"Mr. Qi, we suspect that a certain department of the company has fabricated sales and profits, but we lack direct evidence." Li Yu's voice was filled with helplessness.

Qi Lin smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter, you have provided me with a lot of useful information. I will launch an investigation as soon as possible to help you find conclusive evidence."

After several days of in-depth investigation, Qi Lin obtained more clues and identified several suspects. He made an appointment with the company's senior management and heads of relevant departments and held a collective meeting.

The atmosphere in the conference room was tense. Qi Lin stood on the podium and faced everyone's gaze: "According to my investigation, we have basically confirmed the fact of fraud. However, I hope everyone can seriously think about whether there are others." participate."

An employee named Yang Ming stood up and said tremblingly: "Mr. Qi, I took over this department a few years ago, but was later transferred due to some reasons. I am very familiar with the operation of this department, and I can provide some Key Information."

Qi Lin nodded encouragingly: "Thank you very much for your courage, Mr. Yang. Please continue."

Yang Ming began to talk about some suspicious scenes he had witnessed with his own eyes, as well as some inside information, which shocked everyone. Qi Lin recorded these clues and said he would conduct a more in-depth investigation.

523 In the next few days, Qi Lin was busy analyzing evidence, reviewing accounts, and conducting detailed interrogations with suspects. He patiently interrogated the suspect in detail. He patiently collects every piece of evidence and makes sure the case is solid enough to bring the real culprit to justice.

During the investigation, Qi Lin discovered that a staff member named Li Xiao was closely related to the case. He decided to interview Li Xiao to see if he could get more key information from her.

Li Xiao walked into Qi Lin's office tremblingly, his eyes flashing with uneasiness and fear. Qi Lin gently gestured to her to sit down and started the conversation: "Li Xiao [I understand that you may be involved in what happened in the company. I hope you can tell me the truth."

Li Xiao opened her mouth slightly, and after hesitating for a moment, she finally told the truth: "Sir, I admit that I participated in the fraud. However, this is not my decision alone.

We were ordered by our superiors. "

Qi Lin clenched his fists but remained calm: "Can you provide relevant evidence and information about other people involved in the case? This is crucial to the handling of the case."

Li Xiao tremblingly handed Qi Lin a letter: "This is the instruction letter I received. It contains the list of relevant personnel and specific operation methods. I hope you can protect my safety and give me a chance to change my ways." "

Qi Lin took the envelope and read the contents carefully. He looked at Li Xiao and said firmly: "You have started to take the right path, and I will protect your safety. But as a detective, I must pursue the truth and justice. We will continue to investigate and ensure that all those involved are punished. There are punishments.”

As the investigation deepened, Qi Lin discovered that this fraud case involved a wider network and may even be related to other organizations. Members of his team also actively participated in the investigation, and everyone invested their own wisdom and efforts.

In the end, Qi Lin and his team gathered a large amount of evidence and uncovered the truth of this large-scale fraud case. In court, the suspects were tried one after another and had to admit their crimes.

"Mr. Qi Lin, we need your help." A mysterious and panicked voice sounded on the other end of the phone.

Qi Lin put away his book and listened quietly. As an experienced detective, he knows there are cases that desperately need his assistance. The voice on the phone sounded young and anxious.

Clearly in trouble.

"Please tell me more details," Qi Lin said calmly, "I will try my best to help you."

"This is about a bombing. I am a student in the school and there was a terrible bombing yesterday, which injured dozens of people. The police are investigating, but there is not much progress. I believe only (aech) has You can solve this mystery.”

Qi Lin frowned. He is well aware of the seriousness and danger of the bombing, and is also aware of the challenges this case poses to him. However, he could not sit idly by. The detective's duty is to fight for justice and protect innocent people.

"Okay, tell me the details of the case. I will rush to the scene as soon as possible." Qi Lin decided to accept this challenge.

Qi Lin rushed to the school where the explosion occurred. The scene was chaotic and the police were investigating and collecting evidence. He launched his own investigation and spoke with school officials, students and witnesses.

"Sir, I am the principal. I hope you can help us find out the murderer behind the scenes." The principal said anxiously.

"Please tell me the details of the case, including the circumstances and suspicious persons at the time." Qi Lin requested.

The principal described the scene when the incident occurred to Qi Lin. The explosion occurred in the school cafeteria, causing serious damage and casualties. However, they were unable to find any clear clues or suspicious persons.

Qi Lin thought for a while. "Is there anyone who has a beef with the school or someone within it? Is there any underlying motive?"

After thinking for a moment, the principal replied: "Actually, some students have been fined recently for disciplinary issues, but no one has shown excessive or malicious behavior. In addition, "We have not received threatening letters or other similar things.

Qi Lin nodded, expressing understanding. He knows that the case may be related to problems within the school, but more clues are needed to find the answer.

While Qi Lin was looking for details at the scene, he noticed a young boy suddenly getting up and leaving the canteen. He quickly followed up, wanting to see the person clearly.

"Wait a minute!" Qi Lin shouted loudly.

The boy was startled and stopped. "Who are you? Why are you following me?" he asked nervously.

"I am detective Qi Lin, and I am investigating this explosion. Did you see anything suspicious?

Qi Lin's voice was gentle but firm. He looked into the boy's eyes, trying to find any clues.

The boy swallowed and said hesitantly: "I...I didn't see anything suspicious. I just felt something wasn't right, so I wanted to leave.

Qi Lin smiled slightly, "Thank you for your cooperation. But I need you to provide more information. Any details may be important to us."

The boy seemed to be caught in contradictory thoughts, and finally he breathed a sigh of relief, "Actually, I heard a strange conversation before the explosion. Two people were talking in a low voice in the corner of the cafeteria, and they mentioned plans and bombs. "

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