After many days of secret observation and preparation, the critical moment of action finally arrived. The police carefully arranged and surrounded the location of Pan Zhihao, Li Lin and the blond woman.

When Qi Lin saw them being taken into the police car with his own eyes, he felt a joy of victory in his heart. The jewelry theft case was finally solved, and the criminal network behind the scenes was completely destroyed.

Returning to the police station with the investigation team, Qi Lin felt the joy of victory and the satisfaction of exhaustion. He knew that this case was a difficult challenge, but they successfully brought the murderer to justice and protected social security and justice.

Soon after, at a press conference, the police announced that they had successfully solved the jewelry theft case. Reporters asked questions one after another, and Qi Lin answered their questions with a smile, sharing his detective experience and analysis of the case with them.

This jewelry theft case became the focus of discussion in the city, and Qi Lin became a highly praised detective. He knows that while this is just one of many cases he has solved, every successful investigation means justice is served.

Qi Lin packed up his office and thought about the next case. He understands that as a detective, his mission is to protect the innocent and restore the truth. Although this case had been won, he knew there were many other crimes in the world waiting to be uncovered.

Qi Lin continues to conduct in-depth research and study, constantly improving his investigative skills and professional knowledge. He reads various relevant cases and legal provisions, exchanges experiences with other outstanding detectives, and uses modern technology to assist his investigation work.

He realized that only by continuous learning and progress can he maintain keen insight and problem-solving abilities in the complex and ever-changing criminal world. Every case is a new challenge that requires flexible response to find out the clues hidden behind it.

Every time he accepts a new case, Qi Lin is always full of enthusiasm and determination. He believes that through his own efforts and wisdom, he can bring justice to the victims and safety to the society.

However, Qi Lin also experienced failures and setbacks. Sometimes, despite all efforts, cases are not resolved. But he learned lessons from it and persisted in pursuing truth and justice.

Qi Lin knows that his work (aebj) is not only for his own achievements and reputation, but also to protect the interests of society and the people. Every time he solves a case, he feels deeply satisfied and accomplished.

Qi Lin always believes that as long as they have good intentions and wisdom, evil will never escape.

Qi Lin is shrewd and witty. No matter how complicated the case is, he can always find the truth. This time, he faced a poisoning case.

One morning, Qi Lin received an anonymous letter describing an upcoming poisoning incident. The letter detailed the time, location and objectives of the incident. Qi Lin said that he must act immediately to prevent this tragedy from happening.

That afternoon, Qi Lin arrived at the scene of the crime, a banquet hall of a luxury hotel. Qi Lin learned from talking to the hotel staff that this was a grand wedding banquet. The groom is a wealthy businessman, and the bride is the daughter of a noble family. At the wedding, all distinguished guests will be present, including government officials, business elites, and media reporters0

Qi Lin began to investigate the banquet hall, looking for any suspicious signs. He carefully observed the layout of the banquet hall and the tableware on the table, trying to find any clues left by the poisoner. Suddenly, he noticed a note on the table, which said: "Be careful of the man who drinks." This seemed to be an important clue.

Qi Lin decided to talk to the host of the wedding first to see if he understood the origin of the note. The host told him that the note was found before the wedding, but it didn't attract much attention. Qi Lin asked him about the details of the note, and the host recalled the scene at that time: "I remember that morning, when I was checking the tables and preparing to decorate the banquet hall,

I found this note. But I didn't pay much attention because there were still many things to prepare, and we didn't receive any other threatening letters.

Qi Lin thought for a while, and then decided to conduct a more detailed search of the banquet hall. He went to each table and asked guests if they had seen any suspicious people or behavior. After passing a few tables, he met a young woman with a hesitant look on her face.

"Hello, I am Detective Qi Lin. Excuse me, do you know anything about this note?" Qi asked politely.

The woman glanced around and replied softly: "When I first started, I did notice that there was a young man who frequently picked up a wine glass to drink. He seemed anxious and kept looking around as if he was looking for something. But I didn't Think of this note."

"Thank you for telling me. Can you describe the man's appearance and clothing for me?" Qi Lin asked.

The woman tried hard to recall, and then said: "He was about 20 years old, with a medium build and slightly thin. He wore a pair of black glasses, a dark suit, and a small pattern on his tie. His hair A bit disheveled and doesn't look like a wealthy businessman or aristocrat.

Qi Lin secretly breathed a sigh of relief. This description was consistent with his guess. He decided to continue investigating the suspicious young man.

While continuing to search for the target, Qi Lin suddenly noticed the door of a staff lounge next to the banquet hall. He opened the door and walked in, where he found a young waiter sorting dishes and napkins.

"Hello, I am Qi Lin, the detective in charge of this case. Have you ever seen a young man who drinks frequently and is anxious?" Qi Lin asked.

The waiter replied nervously: "Well, I did see a person like this. He came here to borrow a bottle of water and seemed very eager. I remember he also asked me about the types of wine, as if he was interested in some special wines. Very interested. But he didn't leave any impression on me, so I didn't pay much attention.

Qi Lin's heart moved, and the waiter's description further strengthened his suspicion of the young man. He decided to investigate further.

In the next few days, Qi Lin continued to communicate with wedding guests, staff and hotel management, and reviewed a large amount of relevant information. He discovered that this young man was not a distinguished guest at the banquet, but a special guest with a hidden identity named Allen. According to information, Allen has been involved in some illegal activities, but has not been convicted.

While checking the hotel surveillance video, Qi Lin found a record about Allen. .

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