evidence to solve the mystery.

So, he decided to conduct further investigation on Wang Liang's car. Qi Lin contacted a professional car inspector and arranged a time to go to the garage to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the vehicle.

When Qi Lin and the car inspector carefully inspected the vehicle, they discovered some interesting traces. Some soil and plant residue was found on the vehicle's bottom fender.

Moreover, some fibrous material is left in the scratched area.

These findings aroused Qi Lin's interest. "These traces appear to be consistent with the route the vehicle took from the scene of the accident (abdh) to the parking lot. We need to follow up on these clues further."

Qi Lin decided to go to the surveillance center near the incident site and request assistance in retrieving surveillance videos from the relevant time period. After some searching, they finally found surveillance video of the area surrounding the hit-and-run incident.

Watching the video carefully, they finally found Wang Liang's vehicle in the surveillance footage at an intersection. But what confused Qi Lin was that Wang Liang's car did not hit anyone, but avoided a pedestrian who suddenly broke into the road.

Qi Lin lowered his head and pondered. If Wang Liang's car did not hit the victim, are there other possible hit-and-run vehicles? Is there a second perpetrator?

He decided to re-examine the eyewitness accounts and find other possible witnesses. Through in-depth investigation, he found a taxi driver who had been waiting for passengers at a taxi stand near the time of the incident.

Qi Lin interviewed the taxi driver, hoping to get more clues about this incident. The driver recalled the scene that day, describing a scene in which a black car suddenly ran through a red light and hit a pedestrian before escaping.

"I remember there was an obvious scratch on the black car." The taxi driver added, "I tried to chase it, but it was too fast and I couldn't catch it.

Qi Lin's heart brightened, this was consistent with the situation of the vehicle he had found in the parking lot before. "Thank you for the information you provided, you helped us find new clues.

After further investigation and comparison, Qi Lin finally confirmed the characteristics of the second hit-and-run vehicle and found relevant video surveillance footage.

By analyzing the video surveillance footage of the second hit-and-run vehicle, Qi Lin discovered some unique details. He noticed that one of the car's rearview mirrors was loose and the color of the car was very similar to the fibrous material on the victim's clothes.

Qi Lin decided to further investigate the vehicle. By tracking the license plate number, he finally found the owner of the car, a young man named Li Bin.

Qi Lin and Li Bin conducted face-to-face inquiries. Li Bin admitted that he was driving his car nearby on the day of the incident, but he insisted that he did not hit anyone and was not involved in the hit-and-run case.

"I realized that my car's rearview mirror was a little loose, but that was just a small problem." Li Bin explained. I didn't encounter any pedestrians at all.

Qi Lin frowned slightly, "We have witnesses who witnessed your vehicle hitting a pedestrian and fleeing the scene."

Li Bin looked confused and began to recall the scene at that time. "I did pass that intersection at that time, but I didn't hit anyone!"

Qi Lin thought for a moment and decided to tell Li Bin the truth. "We found a black car in the parking lot. Its body had traces of fiber similar to those on the victim's clothes. There are also some abnormalities in your car's rearview mirror."

Li Bin's expression became tense. "I...I don't know what that happened! I've never hit anyone!"

Qi Lin observed Li Bin's expression and words, "We will investigate further and hope to find more evidence to restore the truth. If you are indeed innocent, I believe that you will eventually be cleared of your grievances."

Li Bin breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Qi Lin gratefully. "Thank you for believing in me. I really did not hit and run. I will fully cooperate with your investigation."

Qi Lin left Li Bin's residence, knowing that there was no simple answer to this case. He needs to further collect evidence, find more witnesses, and analyze vehicle traces and other relevant clues.

Qi Lin contacted the vehicle insurance company and obtained the insurance claim records of the two vehicles suspected of hit and run. Upon closer inspection, he discovered that both vehicles had reported minor collisions to their insurance companies shortly after the incident.

This discovery made Qi Lin feel a little strange. If the two cars only had a minor collision, then why are they related to the hit-and-run case? Did someone deliberately create traces of the accident after the incident?

Qi Lin decided to further investigate the insurance claim records of the two vehicles. Using information provided by the insurance company, he found the repair report and photos submitted at the time of the claim. .

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