He put on an ordinary work clothes and blended in with the employees.

Walking in the corridor of the company, Qi Lin could feel a tense and energetic atmosphere in the air. He quietly observed everything around him, paying attention to everyone's actions and expressions.

Suddenly, a young man in a suit walked towards him, his eyes flashing with caution. "Are you new here?" the man asked.

Qi Lin smiled and nodded. "Yes, I'm new here. I was assigned to work on the project here."

The man seemed to have lowered his guard a little. "My name is Yang Ming, you can call me Xiao Yang." He said. "Welcome to join us, I hope you can adapt to the work here." Xiao Yang pulled Qi Lin into a quiet conference room, and the two sat down and started talking.

"I heard that your company's business has been expanding rapidly recently. Is there any secret?" Qi Lin asked casually.

Xiao Yang hesitated for a moment, then said with a smile: "Our company has indeed made some breakthroughs in technological innovation, but there is no special secret. We just work hard and constantly improve our capabilities.

Qi Lin felt a little surprised. He noticed that Xiao Yang seemed to be hiding something. He continued to ask: "Then what do you think of some new projects that have emerged recently? I heard that your company has recruited a group of technical personnel."

Xiao Yang's expression became more nervous, but he quickly controlled his emotions. "These new projects are launched by our company to expand the market, and the recruitment of technical personnel is just to support our development. There is nothing special."

Qi Lin was keenly aware that Xiao Yang's words and expression were a bit unnatural, so he decided to test it in another way. "I heard that your company has been attacked by some commercial espionage recently, and the relevant departments have intervened in the investigation."

Xiao Yang's face turned pale instantly. He obviously did not expect Qi Lin to mention this sensitive topic. "Those are nonsense, pure rumors." He stammered in reply.

Qi Lin frowned slightly, and he became more and more sure of his judgment. "Xiao Yang, you don't have to hide it anymore. I'm here to investigate the industrial espionage case. I believe you have some kind of connection with your company."

Xiao Yang finally lowered his head and sighed. "You are indeed not simple. Yes, our company is indeed involved in industrial espionage, but I don't know the collective details. I am just an ordinary employee."

Qi Lin quietly observed Xiao Yang. He could feel that Xiao Yang relied on him because he seemed to have some kind of secret. He decided to give Xiao Yang some hints in order to get more information from him.

"Xiao Yang, did you know? Commercial spies often use technical means to steal company secrets, and they often hide inside the company." Qi Lin said slowly.

Xiao Yang's eyes flashed with fear. "You mean...there are spies inside our company?"

Qi Lin smiled and nodded, "Yes. I believe you are a trustworthy person, and I need your help to uncover these spies."

Xiao Yang's nervousness gradually calmed down. He looked at Qi Lin's firm and decisive eyes and finally nodded. "Okay, I'll try my best to help you."

Qi Lin thanked Xiao Yang for his cooperation, and the two began to cooperate closely and launched a tracking operation against commercial espionage. They decided to start within the company first, looking for possible clues.

They dug into various departments of the company and talked with other employees. By analyzing the relationships and behaviors among employees, they gradually gained some insights. One night, Qi Lin and Xiao Yang decided to check relevant documents in the office to see if they could find more valuable information.

They carefully searched every corner and opened a locked drawer. There is a notebook inside, called "Secret Project." Qi Lin quickly opened it and found that a large number of company secrets and business strategies were recorded inside.

"This is their goal!" Qi Lin said in surprise. "They used espionage to steal the company's core competitiveness."

Just as they were preparing to investigate further, the office door was suddenly knocked open. A strange man appeared at the door. "What are you doing here?!" he asked sharply

Qi Lin reacted quickly, and he and Xiao Yang stood up immediately. "We are the company's investigators and are investigating some suspicious behaviors." Qi Lin replied calmly.

The strange man's eyes flashed with slyness. "What a coincidence, I am also an investigator, you two come with me.

Qi Lin's heart moved. He felt that this strange man was probably one of the commercial spies. He decided to go with the flow and temporarily cooperate with the other party. "Okay, we will cooperate with your investigation

The three of them came to a hidden basement filled with various high-tech equipment. You have been discovered and there is no way out. "The strange man said confidently

Qi Lin sneered. "Don't be too complacent, we are not easily defeated." He suddenly rushed towards the strange man and started a fierce fight with him.

Qi Lin showed excellent fighting skills in the fist-to-flesh fight. With his flexible body and keen insight, he gradually gained the upper hand. In the end, he successfully subdued the strange man and took him away with his hands tied.

Back in the office, Qi Lin and Xiao Yang summarized the battle just now. "This spy is just the tip of the iceberg. We need to find the mastermind behind it." Qi Lin said firmly.

From the strange man's confession, Qi Lin obtained more clues about the commercial espionage organization. This organization is powerful, spreads around the world, and colludes with many large companies to use technology to steal trade secrets.

Qi Lin and Xiao Yang contacted relevant departments and jointly launched actions. After intense investigation and tracking, they gradually identified the core figure of the organization, a commercial spy named Li Lei. Li Lei is a computer genius who is well versed in network security and hacker technology.

Qi Lin and Xiao Yang decided to try their own methods and go deep into Li Lei's organization. They used Xiao Yang's identity and Qi Lin's sneak skills to successfully penetrate the organization's secret headquarters.

In a dark room, Qi Lin found a huge screen displaying confidential data and plans of various companies. It's the evidence they've been looking for that could expose the entire spy network.

At this moment, Li Lei suddenly appeared at the door. "You came just in time." He sneered. "I already knew that you were investigating us, but I just deliberately released clues to get you hooked." "

Qi Lin showed no sign of weakness, "Your tricks are ineffective on me. I already have enough evidence, and your conspiracy will be exposed soon."

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