At the same time, he also used specific intelligence to plan a series of seemingly real events to attract gang members to use the software within a specific time period.

Qi Lin is waiting for the opportunity to come, hoping that through this action, he can break through the gang's security defense line, obtain more evidence and clues, and finally bring the entire animal trafficking gang to justice.

Qi Lin has had a keen interest in puzzles and crimes since he was a child, and has devoted himself to this fascinating industry. Recently, a mysterious tree theft case was placed in front of him, which aroused his great interest.

The case took place in a quiet town known for its rich forest resources. Recently, local residents have reported that many trees have disappeared for unknown reasons. Signs of the trees being chopped down are everywhere, but there are no witnesses or clues to point to the suspects. This caused panic in the community because trees are an important part of the town.

The third wealth.

Qi Lin decided to investigate the case personally, and he started talking to local residents to get more information. He came to a local cafe and sat in the corner, watching every detail, expecting to find some valuable clues about 04.

The moment he raised his head, he saw a young woman hurrying into the cafe. She was obviously very anxious and her forehead was covered with sweat. Qi Lin immediately noticed that her expression was abnormal and decided to approach her.

"Hello, I am Qi Lin, a detective. I noticed that something seems wrong with you. What happened?" Qi Lin asked with a smile.

The young woman was obviously startled by Qi Lin's appearance, but then she breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Oh, you are Mr. Detective. I heard that you came to investigate the theft of trees in our town.

? My name is Lillian. Actually, I was a little confused because I found some strange traces in the forest. "

Qi Lin opened his eyes wide and asked expectantly: "Please tell me more details, Lilian. This may be a clue for us to find the suspect.

Lilian took a deep breath and continued: "I often walk in the forest, and recently I noticed some strange figures. They always sneak into the forest at night, and I saw them holding axes and starting to chop down trees. But when When I try to get close, they always flee the scene quickly.

Qi Lin frowned slightly, and after thinking for a moment, he said: "Lillian, your information is very important. The behavior of these people is indeed consistent with the tree theft case. Please tell me the characteristics of the people you saw or anything else that can help We find their information.

Lilian thought for a moment, and then said: "These people are all taller, wearing black clothes and masks to avoid being recognized. I also noticed that once, one of the figures' shoes was covered with mud, and it looked like He may have come from deep in the forest. In addition, I also heard the sound of conversation between them. Although I could not hear the content clearly, I was sure that they spoke with a thick accent and did not seem to be locals.

Qi Lin felt excited as these clues seemed to begin to unveil the case. He thanks Lillian and decides to immediately head into the depths of the forest to investigate.

When Qi Lin stepped into the forest, he immediately discovered traces of cut down trees. The trunk was sawn into regular sections, obviously in preparation for easy transportation. He followed the trail, stopping from time to time to observe his surroundings.

Suddenly, he noticed an unusually conspicuous piece of soil, which matched what Lilian had described. Qi Lin squatted down and inspected it carefully. In the dirt, he found a broken compass and a creased map.

"It seems that these people who cut down trees use maps to find the target area. There is a mark on this map that may be the location of their next bid." Qi Lin telemetered secretly in his mind.

He decided to take the evidence back to the police station and study it with other investigators. However, just as he was about to leave, he suddenly heard a distant sound.

"Hey, did you see that detective? We have to get the final shipment of trees done quickly or our plan will be ruined!"

Qi Lin immediately hid and tried to find the source of the sound. He approached cautiously, looking through the gaps in the jungle at a clearing place. He saw several people wearing black clothes and masks, talking in low voices.

"These people are exactly the suspects who cut down trees as described by Lilian!" Qi Lin secretly rejoiced.

He decided not to hide anymore, strode forward to the group of people, and revealed his identity.

"Hello everyone, I am Qi Lin, a detective. You have been rounded up. Hand over the tools in your hands and cooperate with my investigation. Qi Lin said firmly.

The suspects were startled by Qi Lin's sudden appearance, but they soon showed a hostile attitude.

"You think you can stop us? These trees are our livelihood!" one suspect roared.

Qi Lin was not discouraged. He knew that he needed to use appropriate strategies to resolve the crisis. He began talking to the suspects, trying to understand their motives and the truth behind them.

After a period of conversation, Qi Lin gradually learned that these suspects were originally workers who had been laid off by a large timber company nearby. Having lost their jobs, they fell into trouble and began to cut down trees as a last resort in order to make a living. They are not real criminals, but forced and helpless victims.

Qi Lin decided to take a gentle approach to solve this problem. He conducted in-depth communication with the suspects, listened to their voices, and provided them with help and solutions.

"I understand your situation, but illegally cutting down trees is not a way to solve the problem. Let us find other ways to solve your plight." Qi Lin tried to persuade them.

During the long conversation, Qi Lin established trust and consensus with the suspects. They began to believe that Qi Lin could help them find a legal way out.

After many efforts, Qi Lin coordinated the resources of local governments, community organizations and timber companies. Together, they developed a feasible plan to provide these unemployed workers with reemployment opportunities and training programs to ensure that they can have a stable source of income.

At the same time, Qi Lin also contacted environmental protection organizations and cooperated with them to restore the stolen trees and rebuild the forest ecosystem. This action was praised and supported by local residents.

In the end, the tree theft case was successfully solved. Unemployed workers found new jobs, forests were restored, and Qi Lin was praised for his detective work and leadership. .

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