Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

812: Investigating The Black Wolf Gang

Just when Black Hand fell into complacency, Qi Lin quickly kicked away the loose bricks on the wall, revealing the emergency button hidden behind it. Without hesitation, he pressed the button and activated the alarm system

An alarm sounded immediately in the basement, and the police quickly rushed in and surrounded the Black Hand and his men. Blackhand was forced to abandon the lead controller, was subdued and arrested.

After the investigation, Qi Lin returned to the office and sorted out the documents and notes of the case. The arson case was finally solved, and the culprit was brought to justice.

A few days later, Qi Lin received a call from Ms. Wang. She gratefully said to him: "Thank you, Mr. Qi. If it weren't for you, the fire near my home might have caused greater harm. 11

Qi Lin replied with a smile: "This is my responsibility and mission. If you need it, you can contact me at any time."

Qi Lin knows that his job as "300" is not just to pursue the truth, but more importantly, to protect and comfort the victims. He firmly believes in the power of justice and order and is determined to continue working for social peace and fairness.

The local police reached a deadlock in a trafficking case and could not find any clues. As a private detective, Qi Lin accepted the task of investigating this case. He conducted in-depth investigations and followed various possible criminal clues in an attempt to uncover the mystery.

Qi Lin's office was filled with case files and papers. He clutched a cup of coffee tightly and stared at the photos on the table. This is a photo of the missing girl in the case. She is the daughter of a businessman in this small town. According to information provided by the police, she has been missing for two days without any clues.

The phone rang, and Qi Lin quickly picked it up: "Hello, this is Qi Lin."

"Hello, I'm Wang Meng, I'm a friend of that girl in the hospital." An anxious voice came from the other end of the phone.

After Qi Lin heard the news, he immediately became concerned. "Miss Wang, please tell me all the details you know.

Wang Meng choked up and said: "We are good friends. She sent me a text message before she disappeared. The message only said 'They are following me', and then she never responded.

Qi Lin thought for a moment. "Can you give me any more information? Is there anyone who might have ill intentions towards her?"

"I'm not sure, we are all just friends to her, and she didn't mention anyone threatening her or having bad intentions towards her."

Qi Lin decided to meet Wang Meng, hoping to get more clues from her. When he arrived at the appointed cafe, Wang Meng was already waiting there.

"Mr. Qi, thank you for your willingness to help us." Wang Meng looked very worried, her eyes full of anxiety.

"Don't worry, Miss Wang, I will try my best to help find your friend." Qi Lin reassured.

He began to ask Wang Meng about the background of the missing girl and her recent behavior. Wang Meng told him that the missing girl was a lively and cheerful girl, but she seemed to have become somewhat mysterious and silent recently.

"The last time we met, she seemed a little nervous and wary. I think someone is following her." Wang Meng told Qi Lin in a low voice.

"Okay, I will investigate this situation as soon as possible. Please provide me with her recent contact list." Qi Lin requested.

Wang Meng handed Qi Lin a note: "These are the names and phone numbers of several people she has contacted recently."

Qi Lin took the note and began to carefully check the background of each contact. He found that one of the names caught his attention: Li Ming. "He was one of ten people in this town who were suspected of being connected to gangs.

Qi Lin decided to first investigate Li Ming, who had connections with the gang. He picked up the phone and dialed Li Ming's number. A deep voice came from the other end of the phone: "Who are you?"

"I am Mr. Qi Lin. I am investigating a trafficking case, which involves your name." Qi Lin replied calmly.

Li Ming's voice became tense: "I don't know what you are talking about. I have nothing to do with any trafficking case."

Qi Lin was keenly aware of Li Ming's nervousness. "I just want to chat with you and get some information. If you are willing to cooperate, maybe we can solve this mystery

Li Ming hesitated for a moment and finally agreed to meet Qi Lin. They agreed to meet in a quiet cafe.

When Qi Lin walked into the cafe, he saw Li Ming already waiting for him. There was worry on Li Ming's face. He was obviously nervous about this meeting.

"Mr. Li, thank you very much for coming to see me." Qi Lin nodded to Li Ming.

After Li Ming sat down, he asked: "What exactly do you want to ask? I hope you can end this conversation as soon as possible."

Qi Lin got straight to the point and asked: "Have you heard about the recent abduction cases? One of the missing girls has contact with you."

Li Ming frowned, but he quickly concealed his uneasiness. "I'm just a small businessman, how could I be related to the trafficking case? I promise I know nothing about it."

Qi Lin observed Li Ming's expression and words, and he could feel that Li Ming seemed to be concealing some important information. So, he began to use his reasoning skills.

"If you really don't know anything about this, why are you so nervous?" Qi Lin stared at Ji Ming sharply.

Li Ming bit his lip and finally confessed: "I do know some things, but I'm afraid of getting involved. Those people are powerful and I'm afraid of their revenge."

Qi Lin said softly: "I understand your concerns. But if you continue to conceal it, more people may be harmed. Please tell me everything you know."

Li Ming fell into deep thought and finally decided to confess. "I heard that the missing girl was kidnapped by a trafficking organization. This organization is very powerful in our small town, and many people dare not offend them.

"Do you know the name of this organization?" Qi Lin asked.

Li Ming nodded: "They call themselves the Black Wolf Gang. I have accidentally heard some 1.5 rumors about them, but I have never had direct contact with them."

Qi Lin's heart moved. This clue seemed to be able to reveal the truth of the entire case. "Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Li. I will continue to investigate this Black Wolf Gang and find the missing girl as soon as possible." Qi Lin said goodbye to Li Ming and left the cafe.

Back in the office, Qi Lin began to organize and analyze the information obtained. The Black Wolf Gang is a large and powerful criminal organization that has great influence in this small town. They are involved in various criminal activities including trafficking, drug trafficking and extortion.

In order to learn more about the Black Wolf Gang, Qi Lin decided to contact Liu Jiang, an informant who had had contact with them.

A few hours later, Liu Jiang appeared at the door of Qi's office. "What do you want from me?" Liu Jiang asked.

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