Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

840: Qi Lin Received An Anonymous Email

In the next few days, Qi Lin and Zhao Xue launched a series of investigations. They gained an in-depth understanding of the internal operating mechanism of the company involved, and gradually grasped clues to the entire case by analyzing market dynamics and competitor behavior.

One night, Qi Lin received an anonymous email, which provided an important clue - Woolswell, a senior manager of the company involved in the case, may be the manipulator behind the scenes. This clue makes the truth of the case even more confusing.

The next day, Qi Lin and Zhao Xue decided to go to Wooswell's office to conduct a raid. They pretended to be there for a routine business negotiation in order to gain access to the office.

When they entered Woolswell's office, they noticed something unusual. The files in the filing cabinet were messed up and Wooswell looked a little nervous and uneasy.

"Mr. Woodwell, we have received some clues about your suspected involvement in commercial espionage activities, and we need to investigate." Qi Lin said, sitting upright.

Woolswell became immediately alert, but tried to hide his nervousness.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I know nothing about this case," he claimed.

Zhao Xue took out 230 the previously received anonymous email and showed it to Woolswell.

"This email shows that you may be one of the manipulators behind the scenes, and we need you to cooperate with our investigation." Zhao Xue said firmly.

Woolswell's face turned pale, and he began to wonder whether he should admit his crime. In the end, he decided to confess and get leniency.

"Yes, I did engage in industrial espionage and sold confidential company documents to competitors," Woolswell admitted, "but that was not all of my crimes. There were others who conspired with me."

Qi Lin and Zhao Xue listened more alertly, realizing that the case was much more complicated than they imagined.

"Tell us, what is the connection between you and other people?" Qi Lin asked himself.

Woolswell began to tell the story of the entire case. It turned out that he and some senior managers formed a secret alliance to benefit themselves in business competition. They mainly steal the company's confidential documents and sell them to competitors in order to obtain high returns.

After in-depth questioning by Qi Lin and Zhao Xue (bddf), Woolswell gradually revealed the identities and actions of other members of the alliance. They discovered that the alliance was larger than they imagined and had already conducted similar industrial espionage activities in multiple industries.

In order to completely destroy this criminal network, Qi Lin and Zhao Xue decided to take action. They worked closely with law enforcement to develop an action plan. The plan is to conduct simultaneous raids at multiple locations at a given time to catch all those involved.

When the operation began, the police launched simultaneous search operations in various locations. Senior managers, competitors and others in connection with the case were arrested. Their offices and residences were carefully searched and a large amount of evidence was collected.

The entire operation was quite tense and full of dangers, but in the end Qi Lin and Zhao Xue succeeded in completely destroying the entire criminal network. Their efforts and intelligence were highly appreciated by their superiors, and Qi Lin received an Outstanding Detective Award.

However, Qi Lin was not satisfied with this. Although the case had been successfully solved, he knew that commercial espionage was still rampant in the real world. He is determined to spread his experience and knowledge to help combat commercial espionage.

Qi Lin established a dedicated team dedicated to researching and preventing commercial espionage activities. They work with major companies to provide security consulting and training to ensure that the company's confidential information is not leaked to competitors. At the same time, they have also strengthened cooperation with law enforcement agencies to jointly combat commercial espionage activities.

Qi Lin is an experienced detective who is known for his unique insight and keen observation. On this day, he received a special case, a hit and run incident. A black car quickly fled the scene after a traffic accident in the city, leaving behind countless witnesses and victims.

When Qi Lin rushed to the scene, he saw the police officers busy collecting evidence. Wearing a dark suit and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, he looked around intently. As a veteran detective, he knows important clues are often hidden in the details. He knelt down and carefully observed the skid marks and broken glass on the ground.

Suddenly, a young police officer came over and greeted Qi Lin: "Are you Mr. Qi Lin? I am Lin Yu. We have received instructions and need your help in investigating this case."

Qi Lin stood up, smiled and shook hands with Lin Yu. "Yes, I am Qi Lin. I am very happy to cooperate with you." He responded.

Lin Yu led Qi Lin to the police car and handed him a report on the crime scene. "This is the information we have collected so far. We hope you can find clues from it."

Qi Lin took the report and browsed it quickly. "First, we need to understand the circumstances of the accident scene in detail. I would like to talk to the witnesses and see if anyone can provide more information."

Lin Yu nodded in agreement and led Qi Lin towards a young woman. She stood on the street, staring blankly into the distance.

"Hello everyone, my name is Qi Lin, and this is my assistant Lin Yu. We are investigating this hit-and-run case. What did you see?" Qi Lin said politely.

The woman raised her head, with a hint of fear on her face. "I...I saw a black car run a red light, hit a pedestrian, and then speed away from the scene."

Qi Lin noticed that the woman's voice was trembling. "Can you please describe the characteristics of that car?"

The woman thought for a moment. "Hmm...a black car, the license plate number seems to be three eights."

Qi Lin looked happy. "This is an important clue. Thank you very much for your help." He turned to Lin Yu, "We need to investigate this license plate number as soon as possible."

In the next few days, Qi Lin and Lin Yu analyzed many traffic records and surveillance videos, and finally found a black car that matched the description. They tracked the car across the city, eventually stopping in front of a huge villa in a luxury residential area.

Qi Lin and Lin Yu quietly approached the villa, and they hid nearby to observe. After a while, they saw a middle-aged man walking into the villa. Qi Lin judged that this man might be a suspect in the hit-and-run case.

"We have to find a way to go in and investigate." Qi Lin whispered to Lin Yu. .

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