Qi Lin noticed that Zhao Jun was unnatural. "Please think again and see if there is anything else related to Li Ting that you can tell us. This is an important clue.

Zhao Jun was silent for a moment, seeming to be weighing something. Finally, he sighed, "There are indeed some things I haven't told you. I had a relationship with Li Ting, although it is over now.

"Why did you hide this before?" Qi Lin asked.

Zhao Jun lowered his head and his voice trembled slightly: "I'm worried that this relationship will have a negative impact on my work. But I know nothing about her death, I swear.

Qi Lin stared at Zhao Jun, and he could feel the other person's fear and innocence. "Okay, we will re-examine the case and investigate the information you provided." He agreed with Zhao Jun's explanation.

After leaving the conference room, Qi Lin and Wang Kai began to re-examine every detail of the case. They noticed some key missing points, especially the pearl necklace found in Li Ting's home.

Back at Li Ting's home, they carefully inspected the pearl necklace. Through professional identification, they found that there was a faint trace of DNA remaining on the necklace.

"This may be a key clue to the murderer." Qi Lin said, "We need to conduct DNA comparisons to find matching samples."

In the next few days, Qi Lin and Wang Kai tried their best to find Li Ting's relatives, hoping to find matching traces in their DNA. Finally, after careful comparison, they found a person who matched the DNA on the necklace - Li Ting's cousin Yang Hao.

They immediately summoned Yang Hao to the police station for questioning. Faced with the conclusive evidence, Yang Hao stated that he knew nothing about Li Ting's death and insisted that he had not done anything related to the case. He explained that he and Li Ting had always maintained a close cousin relationship and had no motive to harm her.

Qi Lin and Wang Kai realized that they needed to investigate Yang Hao's background and behavior more fully to understand whether there were other potential motives. By analyzing Yang Hao's bank records and call records, they found a suspicious clue.

It turned out that a few months before Li Ting's death, Yang Hao received numerous fund transfers from unfamiliar accounts. The amount of these funds is huge, far exceeding his normal economic situation.

Qi Lin and Wang Kai tracked the flow of funds and eventually discovered that the funds came from an anonymous account of the Pearl Group. As a senior manager of Mingzhu Group, Zhao Jun is likely to be involved.

They interrogated Zhao Jun again and told him the new discovery. Zhao Jun looked pale, but still denied any transaction with Yang Hao.

Qi Lin was not satisfied with Zhao Jun's answer, and decided to further investigate the Pearl Group. Through communication with other employees, suppliers and partners, Qi Lin collected some key information.

They discovered that Mingzhu Group had recently launched a new product on the market. This product had huge potential and would bring huge profits if successful. However, the development of this project was not smooth, and many problems emerged one after another.

By analyzing relevant documents and internal communications, Qi Lin discovered a key report. The report pointed out that Li Ting had raised questions and concerns, believing that the project contained potential illegal activities that might damage the company's reputation and interests.

This report attracted Zhao Jun's attention, and he realized that if Li Ting continued to insist on her opinions, it might cause serious obstacles to the Pearl Group's plans. In order to protect the company's interests, Zhao Jun decided to take extreme measures and conspired with Yang Hao to kill Li Ting.

Qi Lin and Wang Kai submitted the evidence to the procuratorate, and Zhao Jun and Yang Hao were eventually formally arrested and accepted legal sanctions.

Qi Lin frowned. He was standing in his office with an investigation report in his hand. This is a report on a commercial espionage case involving the theft of secrets from a well-known international company. As a detective, Qi Lin has always been passionate and persistent in solving such cases.

He looked around. The walls in the office were covered with photos and clues of suspects, but there were currently no clear clues pointing to the criminals. Qi Lin sat back in his chair and began to read the report carefully. The case has troubled him for weeks, and he is eager to find the key to solving it.

Just as he was immersed in thinking, the phone rang suddenly, interrupting his train of thought. He answered the phone and it was his partner Zhao Xue.

"Qi Lin, I have news that someone is selling confidential documents stolen in our case"~. " Zhao Xue said.

When Qi Lin heard the news, his heart moved and he immediately asked: "Do you know the specific transaction location? We have to catch the seller as soon as possible.

Zhao Xue told him that the transaction location was a secret bar. This news made Qi Lin feel a little uneasy. Despite this, he still decided to go with Zhao Xue.

When Qi Lin and Zhao Xue arrived at the bar, some suspicious people had gathered around them. Qi Lin quietly observed, trying to find the trace of the seller. Suddenly, a man wearing a hat caught Qi Lin's attention. It seemed that he was talking to a suspicious buyer.

Qi Lin decided to follow the man, and he carefully walked through the crowd, keeping his distance. The man entered the back door of the bar, and Qi Lin followed him without hesitation. They entered a dark room filled with desks and documents.

.々Are you sure this is the confidential document we want?" the buyer asked.

"Of course, these documents are the latest company planning and marketing plans, which definitely have a competitive advantage." The man in the hat replied confidently.

Qi Lin's heart moved when he heard this. This case involves not only commercial espionage, but also market competitors. He quietly took out his cell phone (it was a good thing) and secretly took pictures of the situation in the room.

Suddenly, Qi Lin's cell phone rang, breaking the silence. The man in the hat looked in the direction of Qi Lin alertly.

"Someone is following us!" he shouted.

Qi Lin's heart tightened, and he immediately rushed out of the room and started chasing the man in the hat. The two men shuttled back and forth in the bar, and the scene was chaotic. In the end, Qi Lin used his rich training and experience to successfully subdue the man in the hat and bring him to justice.

After returning to the office, Qi Lin combined the photographed situation with the investigation report and began to analyze the case carefully. He realized that this industrial espionage case was far more complicated than imagined. There are not only sellers and buyers, but also market competitors.

Qi Lin called Zhao Xue, told her the latest findings, and invited her to participate in solving the case. .

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