Just as he was studying the case carefully, the office door suddenly opened. A tall woman with long black hair and sharp eyes came in. This is Qi Lin's assistant Li Na.

"Mr. Qi Lin, I just came back from the market and I heard that someone is secretly selling endangered animals." Li Na reported eagerly.

Qi Lin raised his head and looked at Li Na. He frowned slightly.

"This is probably related to the case we are investigating." Qi Lin said, his voice full of determination.

"Then what do we do-?" Li Na asked.

Qi Lin stood up and said with a smile: "We have to go to the market to investigate and see if we can find some clues. Super

So Qi Lin and Li Na drove to the market, where they met a seller. Qi Lin approached the seller as a buyer and started talking to him.

"Hello, I heard that you have some rare animals here." Qi Lin asked tentatively.

The seller glanced at Qi Lin, and then replied in a low voice: "Yes, but it requires some special relationships to buy it.

Qi Lin noticed the mystery in the seller's words, and he continued to ask: "Did you know that there are people selling endangered animals recently. I am very interested in this.

The seller's expression changed subtly, but he remained silent.

"Don't worry, we won't cause you any trouble." Li Na said gently.

At this time, a man suddenly broke into their conversation with an arrogant smile.

"Who are you two? How dare you come to inquire about my business?" the man asked provocatively.

Qi Lin stared at the man coldly and said firmly: "We are just interested in animal protection and hope to find clues to uncover those who traffic in endangered animals."

After hearing Qi Lin's words, the man's eyes changed slightly. He sneered, then turned and left.

"It seems that some people in this market don't want us to get involved in this matter." Li Na said.

Qi Lin nodded, knowing that this case might be much more complicated than they imagined. But he doesn't plan to give up easily.

After returning to the office, Qi Lin began to analyze the information just collected in the market. He found that the number of people and organizations involved in this case may be quite large [more strands are needed to establish the direction of the investigation.

At this moment, the office door was pushed open again, and a strange man walked in. He has neat short hair and wears a black suit. He looks very capable.

"Are you Mr. Qi Lin? I heard that you are very interested in animal trafficking cases." The strange man introduced himself.

Qi Lin raised his eyebrows, curious about this sudden appearance. "Who are you? How do you know my name?"

The man smiled and handed over a business card. "My name is Li Wen, and I am a representative of an international animal protection organization. We are investigating similar cases and heard that you have experience in this area."

Qi Lin took the business card and looked at it carefully. It read "Animal Welfare International - Senior Investigator."

"Our goal is to uncover the masterminds behind these illegal animal trafficking and save more endangered animals. Are you interested in cooperating with us? Li Wen asked.

Qi Lin thought for a moment and believed that this cooperation opportunity might provide more resources and support for the investigation of the case. So he nodded.

"Okay, I'm willing to cooperate with you. But I need more information to better launch the investigation." Qi Lin said.

Li Wen smiled and handed a document to Qi Lin. The documents contain a wealth of intelligence about the illegal animal trade and the names of a number of people and organizations who may be involved.

"This is the information we have collected so far. We hope it will be helpful to your investigation." Li Wen explained.

Qi Lin flipped through the documents, his eyes becoming more determined. "Thank you for your support, Mr. Li Wen. These clues can provide us with important clues to uncover the truth behind the incident."

The two began to analyze the data together and found key clues during the discussion. They decided to start with the recent frequent cases of illegal animal trading and gradually investigate in depth.

Qi Lin and Li Wen teamed up to launch an in-depth investigation into the illegal animal trade. By tracking market transaction records, collecting relevant evidence, and interviewing witnesses, they gradually approached the door of the truth.

During a night of investigation, Qi Lin and Li Wen discovered a secret warehouse hidden on the edge of the city. They sneaked in carefully and found that it was filled with cages of various rare animals.

0.Please give me flowers‥

"This is a huge illegal trafficking network. They ignore endangered animals for money. We must expose their crimes!" Qi Lin whispered.

Just as they were about to leave the warehouse, they suddenly heard footsteps. The two quickly hid in the shadows and witnessed a group of men in black entering the warehouse, one of whom seemed to be leading the entire gang.

Qi Lin warned Li Wen softly: "We can't let them discover us. Let's follow them secretly to see where they will go.

The two then followed the gang's secret operation and came to an abandoned factory hidden in the suburbs. This factory was once an electronic equipment manufacturing plant, but now it has become a secret base for illegal animal trafficking gangs.

Qi Lin and Li Wen secretly entered the factory and found that every corner of the factory was filled with animal cages. Endangered and rare birds, beasts and reptiles were imprisoned, watching helplessly at the two men.

"This is so cruel! We must stop them and rescue these animals." Li Wen said angrily.

Qi Lin nodded in agreement, and the two decided to split up to rescue the animals more effectively and catch the criminals at the same time.

Qi Lin tiptoed along the corridor when he noticed a faint voice coming from behind a half-open door. He quietly opened the door and found several people inside discussing the next transaction plan.

"Our goods are ready, and the next batch of buyers will arrive soon." A man said confidently.

Qi Lin silently recorded this key information, and then looked for opportunities to bring these criminals to justice.

At the same time, Li Wen was looking for a way to rescue the animals on the other side of the factory. He carefully opened the cage and released the imprisoned animals one by one. After these animals felt free, they immediately spread their wings or ran, and left the factory happily.

Suddenly, a man in black noticed Li Wen's actions, and he roared and rushed towards Li Wen. Li Wen bravely confronted him. Although the skilled man in black caused some trouble to Li Wen, he was eventually subdued by Li Wen.

Qi Lin heard the noise and ran over to see Li Wen and the man in black fighting fiercely. He quickly decided to help, and the two teamed up to defeat Man in Black B. .

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