The Sheriff thought for a moment. "What you say makes sense. So what should we do?"

Qi Lin looked at the police chief, "We can set a trap to lead out the real culprit behind the scenes. I have a plan, but it requires your full cooperation."

The sergeant thought for a while and nodded in agreement. "Okay, Detective Qi Lin, I will fully support your plan."

In the next few days, Qi Lin worked closely with people from the police station. They pretended to be Li Zhi's friends and tried to lure out the real culprit behind the scenes.

Finally one day, they received an anonymous call informing them that the arson would occur in an abandoned warehouse. Qi Lin and the police rushed to the scene quickly and were ready for an ambush.

When the arsonist appeared, the police immediately restrained him. Qi Lin stepped forward and looked at the caught arsonist. He recognized at a glance that this person was not the real culprit behind the scenes. He turned to look at the police chief with a look of surprise on his face.

"This man is just an accomplice, he was taken advantage of." Qi Lin said, "The real culprit behind Nang should be on his way to escape.

The Sheriff frowned, realizing that the situation was more complicated than expected. "We must find the real culprit quickly, otherwise he may continue to cause more fires."

Qi Lin nodded. "I have an idea. Based on previous investigations, we know that there are anonymous phone calls before each arson. We can use the communication company's technology to track the source of these calls, and maybe we can find clues to the real culprit behind the scenes."

The sergeant immediately ordered technical personnel to start tracking and sent other police officers to search possible hiding places. At the same time, Qi Lin began to conduct a more in-depth analysis of previous case data.

After some hard work, the communications company successfully traced the source of the anonymous call to an abandoned warehouse. Qi Lin and the police rushed to the scene immediately, preparing to catch the real culprits behind the scenes.

When they arrived at the warehouse, they found it empty. Qi Lin frowned, feeling that things were not simple. "This could be a trap, we have to be careful

At this moment, a strange sound came, as if someone was provoking them. "Welcome, Detective Qi Lin and friends from the police. It's a pity that you are late." I have already left.

Qi Lin's eyes became sharper, and he quickly analyzed the source of the sound. "The sound is coming through a loudspeaker, but I can hear its location." He pointed to a corner, "There he is!"

The police immediately rushed to the corner, but only found an empty old box. Qi Lin stepped forward and squatted down to check. Suddenly, he found a piece of burnt paper on the ground.

He carefully picked up the piece of paper, with a string of numbers and an alphabetical password written on it. Qi Lin immediately understood that this was a hint, a clue left by the real murderer behind the scenes.

"This is the clue he left us. We must decipher this code." Qi Lin said.

After some pondering, Qi Lin finally deciphered the code. It points to an abandoned factory where the murderer is determined to be hiding.

Qi Lin and the police took action again, and they carefully searched every corner. Eventually, in the basement of the factory, they discovered a hidden room.

When they entered the room, the real culprit behind the scenes had no way to escape. He stood there with a look of fear when he saw Qi Lin.

"You finally found me." The real murderer behind the scenes whispered, "I just wanted to attract attention, but I didn't expect that things would turn out like this.

Qi Lin stared at the real culprit behind the scenes and said gently: "Why did you choose such a dangerous method as arson to attract attention? Isn't there any other more appropriate way?"

The real culprit behind the scenes seemed a little hesitant, but finally explained: "I am a neglected person. No matter at work or in life, I feel marginalized.

I just want to prove my existence and make people notice me. "

Qi Lin took a deep breath and expressed his understanding to the real culprit behind the scenes: "I can understand your mood, but your behavior has hurt many people. Arson is a very dangerous and undesirable way. Now you have been caught, Will face corresponding legal sanctions.

The real culprit behind the scenes nodded sadly and looked at the ground, as if he was filled with remorse and regret deep in his heart.

The police took immediate action to arrest the real culprit behind the scenes and conduct corresponding prosecution procedures... Qi Lin stayed at the scene and continued to analyze and summarize the case.

A few days later, during a court hearing, the real culprit confessed his crime and expressed deep regret. The court sentenced him an appropriate sentence to serve as a warning to others not to seek attention and recognition in the wrong way.

Qi Lin held a press conference with the police chief to explain the entire case to the public, and emphasized that everyone in society should be treated equally and the existence value of any individual should not be ignored.

The solution to the arson case attracted attention across the city, and people began to rethink how to better care for marginalized groups and provide them with more opportunities and attention.

Qi Lin became the hero of the city. His detective skills and persistence allowed the case to be successfully solved. However, he knows that this is only a small part of his work, and there are many problems that require his attention and solution.

As time goes by, Qi Lin continues to work for justice, dedicating himself to exposing the truth, protecting the innocent, and helping those who need his help. He plays an important role in every case and becomes the guardian of safety and justice in the city.

Qi Lin paced in the office, scanning the photos of suspects and crime scenes posted on the wall with sharp eyes. He is good at solving various complex cases. This time, he is investigating a kidnapping case and has made some progress, but more clues are needed to find the real murderer.

Suddenly, his assistant Xiaoling walked into the office, holding a folder in her hand and looking a little anxious: "Team Qi, I just got this new document from the police station, it may be helpful to the case. "

Qi Lin took the folder and quickly browsed the contents. It contains detailed information about several recent similar abduction cases, including the description of the abductee, the testimony of eyewitnesses, and the location of the crime. He frowned, thinking about whether this information was related to the intelligence he had previously obtained.

"It seems that there is indeed some connection between these cases." Qi Lin whispered to himself. He turned to Xiaoling and said: "We need to interview witnesses to see if we can get more useful clues."

The two drove to a cafe near the crime scene. .

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