After carefully comparing the maintenance reports of the two vehicles, Qi Lin discovered the problem. Although both vehicles reported minor crashes, photos from the repair reports showed similar scratches and damage. This aroused Qi Lin's suspicion.

He contacted the repair shop and requested further investigation into the maintenance records of the two vehicles. After detailed verification, Qi Lin discovered a key detail: the two vehicles were repaired on the same day and in the same repair shop.

This discovery shocked Qi Lin, who realized that this might be a well-planned fraud. Someone used a real hit-and-run case and deliberately used two cars to imitate the traces of the case in order to conceal the real perpetrator.

Qi Lin re-examined all the evidence, reorganized the timeline of the entire case and the testimony of witnesses. He began to doubt whether the victim was really hit by Wang Liang's vehicle, and questioned whether the witness accurately recorded the color and license plate number of the vehicle.

Therefore, Qi Lin decided to return to the parking lot again and conduct a more careful investigation of the scene. He noticed that the location of the cameras in the parking lot was not ideal, and there were some blind spots that could not be fully covered.

In a corner at the edge of the parking lot, Qi Lin found a neglected floor tile. He carefully removed it and found some tiny shards of glass.

This discovery made Qi Lin excited. He realized that this might be a clue to the real hit-and-run vehicle. He contacted the laboratory for comparative analysis of the glass fragments.

A few days later, the laboratory report came out. The shards of glass matched the side window of a black sedan. This proved that a black car was involved in the hit and run.

Qi Lin decided to re-examine the witness testimony and launch a new round of search, hoping to find more witnesses related to the black car.

After patient investigation, he finally found a resident who witnessed the entire accident. The witness described a black car ramming into a pedestrian area, hitting the victim and then quickly leaving the scene.

Qi Lin felt relieved, he finally grasped the truth. He proved the reliability of the testimony of Wang Liang's friends and overturned the eyewitness's description of Wang Liang's vehicle.

When the truth came to light, Qi Lin submitted conclusive evidence to the court. After a trial, the court ruled that Wang Liang was acquitted and reopened the investigation into the real hit-and-run vehicle.

The resolution of this case not only restored Wang Liang's innocence, but also brought justice and comfort to the victim's family.

Qi Lin walked through the door of the police station with a tired and satisfied smile on his face. Recently, he has been investigating an arson case, and after hard work, he finally found the truth. He opened the door to his office, sat at his desk, and sorted out the evidence he had collected.

Just as Qi Lin was immersed in his own thoughts, the landline phone rang. He picked up the phone and said in a calm voice: "Detective Qi Lin, what's the matter?"

An anxious voice came from the other end of the phone, "Mr. Qi, this is Ms. Wang. I heard that you solved the arson case and I need your help. There was a suspicious fire near my house.

Qi Lin frowned, this news made him feel a little unusual. He quickly made up his mind and must launch an investigation as soon as possible. "Okay, Ms. Wang, please tell me the specific situation and address. I will rush there immediately."

Dozens of minutes later, Qi Lin arrived at the scene Ms. Wang mentioned. He found that the exterior wall of the house had been burned, leaving only a black wreckage. He put on his gloves and carefully examined the traces around the fire scene.

At this time, Ms. Wang came over and asked anxiously: "Mr. Qi, do you think this fire was also set by someone?"

Qi Lin raised his head and replied seriously: "Judging from the current situation, I cannot rule out the possibility that someone deliberately set the fire. I need to collect more evidence to confirm this."

As the investigation deepened, Qi Lin began to ask local residents if they had noticed any suspicious people or behaviors. In several hours of conversation, he gradually grasped some important clues. He decided to sort out the information before contacting relevant agencies and personnel.

The next morning, Qi Lin sat in his office, thinking about how to further advance the investigation. At this time, the phone rang again. "Hello Detective Jian Qilin?" came a low and unusual voice.

"Yes, who are you?" Qi Lin answered cautiously.

"I am an anonymous informant. I know you are investigating an arson case, and I have some key information to provide you." The anonymous person's voice sounded a little urgent.

0Request flowers…0

Qi Lin immediately became alert. "Please tell me everything you know."

Anonymous revealed an abandoned factory hidden on the edge of the city. According to him, it may be the hiding place of the mastermind behind the arson case. Qi Lin immediately asked his colleagues for support, took the necessary equipment, and rushed to the abandoned factory.

When Qi Lin and the police arrived at their destination, they found that the factory had been tightly sealed. Qi Lin showed his ID and was able to enter. He carefully searched every corner until he found a seemingly ordinary room with a secret basement hidden behind the door. Qi Lin opened the door and walked into the dark space.

"Is anyone here?" Qi Lin's voice echoed in the silent basement.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed, and several flashlights illuminated the surrounding area. Qi Lin saw that he was surrounded by a group of suspicious people. They all looked nervous, obviously not ordinary workers.

"Mr. Qi, you are really smart." A man in a black suit walked out of the crowd.

"You are the mastermind behind the arson case." Qi Lin said calmly, "Why did you set the fire?"

Black Hand smiled and said: "I am just creating chaos and making people feel fearful and helpless. Justice and order are both illusory, and only chaos is real.

Qi Lin noticed that Black Hand was holding a lead controller, which looked like a device that could detonate the entire basement. He immediately became alert and knew he had to deal with it carefully.

"Do you think you can gain freedom by creating chaos?" Qi Lin tried to have a dialogue with the black hand. "Your actions will only bring more harm to innocent people."

A sly smile flashed across Blackhand's face. "Innocent? They are all hypocritical, controlled puppets." His voice was full of anger and malice.

Qi Lin knew that he had to find an opportunity to subdue Black Hand. He observed his surroundings and suddenly found a loose brick on the wall. He pretended to be distracted, directing Black Hand's gaze away.

"Do you think you can challenge me?" Black Hand smiled sarcastically. .

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