The video shows him entering the banquet hall and frequently talking to waiters before leaving. This made Qi Lin even more convinced that Allen was the mastermind of the poisoning case.

Qi Lin decided to cooperate with the police and named Allen as a suspect. The police immediately launched an operation and searched Allen's residence for a large amount of evidence related to the poisoning case, including records of poisons and poisoning plans. By comparing it with that note, Qi Lin confirmed the disturbing fact: Allen was preparing to poison the wedding.

The police interrogated Allen and he eventually admitted his crime. It turned out that Allen used to be the groom's partner, but was deceived in a business transaction. In order to retaliate, he wanted to bring huge loss and shame to the groom by poisoning the bride's family at the wedding. He carefully planned the case and carefully studied the arrangements and procedures of the wedding banquet in order to find the best time to poison.

In his conversation with Qi Lin, Allen revealed the details of how he obtained the poison and arranged the poisoning operation. He used his criminal background to contact a black market drug dealer and purchased a colorless, odorless and highly toxic substance at a high price. He mixed the poison into an expensive red wine that the groom often drank, and planned to secretly change the wine during the banquet so that he could drink from the poisoned wine glass.

This chilling plan shocked Qi Lin. He knew time was running out and he had to take immediate action to protect the wedding guests from this malicious act.

Qi Lin cooperated with the police and organized a secret operation. They decided to take Alan into custody on the wedding day, before the opening speeches. In this way, he would not be able to carry out the poisoning plan. At the same time, Qi Lin cooperated with hotel staff to ensure that all wine products were strictly inspected to prevent the appearance of any suspicious substances.

On the wedding day, the atmosphere was solemn and festive. Guests arrived one after another, and laughter and blessings filled the entire banquet hall. Qi Lin watched quietly in the dark with a tight chord in his heart.

When the opening speech was over, Qi Lin's eyes never left Allen. While writing, several police officers quietly walked towards Allen and took him out of the banquet hall. Allen struggled angrily, but to no avail. The poisoning plan was successfully prevented!

The host of ceremonies continued the wedding ceremony, and the guests gradually breathed a sigh of relief. Qi Lin also let go of the heavy burden in his heart, knowing that his efforts were not in vain. He worked with the police team to conduct a thorough inspection of all the alcohol and confirmed that there were no suspicious substances.

The wedding continued, and people gathered together to enjoy the food and joy. Qi Lin approaches the bride and groom and tells them the truth about Allen and the danger they escaped. The bride and groom looked at Qi Lin gratefully, realizing that they had almost become victims of malicious behavior.

After the wedding, Qi Lin conducted further interrogation of Allen with the police. Allen eventually confessed to all his crimes and admitted that his vengeance was motivated by personal betrayal and anger. He was arrested and faced appropriate legal sanctions.

As a token of gratitude to Qilin, the bride and groom invite him to their honeymoon. During this journey, they spent a pleasant time together and established a deep friendship.

The truth of the poisoning case was finally revealed, and everyone involved in the wedding expressed their sincere gratitude and admiration to Qilin. They realized that without Qi Lin's decisive action and intelligence, the wedding might have turned into a tragedy.

Qi Lin also received more attention and praise for the successful detection of the case. His name began to spread in the detective and legal circles, becoming a high-profile figure.

However, for Qilin, the resolution of each case is not just about pursuing fame, wealth and honor. He fully understands that his responsibility is to protect the innocent, uphold justice, and let evil get the punishment they deserve. He always firmly believes that justice and truth will defeat evil and bring harmony and tranquility to society.

One day, Qi Lin received an anonymous letter. He opened the envelope, and inside there was only a brief note: "Can you solve the animal trafficking case?" This made Qi Lin curious, and he decided to launch an investigation.

The next morning, Qi Lin came to the police station. He reported the situation to the director and expressed his willingness to take on the challenge. The director nodded in agreement, and Qi Lin began to analyze the case with other detectives.

During the investigation, Qi Lin found some clues. First of all, this animal trafficking gang is very secretive and leaves no traces. Secondly, their scope of actions is very wide, not only domestic activities, but also possible international collusion.

0…Please give me flowers…

Qi Lin decided to investigate from the personnel perspective. He found some informants and interrogated them one by one. Through dialogue, he learned that the members of this gang are experienced criminals. They have close ties with each other and are very cautious in every action.

During one of the interrogations, Qi Lin met a mysterious woman. She claimed to be a victim caught by this gang and she knew all their secrets. Qi Lin thought her words were suspicious, but decided to listen to her.

"Hello, I'm Qi Lin." Qi Lin sat on the chair opposite and stared at this mysterious woman. She has long black hair and deep and sharp eyes.


"Are you here to save me?" the woman asked, with a hint of hope in her voice.

"I need to know about you, can you tell me your name?" Qi Lin replied calmly.

"My name is Li Xueyang." The woman said her name softly, with endless sadness in her eyes.

"Miss Li, can you first tell me how you were caught by them?" Qi Lin asked gently.

Li Xueyang took a deep breath and began to describe her experience: "I am an animal protection volunteer. I was discovered by them during the investigation of animal trafficking. They kidnapped me and asked me to provide them with information about the police investigation." Information.

"Did you provide it?" Qi Lin frowned.

"I didn't. I would rather endure their torture than betray my duty." Li Xueyang said firmly.

Qi Lin observed her silently and felt the strength and belief in her heart. "Ms. Li, do you know who the other members of this gang are?" he continued to ask.

Li Xueyang thought for a moment and replied: "I have only met some of their members, but I can tell you their contact information every time they act."

Qi Lin nodded and took out the small notebook for recording notes. "Please tell me and I will try my best to find out their identities."

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