Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

814: Li Ming Is Willing To Cooperate With The Investigation

I will investigate his identity and background further to see if I can find out more about him.

Li Ming asked slightly excitedly: "Do you need any help from me? I am willing to do my best to cooperate with you."

Qi Lin expressed his gratitude to Li Ming: "Thank you very much for your cooperation. If you can provide any other details about this man, no matter how small, it may be helpful to the case. Also, if you recall any circumstances related to him , please feel free to contact me.”

In the next few days, Qi Lin devoted himself to the investigation work. He cooperated with the police to collect a large amount of information about the thieves' gang and analyzed surveillance videos during the exhibition. Through careful observation, he discovered that the man in black appeared in pictures in different areas, seemingly looking for a specific target.

Qi Lin followed this clue and discovered that the man in black had participated in art exhibitions before the jewelry exhibition many times. He began to investigate these exhibitions, hoping to find more clues about the man in black.

At the opening ceremony of an art exhibition, Qi Lin happened to meet an important witness. The witness’s name is Wang Wei, a jewelry designer. She recognized the man in black and noticed that he showed great interest in a very unique necklace.

Qi Lin and Wang Wei had a detailed conversation. She described the features of the man in black, including his eyes, hairstyle and the style of sunglasses and mechanical watch he was wearing. This information made Qi Lin even more convinced that they were approaching the core members of the thieves' gang.

Next, Qi Lin decided to collect information related to the thieves' gang. He contacted a well-informed friend of his, HackerX, for help. HackerX provided Qi Lin with the codename "Shadow" that may appear in the criminal network.

After a long period of collection and analysis, Qi Lin successfully determined that "Shadow" was the code name of the man in black. They discovered that the gang usually carried out thefts during exhibitions and then quickly resold the stolen goods.

Now, Qi Lin and the police have formulated a carefully planned action plan. They will set up a fake jewelry exhibition as a trap, hoping to lure "ShadC~.w" and other gang members to show up.

When the exhibition started, Qi Lin and the police were hiding in the dark, preparing to wipe out the gang of thieves. Soon after, "Shadow" and several other suspicious characters appeared in the exhibition hall. Qi Lin observed their every move, waiting for the best opportunity.

Suddenly, Qi Lin noticed that "Shadow" showed a strong interest in a ruby. He stopped and observed the jewel carefully. Under the light, the ruby ​​exuded an alluring light. Qi Lin knew this was an opportunity and asked the police to prepare for action.

Suddenly, the lights in the exhibition hall flickered for a moment, and then went out completely. The exhibition hall was plunged into darkness, with only a faint emergency light glowing in the corner of the room. In the chaos, Qi Lin heard footsteps and whispers, and he realized that members of the thieves' gang were in action.

Qi Lin quickly used his intuition and reasoning ability to find the route to the ruby ​​display area in the dark with the help of the floor plan in his memory. He moved carefully through the exhibition hall, keeping his guard up. Finally, he walked to the edge of the ruby ​​display area and saw "Shadow" trying to open the display case.

Qi Lin seized the opportunity and rushed forward quickly. He subdued "Shadow" with lightning speed, and other police officers quickly arrested other members of the thieves' gang.

The case was eventually solved and the diamonds and other stolen jewelry were successfully recovered. Qi Lin became a hero under the attention of the media and was appreciated by society. His intelligence and indomitable spirit made him the embodiment of law and justice.

One morning, Qi Lin received a phone call. A trembling voice came from the other end of the phone: "Mr. Qi, please help! My family has been poisoned!" Qi Lin immediately became alert and asked about the other party's situation.

"My husband, son and daughter all have similar symptoms. They keep vomiting and have abdominal pain. The situation is very critical." The caller was a panicked woman named Yang Xiaowen. Qi Lin immediately assured her that he would arrive as soon as possible and asked her to stay calm as much as possible.

Qi Lin hurried to Yang Xiaowen's residence. He quickly entered the room and saw a family photo next to the bed. The family looks happy and harmonious. Qi Linkai

Yang Xiaotuan made detailed inquiries.

"Did you eat anything at home? Did you have any visitors?"

Yang Xiaowen painfully replied: "We had dinner together last night, and I made stir-fries and soup. My husband took his son and daughter for a walk in the park downstairs, and they developed these symptoms after they came back. I think it was Food poisoning.”

Qi Lin thought for a moment and then said: Mrs. Yang, please try to relax and I will do my best to solve this problem. Please give me some time, I need to investigate → the source of the food and possible other clues. "

So, Qi Lin began to investigate the situation near the crime scene. He noticed a small stall selling stir-fried vegetables. He walked over and talked to the stall owner.

Qi Lin asked: "Do you know what was added to your stir-fry last night? Did you use any special ingredients or seasonings?"

The stall owner replied: "No, I only used some common vegetables and seasonings. I go to the market every day to buy fresh ingredients, there will be absolutely no problem."

In the market, Qi Lin found a supplier frequented by stall owners. He interviewed several stall owners but did not get any useful clues. However, just as Qi Lin was about to leave, a stall owner suddenly said hello: (Hello, King Zhao) "Hey, are you here to investigate that stir-fry stall? I heard that his family has done something else."

Qi Lin asked curiously: "What other things do you mean?"

The stall owner smiled mysteriously: "I don't dare to say too much about this. You can go to my friend Lao Li, he knows more than me.

Qi Lin followed the stall owner's instructions and found Lao Li. Lao Li is a market elder who runs a small shop selling various seasonings and ingredients.

Qi Lin walked into Lao Li's shop and saw Lao Li sorting the goods on the shelves. He smiled and said hello: "Mr. Li, I heard that you know a lot about that cooking stall. I wonder if you can provide me with some clues?"

Lao Li put down his work and looked at Qi Lin with a smile. He nodded: "Oh, you are the detective who came to investigate the poisoning case. I heard that you are very good. You do have some skills in this matter."

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