Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

819: Looking For Clues In Unsolvable Cases

After some screening, Qi Lin found that only one man purchased this backpack, and he matched the characteristics of the mysterious stranger he had witnessed before. This man’s name is Li Yu and he is about forty years old.

Qi Lin decided to list Li Yu as a suspect and launch a more in-depth investigation. Through bank records and communication records, they discovered that Li Yu had been in and out of the area frequently recently, which highly coincided with the time and place where the tree felling case occurred.

In order to ensure that their suspicions were correct, Qi Lin and Li Ming decided to conduct surveillance on Li Yu to collect more evidence.

A few days later, they set a trap to track Li Yu's whereabouts. When Li Yu entered the forest again, the police immediately launched an operation and successfully captured him.

During the interrogation, Li Yu initially denied the crime, but finally admitted his crime after being faced with a large amount of physical evidence and eyewitness testimony.

Through his confession and investigation evidence, Qi Lin and Li Ming learned that Li Yu was an environmentalist. He believed that deforestation had caused serious damage to the ecological environment, so he decided to take radical actions to draw society's attention to this issue. .

In the end, Li Yu was sentenced to an appropriate penalty and required to participate in relevant environmental education and transformation programs.

After Qi Lin and Li Ming successfully solved the case, they had a deeper understanding of the importance of protecting forests and were determined to continue to work on maintaining the safety and stability of the natural environment. This case has also become a valuable experience for them, making them more mature and professional in future investigations.

Qi Lin and Li Ming's successful case-solving experience also attracted widespread media attention. They gave many interviews to share their process and challenges in solving this case.

Qi Lin and Li Ming also received praise and recognition from superiors and colleagues. Their teamwork and dedication set an example for the entire police department.

In addition to this case, Qi Lin and Li Ming continued to investigate in other areas. They are not only committed to solving crimes, but also actively participate in community services and police-citizen interaction activities, and strive to establish good relationships with all walks of life.

Their success also inspires other officers and detectives to believe that with hard work and focus, they can make breakthroughs and contribute to society.

Qi Lin is a detective who can always find clues in seemingly unsolvable cases. This time, he was involved in a sewage discharge case, which involved a huge criminal network. Qi Lin knew that only through in-depth investigation and a large number of conversations could Tuan unravel this mystery.

Qi Lin came to the scene of the crime, which was a desolate industrial area. Black smoke filled the air, shrouding the entire area in a cold atmosphere. He carefully walked through the crumbling buildings and gradually approached a seemingly abandoned factory.

Just as he was about to push open the door of the factory, he suddenly heard a deep voice: "Who are you?"~!" Qi Lin was startled and looked up, only to see a tall and mighty man standing at the door. His eyes are as sharp as an eagle's.

Qi Lin replied calmly: "I am Qi Lin, a detective. I am here to investigate this case of sewage release."

The man frowned and looked at Qi Lin, his expression still wary: "How did you know there was a case here?"

Qi Lin smiled and explained: "As a detective, I am very sensitive to all kinds of clues. This area is extremely desolate, but there is continuous black smoke coming out of the factory.

It was obvious that someone was illegally discharging sewage. My intuition tells me that there must be a bigger conspiracy hidden behind this. "

The man looked hesitant, but still did not relax his vigilance. "Okay, you can go in, but be careful, it's not safe here."

Qi Lin nodded and pushed open the door of the factory. The sight in front of him made him take a breath. The interior of the factory was in a mess, with abandoned equipment and mountains of sewage everywhere. The pungent smell is unbearable.

He began to search around for any clues about the criminal network. Suddenly, he found a computer in the corner, with a dense series of numbers and letters displayed on the screen.

This is just the clue he needs!

Qi Lin began to conduct an in-depth investigation on the computer and soon discovered a hidden folder. It contains a large number of records about sewage discharge, as well as a list of people involved.

Just as he was about to take out the evidence, a strange voice suddenly sounded: "You found it, Detective Qi Lin." Qi Lin turned his head and saw a mysterious man standing behind him.

"Who are you? Why do you want to interfere with my investigation?" Qi Lin asked vigilantly.

The man smiled and replied: "I am the mastermind behind this criminal network, and your investigation makes me uneasy. Your intelligence impresses me, but now that you have solved the mystery, I can't let you leave here."

Qi Lin stared closely at this mysterious man, and he could feel the evil aura coming from him. .Who are you? Why do you want to commit such criminal activities?

The man smiled and slowly approached Qi Lin. "My name is not important. What is important is that I want to control the water supply system of the entire city. By illegally discharging sewage, I can make huge profits and threaten the government and enterprises to achieve my own goals."

Qi Lin calmly analyzed the situation. "Do you think you won't be discovered doing this? Sooner or later, someone will expose your conspiracy."

The man smiled contemptuously. "You are too naive, detective. I have arranged many people to cover up the truth and eliminate potential dangerous factors. What do you think you can change by yourself?"

Qi Lin's eyes flashed with determination. "I am not alone. Behind (Wang Hao) are the power of the entire society and righteous people, and they will support me in exposing your criminal behavior.

The man laughed disdainfully. "Then let's see who can defeat whom." He suddenly pulled out a dagger and stabbed Qi Lin.

Qi Lin cleverly avoided the blow and quickly counterattacked. The two started a fierce fight in the factory. The fists hit the flesh, and the sword shadows flew. Qi Lin relied on his agility and rich fighting experience to gradually gain the upper hand.

In the end, Qi Lin successfully subdued the mysterious man. He took out his cell phone, contacted the police and handed them the evidence. He knew that justice would eventually defeat evil.

A moment later, the police car roared over and took the mysterious man away. Qi Lin stood in the abandoned factory building, lamenting the dark forces hidden in the city. He decided to continue the in-depth investigation to find more clues and completely eradicate this criminal network. .

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