Qi Lin ordered two cups of coffee and sat in the corner waiting for the witnesses to arrive. Soon after, a young woman walked into the cafe and paused slightly when she saw them.

"Hello, I am Qi Lin, a police detective." Qi Lin motioned for her to sit down. "I want to know something from you and hope you can cooperate with our investigation."

The woman nodded nervously, and then began to describe her experience that day: "That day, I was walking in the park when I suddenly heard a girl calling for help. I ran over in a hurry and saw a man dragging the girl into the car. I I was so frightened that I called the police immediately.”

"Have you seen that man's appearance clearly? Do you remember what he was wearing?" Qi Lin asked.

The woman pondered for a moment and recalled the scene: "Well, he was about thirty years old, of medium height and thin. He was wearing a black coat, a hat, and sunglasses on his face.

Qi Lin frowned slightly. "03 This description is similar to that provided by previous witnesses. It seems that we have found an important clue." He turned to Xiaoling and said: "Help me enter this information into the police station database to see if I can find records of similar suspects. .”

Xiaoling nodded in response, took out her mobile phone and started operating. She quickly discovered several case records that matched the description and presented them to Qi Lin.

"These cases all occurred in nearby areas and in different time periods." Xiaoling explained. "We can contact victims or witnesses in these cases to see if there are any more leads."

Qi Lin thought for a moment and said: "Yes, we need to get the contact information of these people as soon as possible and arrange a meeting."

Xiaoling immediately began to contact the victims and witnesses in those cases, hoping to learn more about the details of the cases. A few days later, they successfully contacted one of the witnesses, a young woman named Li Mei.

Qi Lin and Xiaoling agreed to meet Li Mei in a quiet cafe. When Qi Lin asked about the abduction case she had witnessed, Li Mei's expression became tense.

"I'm afraid that if I remember it wrong, it may not be helpful to the case." Li Mei said uneasily.

Qi Lin smiled gently and tried to give her some comfort: "Miss Li, please try your best to recall [even a little bit of subtle information may become a key clue."

After some encouragement, Li Mei began to describe the scene at that time: "That day, I was waiting for the bus on the side of the road, and suddenly I saw a man pushing a girl into a black car. They were very close to me, and I remember the girl Crying for help as he was pushed into the car."

"Can you describe the man's characteristics or any other details?" Qi Lin asked.

Li Mei thought, and then recalled: "He was about thirty years old, of medium height and thin. He was wearing a brown hat and a black jacket."

This description was very similar to the information provided by previous witnesses, and Qi Lin felt that the mystery in his heart was gradually solved. He realized that there might be an organization or gang behind these cases.

Back in the office, Qi Lin began to sort out these clues and discuss the next step with Xiaoling. "We need to further investigate the background and connections of these suspects to see if we can find the pattern of their activities." Qi Lin suggested.

Xiaoling nodded in agreement and quickly launched investigation work. By examining the suspects' social media, phone and bank records, they uncovered some important clues. These suspects appear to have a common residence and frequent a building in the area within a certain period of time.

Qi Lin and Xiaoling decided to investigate the building in depth. They quietly observed it for a few days and discovered some suspicious activities. After further investigation, they successfully identified the building as the center of the trafficking case.

In order to collect more evidence, Qi Lin decided to arrange a secret search operation. They organized a team of elite police officers to head to the building late at night. They entered cautiously, arrested the suspect, and rescued the abducted girls.

In the end, Qi Lin and Xiaoling's efforts succeeded, and they successfully solved the abduction case. This result is gratifying to the victims and their families, and also creates a safer environment for society.

Qi Lin knows that this is just a case they solved, but there may be greater dark forces hidden behind it. He decided to hand over these suspects to the police for further interrogation and compile relevant clues and evidence of the case into a detailed report.

A few days later, at Qi Lin's insistence, the police successfully arrested the leader of the gang and launched a series of operations to crack down on the entire trafficking network. They tracked down more people involved and rescued more abducted victims.

Qi Lin and Xiao Ling were not satisfied with this. They continued to investigate in depth and looked for more evidence, hoping to reveal how the entire organization operates and the mastermind behind it. They sneaked into the black market human trafficking trading place, cooperated with other police departments, and launched a long-lasting and arduous struggle.

After months of hard work, they finally revealed a huge transnational trafficking group that involved multiple countries and used a complex network to carry out 950 illegal activities. This group hides deep in the dark corners of society and engages in the trafficking of children, women and other vulnerable groups through various channels.

The work of Qi Lin and Xiao Ling has attracted widespread attention and praise. They became heroes in society, and their stories were widely reported in the media. Their persistence and courage have inspired countless people and prompted more people to pay attention to and participate in the fight against human trafficking.

However, Qi Lin knows that this is just the beginning, and there are many similar cases waiting to be solved. He is determined to continue working hard to protect more people from the dangers of trafficking and destroy more dark histories.

During this difficult struggle, Qi Lin and Xiaoling realized that detective work is not only excitement and glory, but also responsibility and mission. They vowed to continue working hard to fight for justice and restore dignity and freedom for innocent people. They will always stand by those in need, find the truth for them, and provide fairness and justice.

Qi Lin will continue to pursue the path of justice persistently and speak out for those silent victims until the last criminal is brought to justice.

Qi Lin walked into his office, his frown showing a trace of fatigue. He pushed away the table covered with case files, picked up a cup of coffee, and took a deep breath. .

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