Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

832: Qi Lin Pretends To Be A Buyer And Approaches Zhang Liang

Li Xueyang began to describe in detail the contact information of the gang members she had learned. Qi Lin concentrated on recording every detail, preparing to compare this information with other clues.

"They use an encrypted communication software that can only receive messages within a specific time period." Li Xueyang said, "Before each action, they will set a password in this software to confirm their identity."

After listening to Li Xueyang's description, Qi Lin began to think about how to break through this dilemma. He understood that in order to successfully solve the animal trafficking case, he must first destroy the gang's communication network.

After Qi Lin left the police station, he decided to go home to sort out his thoughts. He turned on his computer and started searching for information about encrypted communication software. After some research, he found an expert and hoped to get some help.

The next day, "593" Qi Lin came to the expert's laboratory. The expert's name is Wang Zihan, and he is an authority in cryptography. He explained the currently popular encryption algorithms to Qi Lin and analyzed in detail the strategies that the gang might adopt.

"According to the information you provided, they use a symmetric encryption algorithm." Wang Zihan said, "This algorithm requires a password to be agreed in advance. During the communication process, both the sender and the receiver use the same password for encryption and decryption. . Only with the correct password can you send and receive messages normally."

Qi Lin thought for a long time, and suddenly an idea flashed: "If we can obtain the password they set within a specific time period, we can decrypt their communication content."

"Yes, but it is not easy to do this." Wang Zihan reminded, "The contact methods between gang members should be very cautious, and they may take additional protective measures to prevent password leaks."

Qi Lin nodded to express understanding. "I plan to find one of their groups first and try to infiltrate to get more information." He explained, "By having direct contact with them, we may be able to find clues to crack the communication code."

Wang Zihan recognized Qi Lin's idea and gave some professional suggestions. Qi Lin gratefully thanked the experts and left the laboratory.

Qi Lin started his action. He first returned to the police station, sorted out all existing clues and information, and sorted them out. Next, he decided to start with the market where animals are sold and use this as a breakthrough point for in-depth investigation.

Qi Lin turned into an ordinary buyer and began to search for clues in the market. After several days of observation and communication, he discovered a suspicious seller. This seller often appears during a specific time period and only accepts scheduled purchases and does not trade directly on the market.

Qi Lin decided to approach the seller by pretending to be a buyer. He used a pseudonym and prepared some relevant backstory, hoping to pique the seller's interest. After some hard work, he finally succeeded in establishing contact with the seller.

The seller Qi Lin met was named Zhang Liang, an ordinary-looking middle-aged man. He runs a pet shop, but in fact this is just a cover for selling animals. Qi Lin was well aware of his importance to the case and decided to be careful not to reveal his true identity.

"Hello, I heard that you have some rare animals here, and I'm very interested in them." Qi Lin started the conversation in a friendly tone.

Zhang Liang narrowed his eyes and looked at Qi Lin, then said with a smile: "There are indeed some special varieties, but these need to be booked in advance. Do you have any specific needs?

Qi Lin pretended to hesitate for a moment, and then whispered: "I heard that you also have some rare animals obtained through illegal channels, and I am more interested in these."

Zhang Liang's brows furrowed slightly, obviously wary of Qi Lin's words. "How do you know this?" he asked nervously.

Qi Lin deliberately showed a mysterious expression, "I have my own channels, but I am not a simple buyer. I know the inside story of these animal sales very well, and I also know how you operate them."

Zhang Liang's nervousness gradually relaxed, replaced by a sly expression. "Since you know something about this, then come with me." He forced a smile

He signaled Qi Lin to follow him into the backyard of the pet shop.

Qi Lin was secretly glad, it seemed that his disguise worked. He followed Zhang Liang to a closed room filled with various cages and breeding equipment. This is obviously their base for selling animals.

"Okay, tell me, what do you want?" Zhang Liang no longer concealed his cunning and asked directly...

Qi Lin deliberately showed a strong interest, "I want rare beasts, such as tigers and leopards."

Zhang Liang's eyes flashed with a trace of greed, "Such things are not easy to get, and the price is not cheap."

Qi Lin smiled and said, "I know this and don't care about the price. As long as you can meet my needs, I will pay accordingly.

This conversation aroused Zhang Liang's interest. He began to relax his vigilance and gradually regarded Qi Lin as a potential buyer. Qi Lin plans to have further contact with him in the hope of gaining more information about gang activities.

Qi Lin followed Zhang Liang into the inner circle of animal trafficking. In the past few months, through frequent communication, observation and evidence collection with Zhang Liang, he gradually learned about the scale and operation of the entire gang.

Zhang Liang is a member of an animal trafficking gang. He is responsible for smuggling rare animals from abroad into the domestic market and organizing their sales. He communicates with other gang members through encrypted communication software to ensure the security of information.

After an in-depth investigation, Qi Lin learned that gang members would set a password in encrypted communication software before each operation and only receive and send messages within a specific time period. This arrangement makes it extremely difficult to decipher the contents of communications.

In view of this, Qi Lin decided to adopt a secret action strategy of 4.6. He began to collect personal information about gang members in order to specifically breach their security measures.

Through interactions with Zhang Liang, Qi Lin learned that there were two other core members of the gang. One of them is Li Wenjing, who is responsible for contacting and negotiating with overseas suppliers; the other is Wang Gang, who is responsible for the organization and arrangements within the gang. All three of them are key players in the gang.

Qi Lin obtained their personal information through various means, including mobile phone numbers, social media accounts, and family backgrounds. This information will help him better understand how gang members are connected and possible weaknesses.

Next, Qi Lin decided to take fishing action. He created a fake encrypted communication software and infiltrated the software into gang members through various channels. .

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