Qi Lin's heartbeat accelerated a bit, which was a key clue. He pressed: "Can you describe the characteristics of those two people? Their appearance, clothing or any other details."

The boy thought hard for a moment, and then described: "One of them is a tall man, wearing a black coat and a hat to cover his face. The other is a thin man, wearing glasses, and wearing ordinary clothes."

Qi Lin formed a preliminary impression in his mind. Although this description is a bit vague, it is enough to provide some clues. He thanked the boy for his cooperation and told him to contact him anytime if he remembered any details.

Qi Lin returned to the temporary command center of the police investigation team and reported the information he collected to the police officer in charge of the case. The police were excited about this new clue and decided to investigate more deeply.

In the next few days, Qi Lin worked closely with the police to analyze evidence, interview witnesses, and conduct background checks within the school. What they discovered - some interesting facts.

First, they discovered that a few days before the explosion, the school had received an anonymous letter, which showed dissatisfaction and threats against school discipline. This echoes what the principal said was a discipline issue.

Secondly, through the playback of the surveillance video, they discovered two suspicious-looking figures. One of the tall men was wearing a hat and seemed to be deliberately covering his face, while the other thin man was wearing glasses and ordinary clothes.

Finally, the investigation team discovered that a student reported suspicious behavior to the teacher before the explosion. The student claimed he saw two men trying to steal hazardous chemicals in the school's storage room and heard them talking about words like "plan" and "bomb."

With these new clues, Qi Lin feels closer and closer to the truth. He decided to join the investigation team to pursue a more in-depth pursuit.

After further investigation and analysis, Qi Lin and the police finally found a place where the suspect might be hiding. It's an abandoned warehouse that looks like it's been forgotten for years

Qi Lin led the police team members to quietly approach the warehouse. They carefully explored every corner, trying to find the suspect hiding inside. Finally, in a dark corner, they found two people.

A tall man wearing a hat was staring indifferently at the arrival of Qi Lin and the police. The other was a thin man wearing glasses and looking a little nervous.

"You are under arrest! Put down what you are holding and slowly raise your hands!" Qi's voice revealed firm determination.

The suspects did not resist. They put down their tools and raised their hands. Qi Lin and the police quickly controlled them and searched them.

In the pocket of one of the suspects, they found a notebook filled with plans and details.

"Are you the murderers who planned and executed the bombing?" Qi Lin asked the suspect.

The tall man sneered, "What if you catch us? This explosion is just the beginning, there are more plans waiting for you."

Qi Lin was not swayed by his words. He knew that the most important thing now was to protect innocent lives. He immediately notified the police to take the suspect away and kept the notebook as evidence.

Through the interrogation of the suspect and further investigation, the truth of the case was finally revealed.

It turned out that the two suspects were former students at the school who had been expelled from the school due to disciplinary issues. They are disgruntled and plan to use chemicals to cause explosions in order to take revenge on the school and those who have punished them.

They stole dangerous chemicals and set up timers in the canteen. However, they did not expect that anyone would hear their conversation in advance, so they chose to detonate the explosive device in advance in an attempt to create greater chaos.

Qi Lin told the principal and the police this clue and suggested strengthening the school's security measures to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

At Qi Lin's insistence, the suspect was formally prosecuted and eventually sentenced to corresponding penalties. The case was successfully resolved, and the school and students could finally resume their normal lives.

Qi Lin's deeds of detection ability and brave actions soon spread throughout the city. He became a hero in people's hearts, highly praised and respected.

In the next few years, Qi Lin continued to devote himself to solving various complex cases. Through his ingenuity and in-depth investigation, he uncovered mysteries one after another and brought security and justice to society. He became an important figure in the police, was appointed as a senior detective, and mentored new police officers.

0…Please give me flowers…

However, Qi Lin always maintained his concern for students and education. He used his experience and knowledge to hold a series of lectures on safety and crime prevention in schools, dedicated to improving students' safety awareness and self-protection abilities. He also worked with the school to create a safety patrol, a voluntary student body that regularly patrols the campus and reports any suspicious behavior.

With the passage of time, Qi Lin not only made great achievements in solving cases, but his influence on the community also gradually expanded. He actively participates in community activities and establishes close ties with residents. He firmly believes that only through joint efforts can we create a safer and harmonious society.


Qi Lin stood on a tall building in the city, looking at the brightly lit night scene, and his heart was full of satisfaction. He is a highly acclaimed detective who has solved many seemingly unsolvable cases with his intelligence and keen observation. However, this time, he faced a particularly difficult smuggling case.

Qi Lin tracked for several months and finally found the headquarters of the smuggling group. He knows that this operation will be full of danger, but he is determined to completely destroy this criminal network and bring justice to the light again.

That night, Qi Lin transformed into a mysterious figure and broke into the core area of ​​the headquarters. He quietly passed through the defense line and penetrated deep into the enemy's lair. He looked around and found a room where several people deeply involved in the smuggling business were plotting new plans.

Qi Lin approached the door and gently opened the door. He entered the room and listened to the conversation between them calmly.

"This new transportation route is safe and we can continue to make a lot of profits." One man said confidently.

"But Detective Qi Lin has been tracking us, we have to be careful." Another man reminded everyone.

"Qi Lin? He is just a nosy detective. We have strong strength to deal with him." A woman said disdainfully. .

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