We can investigate nearby residents or the local timber market to see if anyone buys a large number of felled trees.

The two began investigating. Qi Lin visited local residents and timber traders and asked if anyone had seen or heard of similar cases. After several days of hard work, they finally found an insider.

Qi Lin became very interested in Wang Zhigang's words. He decided to investigate further into the stranger's identity and motives.

"Mr. Wang, can you describe the characteristics of the stranger in detail?" Qi Lin asked.

Wang Zhigang recalled, trying to describe the stranger's characteristics more accurately. "He looked to be about forty years old, of medium height, with short hair and slightly dark skin. I remember that he was wearing a khaki coat and sunglasses on his face, giving people a calm and mysterious feeling. o

Qi Lin recorded the key information provided by Wang Zhigang. Although this description was not specific enough, it was enough to help him narrow down the suspects.

After thinking for a moment, he said: "Mr. Wang, thank you very much for the clues you provided. We will further investigate these 01 strangers to see if we can find more useful information. At the same time, please keep this investigation confidential to avoid panic or interference. normal life order.

"Detective Qi, don't worry, I will keep the secret. I just hope to help you catch the bad guy who cut down the tree, so that our forest can regain tranquility and prosperity." Wang Zhigang said solemnly.

Qi Lin thanked Wang Zhigang for his cooperation and left his home. He decided to go back to the police station to sort out his thoughts before launching further investigation.

Back at the police station, Qi Lin and Li Ming studied the case documents and current clues. They decided to re-track the stranger's whereabouts and determine his identity through surveillance videos, bank records, etc.

After some efforts, they found a surveillance video showing that the stranger had appeared in a small hotel near the incident. Qi Lin immediately contacted the hotel management to learn more about this person.

After investigation, they determined that the stranger used a false name and did not leave any real identification documents when registering at the hotel, nor did he leave any information that could contact him.

However, Qi Lin noticed that there was a cafe near the hotel, which might also be a breakthrough in their investigation. He suggested to Li Ming that he go to the cafe to see if anyone remembered this mysterious stranger.

When they came to the cafe, Qi Lin found a middle-aged woman reading a newspaper intently. He walked over and asked politely: "Excuse me, can you help me? I am Detective Qi Lin, and I am investigating a tree-cutting case. I would like to know if you have seen or heard of a man wearing a black coat and sunglasses. man?

The middle-aged woman raised her head and thought for a while. Finally, she smiled and said, "Oh, you mean the guy who sits in the corner and drinks coffee all the time?

Qi Lin felt happy. This woman seemed to know something about the person he was looking for. He quickly sat down and motioned for Ji Ming to join them.

"Yes, that person is the target I am looking for. Can you tell me more about him?" Qi Lin requested.

The woman nodded and recalled the previous scene with a smile. "He is a customer who frequents our cafe and has chatted with everyone before. He has always kept his identity mysterious, but left a deep impression. He was always taciturn and showed a cold and sharp expression. Eyes. As for his name and other personal information, I don't know. Maybe you can try asking other employees, maybe they will know more."

Qi Lin nodded gratefully. He did not expect that this cafe would become an important clue in this case. He started talking to other employees at the cafe, asking them if they knew anything about this mysterious stranger.

After some inquiries, Qi Lin discovered that a waiter had had contact with this stranger. He quickly found the waiter and had a detailed conversation.

"Hello, I am Detective Qi Lin. I heard that you had contact with the man wearing a black coat and sunglasses. Can you tell me more about him?" Qi Lin asked.

The waiter looked at Qi Lin nervously, but still replied: "That person has indeed visited here several times. He always sits in the corner alone, focusing on drinking coffee, and doesn't communicate much with others. He gives people a kind of He was cold and hard to get close to. I remember once, he half-jokingly revealed that he liked to observe nature, especially trees. I think this may be related to his behavior of cutting down trees, but I don’t know the specific reason.”

Qi Lin thought about this information. Although they are still some way away from finding the suspect's identity, clues are gradually coming together. He decided to return to the police station and analyze these new findings with Li Ming to determine the next action plan.

At the police station, Qi Lin and Li Ming carefully reviewed all the collected information. They realize that this mysterious stranger has a special interest in trees and his whereabouts are mysterious. He may be a suspect in the tree felling case.

"We need more evidence to confirm his identity and crime. I suggest we continue to track his whereabouts[#increase patrols in the bidding area. Maybe we can catch him on his next 500 crimes." ." Qi Lin put forward his plan.

Li Ming nodded in agreement. They decided to cooperate with other police officers to closely monitor the target area and related places, waiting for the suspect to appear again.

After several days of intense surveillance, one day, Qi Lin and Li Ming finally received an important clue. According to reports, there were cases of felling of trees in an area near the forest.

They immediately rushed to the scene and launched an investigation. At the scene, they noticed that several huge trees had been cut down, and the marks of cutting were very obvious. Qi Lin carefully observed his surroundings for any clues that could reveal the identity of the suspect.

Suddenly, he found an item left behind. It's a backpack with red letters. He carefully collected it and prepared to send it back to the laboratory for further analysis.

Back at the police station, Qi Lin handed the backpack to the laboratory technician. At the same time, he and Li Ming began to investigate this new clue.

After several days of analysis, the laboratory technician finally came to a conclusion. The red letters on this backpack are the logo of a brand, and only a few people have purchased it in this particular series of the brand.

Qi Lin and Li Ming immediately investigated the list of people who had purchased the brand's backpack, hoping to find suspects related to the case they were investigating. .

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