"This jewelry theft is a real headache," he muttered.

Just then, a young woman knocked on his door, holding a document in her hand.

"Mr. Qi, this is information about the latest jewelry theft case." She handed it over, "The police department is asking for your help."

Qi Lin took the document and began to read it carefully. This case involved the theft of a luxury jewelry store. The priceless jewelry stolen was staggering. There were limited clues left at the crime scene, and the police were helpless and had no choice but to turn to this famous detective for help.

Qi Lin carefully studied the photos and evidence reports of the crime scene. He noticed that the murderer left a trail of clues, but there seemed to be no obvious target.

He decided to go to the police station and get in touch with the investigation team. In the conference room of the police station, Qi Lin sat with a group of police detectives.

"Hello everyone, I am Qi Lin." He stood up and introduced himself to the people present. "What we are facing now is a very difficult jewelry theft case. The murderer left some clues, but it seems that there are no obvious flaws at the moment. We need to brainstorm and find a way to solve this mystery."

A young police detective raised his hand and said, "Sir, I noticed a photo at the crime scene with a strange man on it. Do you think this man may be related to the case?"

Qi Lin took the photo, observed it carefully, and began to think, "This man is indeed suspicious. He is dressed in ordinary clothes, but his eyes reveal a calm and unhurried confidence. We need to find out who he is, and he may be an important clue in the case." "

Another detective interjected, "We have investigated nearby surveillance videos but have not found anyone related to the case."

Qi Lin smiled slightly, "Then we need to start from other aspects. First, we need to know more about this luxury jewelry store, especially the recent employee changes

The police station provided relevant information, and Qi Lin flipped through it.

"Look here, an employee named Li Ming has recently resigned. It is said that he holds a senior position in the finance department." Qi Lin pointed to the name on the document, "I think we should find him first and understand his situation."

A few days later, Qi Lin had a secret meeting with Li Ming in a small restaurant. Li Ming was obviously a little nervous, but he still managed to hide his emotions.

"Sir, I don't know what you want from me?" Li Ming asked.

Qi Lin took a deep breath and locked eyes with Li Ming. "Mr. Li, we suspect that you may be related to the recent jewelry theft. I hope you can answer my questions candidly.

Li Ming looked at Qi Lin in surprise. "I...I don't know what you are talking about. I left that jewelry store only for personal reasons and had nothing to do with any criminal behavior."

"I understand the reason for your resignation, but something is not right." Qi Lin's eyes were sharp, "Do you know the security system of the jewelry store very well?"

Li Ming hesitated to speak, with a trace of embarrassment on his face. "I do have some knowledge of security systems, but that's the scope of my job."

Qi Lin continued to ask: "Do you have permission to access the jewelry warehouse? Who authorized it to you?"

Li Ming was silent for a moment, and then whispered: "The owner personally gave me the authority."

"Shopkeeper? What's his name?" There was a hint of warning in Qi Lin's tone.

Li Ming bit his lip and hesitated before saying, "Pan Zhihao, he is the owner of a jewelry store.

Qi Lin paid attention to Li Ming's expression. "Well, if you weren't involved in the theft, did you notice any suspicious activity or characters?"

Li Ming thought for a moment and then replied: "For a while, I found that the store owner Pan Zhihao became extremely nervous. He often worked overtime at night, and his access rights to the warehouse became more strict.

"This is very important." Qi Lin recorded Li Ming's words. "Is there any other information you think might be helpful to us?"

Li Ming seemed to think for a while. "Actually, several strangers have been frequenting the jewelry store recently. One of them is called Li Lin, who is said to be a wealthy businessman, and the other is a blond woman. I don't recognize her name. They seem to have some kind of trading relationship with Pan Zhihao."

Qi Lin nodded. "Thank you very much for your cooperation, Mr. Li. Your information is very valuable to our investigation."

Back in the office, Qi Lin began to organize and analyze the collected information. Pan Zhihao, Li Lin and the blonde woman have all become his focus. He realized that the jewelry theft might involve a larger criminal network.

He decided to share his latest findings with the police department again. In the conference room, Qi Lin introduced his meeting with Li Ming in detail to the investigation team and mentioned the relationship between Pan Zhihao, Li Lin and the blonde woman.

`~We need to investigate Pan Zhihao and these two strangers in depth to find out whether they are related to the jewelry theft case. "Qi Lin suggested, "At the same time, we also need to strengthen the monitoring of jewelry stores in order to capture any suspicious activities. "

The members of the investigation team nodded in agreement and began to formulate the next action plan.

Qi Lin felt a little relieved as he watched the members of the investigation team discuss and formulate action plans. He knows that this case is not simple, but he believes that as long as the team works together, the answer will be found.

A few days later, during the surveillance investigation of Pan Zhihao, detectives discovered an important clue. They noticed a secret meeting between Pan Zhihao and two other men at a luxury hotel. Further analysis showed that the two men were Ji Lin and the blonde woman.

Qi Lin decided to go to the luxury hotel to investigate in person. Wearing a smart suit, Zhao Wang Zhao immediately attracted people's attention when he walked into the lobby. He looked around, trying to find the location of Pan Zhihao and Li Lin.

Finally, Qi Lin found them in a high-end box. He approached the door of the box and pretended to make a phone call while listening to the conversation inside.

"We need to sell those jewelry as soon as possible." Pan Zhihao said anxiously, "The police investigation is getting more and more intense, and we can't delay it any longer.

"Don't worry, we have already contacted the buyer." Li Lin remained calm, "As long as everything goes well, we will get a huge return."

Qi Lin's heart moved, and he quickly took out his mobile phone and recorded the conversation. At this moment, their plan was completely exposed.

Not wanting them to discover him, Qi Lin quietly left the box and immediately reported the situation to the investigation team. They decided to launch operations at the right time and arrest everyone involved in the case in one fell swoop. .

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