Qi Lin's heart moved, and he knew that Lao Li was an important clue. "Please tell me the specific situation, I will keep it confidential and do my best to solve this case."

Lao Li pondered for a moment and then said: "Last night, the owner of the stir-fry stall came to me and bought a new seasoning. He said it was a special spice that could make the dishes more delicious. But he did not disclose it. Specific ingredients or sources.”

Qi Lin frowned slightly, knowing that this seasoning was probably the key. "Mr. Li, please give me some time. I need to further investigate this seasoning."

Qi Lin immediately rushed to the market supplier and found the place where the stall owner bought the seasonings. He asked the supplier in detail and learned that this condiment was sold exclusively by a small shop called "Mysterious Fragrance". And, in the near future, the spice is in such short supply that there's even a waiting list.

Qi Lin did not hesitate and decided to go to "Mysterious Incense" to find more clues. After arriving at his destination, he found that it was a small and unique shop filled with various aromas. A young woman in a white apron was busy working behind the counter.

Qi Lin walked up and greeted the female shopkeeper politely: "Hello, I am a detective. I heard that the seasoning you sell is related to a 723 poisoning case. Do you know about this situation?"

The female shop owner's eyes flashed, and she replied slightly nervously: "I'm sorry, I don't know what you are talking about. We are only responsible for selling products and have no other understanding."

Qi Lin noticed the female shopkeeper's reaction and had some doubts about whether her words were true. "Please cooperate with my investigation. This case involves human life safety." His tone revealed firmness and determination.

The female shopkeeper looked at Qi Lin with complicated eyes. She seemed to make a decision after weighing the pros and cons. "Okay, let me tell you something. This seasoning is indeed sold exclusively by us, but the ingredients are purchased from out-of-town suppliers, and we have not learned about it in detail. Recently, the supply of this seasoning exceeds demand, and customers are queuing up to buy it."

Qi Lin felt that this clue was very important. "Can you help me find the contact information of this supplier? I need to know more about the source and ingredients of this seasoning."

The female shopkeeper hesitated, but finally nodded. "Okay, I will give you the supplier's contact information. But please keep it confidential, this involves our business cooperation. 17

Qi Lin thanked her for her cooperation and quickly recorded the supplier's contact information. He decided to contact the supplier as soon as possible to get more information about this seasoning.

That night, Qi Lin communicated with the supplier by phone. They provide detailed ingredients and production location of the dressing. After careful investigation, Qi Lin discovered that the seasoning contained a special plant extract. It is said that this plant can only grow in a remote mountainous area.

Qi Lin decided to go to the mountainous area in person to conduct on-the-spot investigation. He found a tour guide who was familiar with the local area and began the arduous journey. A few days later, they finally arrived at their destination, a small village surrounded by mountains.

In the village, Qi Lin met an old man. He is the elder of the village and knows the local plants very well. Qi Lin asked him if anyone had collected specific plants.

The old man thought for a moment and then said: "Yes, we have some young people here collecting various plants on the mountain. Among them is a plant called 'poisonous flower', which is highly toxic, but also has medicinal value."

Qi Lin's heart moved, and he felt that this "poisonous flower" might be related to the case. "Please take me to see this plant," he begged.

The old man led Qi Lin through the mountains and forests and came to a lush grassland. He pointed to a bright and delicate flower and said: "This is the 'poisonous flower'. Its petals contain highly toxic substances. The spices can only be extracted after special treatment, and you need to be very careful when using them."

Qi Lin understood the ins and outs of the entire case (abfi). He thanked the old man for his help and returned to the city immediately.

After returning to the city, Qi Lin held a joint meeting and invited relevant departments and experts to participate. He introduced the progress of the case and the clues found in detail, and discussed the solution together.

In the end, with the cooperation of many experts, Qi Lin successfully cracked the poisoning case. He found the stall owner and confirmed that he purchased the seasoning containing the "poisonous flower" extract and used it in the dishes. After in-depth investigation, he found that the stall owner was being made trouble by his competitors and had taken bribes.

In the process of uncovering the truth and protecting evidence, Qi Lin established a close relationship with Yang Xiaowen's family. They gratefully expressed their gratitude to Qi Lin and vowed to continue to pay attention to food safety issues and prevent similar incidents from happening again.

Detective Qi Lin has won the appreciation and respect of the citizens with his brave, smart and professional performance. His persistence and hard work have given people confidence in him and their ability to protect food safety in the city.

Qi Lin didn't stop there. He summarized the experience and lessons learned from this case and made suggestions to relevant government agencies to improve and strengthen food supervision. He firmly believes that only by formulating stricter regulations and strengthening supervision can the food safety of citizens be effectively protected.

In order to promote the solution of this problem, Qi Lin actively participated in relevant seminars and working groups, and conducted extensive exchanges with experts, scholars and practitioners. He shared his findings and findings, emphasizing the importance of strengthening food safety supervision.

He also used his social media platform and public influence to call on citizens to pay attention to food safety issues and provided some suggestions and tips to help people pay more attention to food choices and consumption behaviors in their daily lives.

Qi Lin's efforts gradually received response. Government agencies have increased their efforts in food supervision and introduced more stringent regulations and standards. At the same time, citizens' food safety awareness has also been improved. They pay more attention to purchasing qualified food and have more requirements for the food supply chain.

The resolution of this case not only made Qi Lin a hero in the hearts of citizens, but also prompted the entire society to pay greater attention to food safety issues. Qilin's persistence and efforts have improved people's quality of life and protected everyone's health and safety. He conveys a kind of positive energy to people with his actions, inspiring more people to pursue the truth and hey.

Qi Lin was sitting in the office, flipping through an old file. This was an animal trafficking case that occurred many years ago and was not completely solved at the time. He believes that this case may be related to the recent frequent illegal animal trade. .

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