"It was very dark at the time, and I could only vaguely see his side face, but I remembered that he had a unique birthmark." The neighbor replied.

"This is an important clue. Thank you for providing this information." Qi Lin said gratefully.

After the neighbor hung up the phone, Qi Lin began to think about how to investigate further. He decided to go to the police at the scene of the crime to get more information and hope to find other witnesses there.

After arriving at the scene, Qi Lin talked with the police officer in charge of the case. "Hello, officer. I'm Qi Lin [private detective]. I heard you are investigating this murder case."

"Yes, this is a very difficult case." the police officer responded. "We have collected some evidence but have not yet found a specific suspect.

"I just received a call from the victim's neighbor. He provided some important information and said he saw everything that happened that night." Qi Lin explained.

The officer looked interested. "This is good news and we can investigate further. Can you give me a detailed description of what the witnesses said?"

Qi Lin recalled his neighbor's description and recounted it in detail. "He said that Man 01 has a unique birthmark, which may be a clue for us to find the suspect.

The officer nodded. "Thank you for providing this information, Mr. Qi. We will further investigate the witnesses and try to obtain more clues."

In the next few weeks, Qi Lin and the police launched intense and meticulous investigation work. They visited the victim's family and friends and collected more testimonies and clues. While interrogating the victim's husband, Qi Lin noticed a tattoo on his right wrist.

"Can you tell me the origin of this tattoo?" Qi Lin asked, staring at the tattoo.

The husband hesitated for a moment, and then replied tremblingly: "This is the pattern she helped me choose when we went to the beach together."

Qi Lin saw her husband's nervousness and considered whether to list him as a suspect. However, he realizes that there is not enough evidence to determine who the real murderer is.

In the next few days, Qi Lin used his detective skills to dig deeper into the environment around the crime scene. He searched for nearby surveillance footage and had more conversations with neighbors. During a chat, he learned that a suspicious character had appeared around the crime scene many times.

Qi Lin immediately reported this new clue to the police and provided the footage of the suspicious person in the surveillance video. After some investigation, they determined the man's identity - a criminal with a long history of crimes named Max.

Qi Lin and the police decided to launch a manhunt for Max. They planned an elaborate ambush and waited for his appearance near an abandoned warehouse. When Max showed up, they immediately launched an operation and successfully arrested him.

During the interrogation, Max insisted that he had nothing to do with the case, but the evidence was piling up. Finally, under the pressure of interrogation, he admitted that he had been near the crime scene, but denied the accusation of killing the victim.

At this time, Qi Lin stood up and looked at Max. Their eyes met, and Qi Lin said calmly: "You also have a birthmark, don't you remember?" He pointed to an obvious scar on Max's face.

Max was stunned. He didn't expect anyone to know his birthmark. He began to get bogged down in contradictory statements, and finally admitted that he was the murderer.

The case was finally solved. Qi Lin, together with the police, handed Max over to the judicial department and brought some comfort to the victim's family.

When returning to his office, Qi Lin lamented that solving a murder case was not easy. Every clue and every testimony requires careful scrutiny and investigation to finally find the truth.

However, for Qi Lin, the victory of justice and the sense of mission to uphold justice for the innocent are the driving force for him to persist. He knew that even a drop of water falling into the ocean could cause endless ripples. He decided to write his experience of this case into a booklet to alert people to stay vigilant and pursue truth and justice.

After returning to the office, Qi Lin began to organize relevant documents and notes about the case. He carefully reviewed every key clue and evidence, making sure no important detail was missed. Then, he began to write a draft of a booklet, recording the entire case process, investigation and solution in detail.

After completing the first draft, Qi Lin invited several friends and editors to help him review and revise. They made valuable suggestions on the coherence of the story and the advancement of the plot, making the booklet more lively and interesting.

After several revisions and polishes, the booklet was finally completed. Qi Lin was satisfied. He knew that this booklet would become a precious experience in his detective career, and he also hoped to inspire more people's enthusiasm for the pursuit of justice and truth.

In this era of information overflow, competition among enterprises has become very fierce. Qi Lin is currently immersed in the work of solving crimes. He is investigating a commercial espionage case involving a large international company.

The case is complicated and confusing, and the key clues seem elusive. Qi Lin was sitting in the office, sorting out various materials and evidence in a confused manner. He glanced at the clock on the wall and saw that it was late at night. He yawned, then picked up the phone and prepared to contact an important 297 informant.

"Hey, Boss Ma." Qi Lin said, his voice full of exhaustion. I need more information from you about this industrial espionage case. "

"Mr. Qi, you came to me at the right time. Boss Ma's deep and magnetic voice came from the other end of the phone. "I just received some news that may be helpful to you. I heard that there is a small company that has suddenly emerged with many new projects recently, and its business has expanded rapidly, even surpassing those of large companies. This seems a little unusual. "

Qi Lin frowned slightly. He knew that Boss Ma was a well-informed person, but the information this time did not bring him much enlightenment. "What's the name of this little company? Where are they?"

"This company is called Zhanyuan Technology, and its headquarters is located in a high-rise building on the outskirts of the city." Boss Ma replied. "I heard that they have recently recruited a group of technical personnel, and they are quite secretive. This may be related to industrial espionage."

Qi Lin's heart lit up, this clue seemed to have great potential. "Okay, thank you for your help, Boss Ma. I will go to Zhanyuan Technology immediately to investigate."

The next morning, Qi Lin came to the headquarters of Zhanyuan Technology. He had already done some research in advance and had some preliminary understanding of the company. .

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