This case made Qi Lin deeply realize that solving crime problems is not just about catching criminals, but also paying attention to the social problems behind them and actively seeking legal and sustainable solutions. His efforts not only rescued a group of victims, but also protected natural resources and the environment.

Qi Lin uses his talents and wisdom to contribute to the community and protect justice and peace on this land.

Qi Lin walked into the police station located in the center of the city. Opposite him was a desk filled with various case files and documents. He saw a young police officer sitting at the table

"Detective Qi, you are here." The young police officer stood up to greet him, "I am Li Yu. I heard that you want to investigate the sewage discharge case.

Qi Lin smiled and nodded: "Yes, this case involves environmental pollution, and I decided to handle it personally."

Li Yu handed Qi Lin a case file and explained at the same time: "This is a case about the illegal discharge of sewage from a chemical plant. Recently, we have received many reports from nearby residents, suspecting that the chemical plant discharged wastewater directly into the river. It has led to serious environmental problems.”

Qi Lin took the case file and began to read relevant information. "This chemical factory is called Taisheng Chemical Co., Ltd. It has been operating for many years and seems to have never been found to have violated regulations. We need to investigate in depth and collect enough evidence."

Li Yu added: "We have sent some police officers to the scene for preliminary investigation, but they did not find conclusive evidence. We need your professional knowledge and experience to help us solve this problem."

Qi Lin thought for a moment and replied: "Okay, first we have to launch a series of investigative actions. I will cooperate with you and other police officers and try to collect as many clues as possible."

Soon after, Li Yu and I arrived at Taisheng Chemical Company. They summoned some employees for questioning.

Qi Lin faced a young technician and asked: "You are responsible for monitoring and treating wastewater discharge. Can you tell me the specifics of this process?"

The technician replied nervously: "According to the company's regulations, we must conduct preliminary treatment of wastewater before discharging it, but the specific treatment process is decided by the top management, and I am only responsible for its execution.

Qi Lin nodded, then turned to ten middle-aged women. "Are you in charge of environmental protection affairs? Have you noticed any abnormalities or violations?"

The female environmental protection supervisor shook her head: "I have not found any problems since I took this position. We report wastewater discharge data every month, and the wastewater after preliminary treatment also meets the discharge standards."

Qi Lin thought about these answers and felt that there were still some important clues missing. "Li Yu, we need a more comprehensive investigation. We should analyze and compare the reported data provided by the company with the actual situation."

They returned to the police station and began to carefully study the report data of Taisheng Chemical Company. By comparing with the environmental protection department, they discovered something unusual.

Qi Lin pointed to the curve chart on the report data and said: "Look, the wastewater discharge here suddenly dropped at a certain point in time, and then quickly rose again. This is obviously someone manipulating the data and trying to cover up the truth."

Li Yu's eyes lit up: "That is to say, they may have deliberately reduced emissions during a specific time period to deceive the regulatory authorities and the public, right? This is indeed a very suspicious sign. We need to investigate deeply during this time period what happened.

Qi Lin decided to go to Taisheng Chemical Company again and asked for an inspection of the company's monitoring system. They quickly contacted technicians and headed to the monitoring room.

The monitoring room is filled with screens, showing real-time images of different areas. Qi Lin noticed that the picture of a specific surveillance camera was unusually blurry, and he immediately pointed out: "The picture of this camera is obviously not clear compared with other areas, and it may have been deliberately adjusted."

The technician nervously checked the camera settings and confirmed Qi Lin's guess. They found that the camera's focus had been adjusted, causing the picture to be blurry.

Qi Lin immediately realized that this was no coincidence. "This camera happens to be responsible for monitoring the wastewater treatment area. Someone deliberately manipulated the monitoring system to cover up the truth!"

Li Yu said in shock: "This means that they are not only manipulating the report data, but also trying to prevent us from discovering their violations through monitoring. This is really a big conspiracy."

Qi Lin calmed down: "We can't let them succeed. We need to investigate further and find conclusive evidence to expose this conspiracy. I will contact the expert team to assist us in an in-depth investigation."

After several days of intense investigation, Qi Lin and his team finally collected enough evidence to prove the fact that Taisheng Chemical Company illegally discharged sewage. They submitted this evidence to the environmental protection department and assisted the police in raiding the company.

During the search, they found extensive evidence of violations, including falsified wastewater treatment records, tampered monitoring systems and the concealment of illegal discharge equipment.

In the end, the top executives of Taisheng Chemical Company were arrested and punished by law. The company has also been fined and faced heavy regulatory scrutiny.

Qi Lin and Li Yu felt extremely relieved after successfully solving this case. Their persistence and efforts have made important contributions to protecting the environment and public health.

Qi Lin walked into the office, hung his hat on the hanger happily, and sat at his desk. He has been investigating a case involving large-scale fraud for several months, and now he has finally found the key clues. He quietly thought about what to do next.

Suddenly, the phone rang, breaking the silence of the office. Qi Lin picked up the phone, and there was a hint of vigilance in his (good) voice: ~Hello, who is the claw?"

"Mr. Qi, this is Li Yu. I heard that you are investigating a fraud case?" The other party's voice sounded a little nervous.

Qi Lin was slightly startled, the name seemed very familiar. "Yes, I wonder how I can help you?"

"I am a senior employee of a large enterprise. Recently, our company has discovered some anomalies and suspects that fraud may be involved. I am willing to provide relevant clues and hope you can help us uncover the truth."

Qi Lin's heart moved. This sudden clue might be what he had been looking for. "Thank you very much for your offer. Can you please tell me about your physical condition?"

Li Yu began to talk about a series of abnormal situations discovered within the company. Qi Lin listened and asked some questions from time to time. Through dialogue, he gradually mastered the important details of the case. .

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