Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

838: Qi Lin Goes All Out To Solve The Case

In the end, justice defeated evil. After the trial, the murderer was sentenced to heavy sentences, and the core members of the interest group were also severely punished. This complex murder case has been satisfactorily solved, and the victim's family has found comfort and the satisfaction of justice.

Detective Qi Lin frowned. He was confused by the investigation results of the crime scene. This murder case seems simple, but there are many mysteries hidden in it. He walked into the police station's office and found Wang Kai, the police officer in charge of the case.

"Wang Kai, I have studied the investigation results of the crime scene, and something is not quite right." Qi Lin said.

Wang Kai raised his head and looked at him with tired eyes. "Mr. Qi, you are a famous detective, I believe you can help us.

"I hope so." Qi Lin replied, "Please tell me the details of the case. I need to understand the relationship between the victim and the suspect."

Wang Kai opened the folders on his desk and introduced them to Qi Lin one by one. "The victim was a young lady named Li Ting. She was found lying in the bedroom of her home with obvious strangulation marks on her neck. The cause of death was initially determined to be suffocation."

"Have you found any 13 clues that can point to the suspect?" Qi Lin asked.

Wang Kai shook his head. "There is currently no conclusive evidence, and we have not found any clues about the identity of the killer at the scene."

Qi Lin thought for a moment and then asked: "Did the victim have any disputes or threats before his death?"

Wang Kai flipped through the documents, "According to the investigation, the victim and her ex-boyfriend broke up and had a cold war for a period of time. However, we have eliminated him as a suspect.

"I want to talk to the victim's family in person to learn more about the situation." Qi Lin suggested.

Wang Kai agreed to the suggestion and arranged a meeting. Qi Lin came to Li Ting's home and met her parents in the living room.

"Sir, Madam, please accept my sincere condolences." Qi Lin said, "I am Qi Lin, the detective assigned to this case.

Li Ting's parents nodded to Qi Lin.

"Excuse me, did Li Ting mention anything related to the case to you during her lifetime?" Qi Lin asked.

Li Ting's mother wiped away her tears and said tremblingly: "She once told us about a man named Zhang Kai. It is said that they had a brief love affair.

"Who is this Zhang Kai? Do you know his background?" Qi Lin asked.

Li Ting's father said: "We don't know much about him. We only know that he is the son of a wealthy businessman and often frequents high-end clubs."

Qi Lin frowned slightly. "I need to investigate Zhang Kai's situation. Excuse me, do you have his contact information?"

Li Ting's mother handed Qi Lin a note with a phone number on it. "This is his contact information, I hope you can find the truth.

Qi Lin took the note, expressed his gratitude, and assured Li Ting's parents that he would go all out to solve the case.

Back in his office, Qi Lin immediately called Zhang Kai. After the phone rang a few times, a low and magnetic male voice came: "Hello [I am Zhang Kai."

"Hello, I am Qi Lin, a detective." Qi Lin said in a firm and professional tone, "I want to talk to you about Li Ting."

Zhang Kai remained calm, "I'm sorry to hear about her unfortunate death. But I know nothing about the case."

"We need to understand the relationship between you and Li Ting. Did you have any disputes or disputes after you broke up?" Qi Lin asked.

Zhang Kai sighed, "We did break up, but there were no disputes after the breakup. We just took different paths.

Qi Lin frowned, feeling that Zhang Kai's answer was a bit too concise. "Can you tell me where you were that night? Is there anyone who can provide you with proof of your whereabouts?"

Zhang Kai thought for a moment and replied: "I attended a business dinner at the club that night, and many people can vouch for me."

Qi Lin recorded this information. "Okay, I will investigate and confirm yours. If you have any other clues or information, please tell me immediately.

After the two ended the call, Qi Lin began to investigate Zhang Kai and dig deeper into Li Ting's background and the people who had contact with her.

After some investigation, Qi Lin found that there were indeed many people who could prove that Zhang Kai attended the club dinner that night, and his whereabouts were reliable and beyond doubt. However, he did not stop and conduct a more in-depth analysis of the case.

Through another investigation of the crime scene, Qi Lin discovered a seemingly inconspicuous detail. He noticed a small wooden box on the bedside table, which contained a delicate pearl necklace.

"Why is this necklace here?" Qi Lin thought to himself.

He decided to tell Wang Kai about this discovery and proposed to re-interrogate Li Ting's family and Zhang Kai to see if there was any missing key information.

At the same time, Qi Lin also began to investigate other people who had interacted with Li Ting, including her friends, colleagues, and anyone who might know the victim's private life. He digs deep into each person's background and has face-to-face conversations with them.

While talking to the victim's friends and colleagues, Qi Lin gradually discovered some clues. Someone mentioned that Li Ting once expressed concerns about a 920 secret project, and this project happened to involve a company called Mingzhu Group.

Qi Lin decided to inform Wang Kai of this clue and proposed to investigate the relevant personnel of Mingzhu Group. He believed there was some connection between the company and Li Ting's death.

After some investigation, Qi Lin and Wang Kai discovered that there was indeed an inexplicable connection between the Pearl Group and Li Ting's death. They decided to invite Zhao Jun, a senior manager of the group, to make inquiries.

In a conference room in the police station, Qi Lin and Wang Kai were waiting for Zhao Jun's arrival. Zhao Jun showed nervousness and uneasiness as soon as he entered the door.

"Mr. Zhao, please sit down and let us talk to you about Li Ting." Qi Lin said.

After Zhao Jun sat down, Qi Lin began to ask: "Have you had any contact with Li Ting? We learned that she expressed concerns about the secret project of the Pearl Group."

Zhao Jun's eyes flickered for a moment, but he quickly regained his composure. "I know Li Ting, she is an employee of our company. As for her concerns, I don't know the specific details."

"So can you tell us about this secret project?" Wang Kai asked.

Zhao Jun hesitated for a moment, and then answered: "This secret project involves the development of new products of our company, but I cannot disclose more details."

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