Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

842: Many People Have Similar Phoenix Tattoos

While he was thinking deeply, a police officer came over and reported to him: "Detective Qi Lin, we found a witness. He said he saw a suspicious figure dancing with a lighter in the shopping mall."

Qi Lin immediately came to the witness and asked for details.

Witnesses recalled: "I was choosing clothes in a clothing store in a shopping mall when I suddenly smelled a strong smell of smoke. I turned my head and found a man in a black coat standing aside with a lighter in his hand. He seemed It’s exciting to watch the flames.”

Qi Lin felt this clue was very important and asked the police to provide more details about the witness descriptions and any other relevant information.

The police officer handed Qi Lin a note that read: "Witnesses mentioned that this suspicious person has a special tattoo of a phoenix." "860"

Qi Lin took the note and read it carefully. He realized that this tattoo might be a breakthrough in solving the case. He picked up his phone and started searching for information related to phoenix tattoos.

After systematic analysis, Qi Lin discovered a local gang organization, many of whose members had similar phoenix tattoos. He believes that this is not just a coincidence. Qi Lin decided to investigate the gang organization in depth to see if anyone was related to the arson case.

He contacted a reliable informant to get more information about the gang. The informant told him that the organization has been active in the city recently, involving illegal transactions and extortion. After Qi Lin compiled this information, he decided to sneak into the gang organization himself in order to obtain more evidence.

Wearing a disguise, Qi Lin sneaked into the secret gathering place of the gang organization. He noticed that several members had phoenix tattoos, and one man caught his special attention. This man's name is Li Hao and he is a senior member of the organization.

During the party, Qi Lin secretly collected some relevant evidence [including documents and communication records related to the arson case]. But he still needs more convincing evidence to confirm Li Hao's participation.

By tracking Li Hao's movements, Qi Lin found that he sometimes went to a bar near the shopping mall. Qi Lin decided to place a small surveillance device there to obtain more information about Li Hao.

A few days later, a recording of the conversation came back from the surveillance equipment. Qi Lin heard Li Hao discussing the details of the arson case with another gang member. They mentioned the use of accelerators and methods of igniting various locations. The recording confirmed Li Hao's involvement and revealed more details.

Qi Lin handed these evidence to the police and assisted them in making arrests. In a well-planned arrest operation, the police successfully captured Li Ji and other persons involved in the case.

During the interrogation, Li Hao finally admitted his crime and provided detailed information about the arson case. He identified two other gang members as co-offenders.

Qi Lin is satisfied because he solved the arson case through smart investigation and unremitting efforts. His reasoning and observation skills helped him find key clues, and his questioning of witnesses was also one of the keys to a breakthrough in the case.

Qi Lin is a detective who is famous for solving various complex cases. Recently, a shocking kidnapping case occurred in the center of the city, and the police were in trouble. This case involves a huge criminal network, many victims are missing, and their families are anxiously looking for them.

After receiving notification of the case, Qi Lin immediately rushed to the police station. When he entered the investigation room, he saw a table filled with notes and photos of related cases. Detective Wang Kai came over to greet him and introduced him to the case.

"Mr. Qi, this trafficking case has been going on for several months. We have tried our best to investigate, but we have not made any breakthrough yet. We need your help to solve this mystery." Wang Kai said solemnly.

"I will do my best, Officer Wang. I need you to report to me the causes and consequences of the case and all the clues collected so far." Qi Lin said in a deep voice.

Wang Kai told Qi Lin the details of the case. From the antecedents to the investigation process, he described everything in as much detail as possible. The origin of the case was that a young woman disappeared. After her mother called the police, the police tracked a trafficking group, but were unable to determine her specific whereabouts.

"We know that this case involves a huge criminal network, and they use complex means to hide themselves. We have found some suspicious clues, but no conclusive evidence has been found. Please help us analyze these clues, or find other possible clues. Clues." Wang Kai looked at Qi Lin expectantly.

Qi Lin thought for a moment, then he walked to the table and began to study every clue carefully. He noticed a folder of photos showing several people talking in one of the ten coffee shops that line the street. This appears to be where the woman in the hospital was last seen.

"These photos are very interesting. I want to investigate this coffee shop further. Maybe we can find more clues." Qi Lin said thoughtfully.

Qi Lin and Wang Kai came to the coffee shop together. They sat quietly in a corner and observed everything around them. Qi Lin noticed a man who looked suspicious and kept looking around.

"Officer Wang, have you seen that man? He looks a little suspicious." Qi Lin asked in a low voice.

Wang Kai followed Qi Lin's gaze and looked at the man. He was wearing a black coat and hat, and his behavior was somewhat mysterious.

"We can try to get close to him and see if we can get some clues from him." Wang Kai suggested.

Qi Lin nodded, and the two of them slowly approached the man. They chose a seat far away from him and sat down while keeping an eye on him. A few minutes later, Qi Lin suddenly noticed a change in the man's expression. Yi Ping received some important news on May 8.

"Officer Wang, it seems that our target has made new moves. I think we should follow him and see where he goes." Qi Lin said softly.

They followed the man quietly, not letting him notice their presence. The man walked into a building that looked like an old warehouse. Qi Lin and Wang Kai decided to wait for a while to make sure no one else entered before taking action.

While waiting, they began to discuss ways to approach and engage in conversation with the man. Qi Lin thinks the best way is to pretend to be an ordinary person and "find an excuse to get close to him.

After confirming that no one was around, Qi Lin and Wang Kai slowly approached the warehouse. They found that the door had no special security measures and entered easily. They cautiously moved toward the man's location. .

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