Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

841: The Police Have Obtained Evidence

Lin Yu nodded. "I know a path that goes around the back of the villa and we can try to enter from there.

The two quietly walked around to the back of the villa and found an unlocked window. They quietly opened the window and entered the villa.

In the living room, they saw a middle-aged man arguing with a woman. The woman's eyes reveal fear and despair.

Qi Lin decided to step in and break up the argument. "Sir, the police have obtained evidence of your hit-and-run accident. Please cooperate with our investigation.

After hearing Qi Lin's voice, the middle-aged man turned and looked at them with a stunned expression. "Who are you? Why did you break into my home?"

Qi Lin showed his detective certificate and explained: "I am Detective Qi Lin, responsible for investigating the hit-and-run case in which you participated. We need you to assist us in our work.

The middle-aged man looked pale and was obviously frightened. "I...I don't know what you're talking about. I wasn't involved in any hit-and-runs.

Qi Lin calmly observed the man's reaction. "Sir, we already have the license plate number and the witness statements. If you have anything to explain, please say it as soon as possible.

The middle-aged man looked flustered and began to tremble. "Okay, I admit it. I hit the pedestrian with my black car, but I was afraid of facing responsibility, so I fled the scene.~"

Lin Yu stepped forward to take the middle-aged man back to the police station. "Please cooperate with our investigation and we will proceed further based on your confession.

In the police station, Qi Lin and Lin Yu conducted a detailed interrogation of the middle-aged man. They found that the middle-aged man named Li Qiang was an ordinary office worker with no criminal record.

"Mr. Li, why did you choose to hit and run?" Qi Lin asked.

Li Qiang lowered his head and his voice was weak. "I know what I did was wrong, but I'm afraid of facing legal sanctions. I don't know what to do."

Qi Lin took a deep look at Li Qiang. "Avoiding responsibility will only make the problem worse. You should call the police promptly and assist in the investigation so as to give the victim and yourself a fair chance."

Li Qiang was silent for a moment and sighed. "You're right. I really regret my choice."

Qi Lin relaxed his vigilance slightly. "Now that you have realized your mistake, I will try my best to help you fight for fair treatment under the law.

In the next few days, Qi Lin maintained close contact with Li Qiang and helped him explain the truth of the accident to the court. After investigation and mediation, the victim's family also expressed their understanding for Li Qiang. In the end, Li Qiang was sentenced to probation and was required to pay compensation to the victim.

Qi Lin showed his intelligence and human concern as a detective in Li Qiang's case. He knows that solving a case is not just about catching the criminal, but more importantly, giving the victim a fair treatment and giving the perpetrator a chance to correct his mistakes.

The outcome of this case did not satisfy Qi Lin. He still felt that some things had not revealed the truth. He began to review the evidence at the crime scene and the testimony of eyewitnesses, trying to find clues that might have been overlooked.

"Lin Yu, I think we haven't fully uncovered the truth about this case." Qi Lin said, "We need to investigate the witnesses again."

The two re-launched the investigation and had in-depth exchanges with the original witnesses. In the statement of one of the witnesses, there was a description that was different from the other witnesses.

"I saw that after the black car hit the pedestrian, the driver did not flee in a hurry. Instead, he stopped and checked the injured person before leaving the scene." The witness said

Qi Lin and Lin Yu were stunned for a moment, and they began to rethink the details of the case. Qi Lin recalled the skid marks and broken glass he saw at the scene.

"Lin Yu, I have a new speculation. This case may be more than just a hit-and-run." Qi Lin said seriously, "We need to find the black car and conduct a detailed investigation on it."

After further tracking and investigation, they finally found the owner of the black car. Through interrogation, Qi Lin discovered the shocking truth.

It turned out that there was a deep hatred between the victim and the owner of the black car. A hit-and-run is simply an elaborate plot to cover up a larger crime. In order to retaliate against the victim, the owner of the black car deliberately caused a traffic accident and disguised it as a hit-and-run case.

...Please give me flowers...

Qi Lin and Lin Yu submitted all this evidence to the police, and the owner of the black car eventually faced more serious charges.

The truth of the case was finally revealed to the world and attracted widespread attention due to media reports. People express their sincere admiration for Qi Lin and Lin Yu's intelligence and persistence.

The victims' families are filled with gratitude, feeling that justice has been served and that the real perpetrator of the hit-and-run incident has been brought to justice. This case has become a typical warning, telling people that even in the face of difficulties and pressure, they cannot break the law and evade responsibility.

Qi Lin and Lin Yu demonstrated the detective's professional ethics and human concern in this case. They understand that their responsibility is to bring peace and justice to society, and work hard to protect the rights of innocent people. Their efforts and wisdom have allowed society to see the value of the police again, and have won them a lot of praise and respect.


Detective Qi Lin is famous for his keen observation and reasoning skills, and he can always give satisfactory answers when solving various difficult cases.

One day, Qi Lin received an investigation task about an arson case. This case occurred in a high-end shopping mall in a bustling business district, causing huge property damage and casualties. Qi Lin knew well the importance of time in solving such cases, so he rushed to the scene immediately.

The shopping mall has been blocked by the police, and Qi Lin walked towards the brightly lit underground parking lot. The dim light and burning smell there were unsettling. One of the police officers introduced the case to Qi Lin.

The police officer said: "Detective Qi Lin, thank you for coming. Our current preliminary investigation results show that the fire was caused by an arsonist. We suspect that the arsonist used an accelerator and ignited multiple fires in the shopping mall." location. We quickly evacuated customers and employees and did our best to control the fire."

Qi Lin carefully observed every corner of the parking lot, and inspiration suddenly emerged in his mind. He noticed an unusual mark, it looked like someone had lit a fire here. Qi Lin bent down and gently touched the scorched ground with his fingers.

"The traces of this place are very obvious, but I suspect this is just the surface of the arson case." Qi Lin said to himself. .

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