"Thank you for your help, Mr. Qi Lin!" Li Wen gasped and said gratefully.

"We have more important tasks to complete. We must catch the leader and destroy this illegal trafficking network." Qi Lin said firmly.

Qi Lin and Li Wen decided to go deeper into the factory and find the leader of the illegal trafficking network. They carefully walked through the maze of corridors and came to an equipment room.

In the room, they found a huge electronic screen that displayed transaction records, buyer information and hidden black market channels. It was all recorded accurately and it appears that the scale of animal trafficking was much larger than they imagined.

Suddenly, a voice came from the speaker in the room: "How did you find this place?

Qi Lin and Li Wen turned around and saw a man wearing a "147" gorgeous suit standing at the door. He was holding a pistol and his eyes were cold and arrogant.

"Are you the leader of this illegal trafficking network?" Qi Lin asked, his eyes revealing determination and unyielding will.

The man smiled and looked at the two of them contemptuously. "Do you think you can stop me? This world is inherently predatory, and animals are just tools for us to use.

Qi Lin clenched his fists, anger igniting in his heart. "Your evil deeds will end here!"

After saying that, Qi Lin quickly rushed towards the man and started fighting with him. The two of them went back and forth, with agility and superb skills. Qi Lin used his fighting skills to subdue his opponent.

Li Wen took the opportunity to find a control panel and started operating on the screen. He closed all security doors and alarm systems to prevent any outside interference from interfering with their operations

During the fierce struggle, Qi Lin successfully subdued the man and seized his pistol. The man fell to the ground helplessly, restrained and unable to continue his evil deeds.

"Your crime will be punished as it deserves." Qi Lin said coldly, handing the man over to the local police who arrived quickly.

Li Wen and Qi Lin sorted out the evidence together and handed it over to the International Animal Protection Organization. The successful resolution of this case not only rescued many trafficked rare animals, but also destroyed a huge illegal trafficking network.

Qi Lin and Li Wen achieved a great sense of achievement in this cooperation. They decided to continue to work together to combat more illegal animal trafficking and protect those silent lives.

The cooperation between Qi Lin and Li Wen has received widespread attention and praise. They became representatives of international animal protection organizations dedicated to exposing and combating illegal animal trafficking.

They participated in joint operations in various countries and worked closely with law enforcement agencies, conservation organizations and volunteers to launch a global fight against illegal animal trafficking.

Qi Lin and Li Wen used advanced scientific and technological means to crack many trafficking networks and save a large number of endangered animals. They work with local residents to provide training and education in an effort to change attitudes and behaviors towards animals.

Over time, illegal animal trafficking has taken a huge hit. More and more people are realizing the importance of protecting animals and taking actions to protect those innocent habitats.

Qi Lin and Li Wen grew up and strengthened their beliefs in this battle. They know that only through global cooperation and sustained efforts can the watch and protection of nature be truly realized.

They hope that through their actions and influence, they can inspire more people to join the ranks of animal protection. They hold lectures and training activities in various places to share their experiences and insights and call on more people to pay attention to and protect wild animals.

Qi Lin and Li Wen also co-founded a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the development of animal protection. They work closely with scientists, government agencies and social groups to promote the formulation and enforcement of laws and regulations through research and advocacy, and strengthen supervision and crackdown on illegal trafficking networks.

They speak out on various platforms, using social media, TV programs, newspapers and magazines and other channels to popularize animal protection knowledge to the public and arouse people's attention and love for wild animals.

The names of Qi Lin and Li Wen have become representatives in the field of animal protection. They lead by example and influence the attitudes and behaviors of countless people. They firmly believe that everyone should do their part to protect the biological diversity of nature.

Qi Lin walked into the small town's police station, and his eyes scanned the simply furnished office. When he came to the duty room, he saw a young police officer checking case information. Qi Lin walked over and greeted him with a smile.

"Hello, I'm Qi Lin. Are you the police officer in charge of this tree-cutting case?" Qi Lin asked.

The young police officer raised his head, surprised by Qilin's arrival. "Yes, I am in charge of this case. My name is Li Ming. I just took over the case."

Qi Lin nodded and sat next to Li Ming. "Nice to meet you, Li Ming. I already know something about the case, but I still need some details. Can you tell me the details of the case and the scene?"

Li Ming handed Qi Lin a document describing the case in detail. "This case occurred a month ago, when we received a report that someone had illegally cut down a state-owned forest. There are strict protection measures in the area, and cutting down is illegal. We immediately launched an investigation, but so far no clues have been found about the murderer. .”

Qi Lin flipped through the documents and thought about the complexity of the case. "This case looks quite difficult. Has it been investigated before by you?"

Li Ming shook his head awkwardly. "We did some basic investigative work, but we didn't find any suspicious people or evidence. This is all the information we have."

"Okay, I will re-examine this case and launch my own 2.9 investigation." Qi Lin stood up, "First of all, I want to take a look at the crime scene. Can you take me there?"

Li Ming nodded, and the two left the police station and drove to the crime scene. They came to a suburban forest, surrounded by towering trees and dense shrubs. Qi Lin carefully observed the surrounding environment, trying to find clues.

"Did anyone witness the person cutting down the tree when the incident occurred?" Qi Lin asked.

Li Ming recalled it. “An eyewitness said he saw a man wearing a black coat. He looked quite tall and wore a hat, but due to the poor light at night,

Didn't see his face clearly.

Qi Lin thought. "This witness's description is not very specific, but it at least gives us a direction."

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