Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

843: The Two Decided To Take A Chance

Suddenly, they heard low voices. They stopped and tried to hear the conversation. The voices of both people were very deep, making it difficult for Qi Lin and Wang Kai to distinguish.

"We need to get closer to hear what they are saying." Qi Lin said softly to Wang Kai.

They continued to approach slowly, trying to be as quiet as possible. As the distance shortened, they were gradually able to hear the conversation clearly.

"This business is getting more and more dangerous. Some people are beginning to doubt us, and we must strengthen security measures." There was a hint of nervousness in the man's voice.

"Yes, we can't delay it any longer. Someone has launched an investigation now, and we must get ahead of them." Another voice responded.

Qi Lin and Wang Kai exchanged glances and understood that they had taken an important step. However, they don't know what the two people are talking about yet, so they can only wait for the opportunity for the time being.

Through observation, Qi Lin and Wang Kai discovered that these two people were not ordinary staff members. They may be key figures in this huge criminal network. They decided to get closer

to better hear the conversation.

They found a corner where they could get slightly closer to the two men. 13 Despite facing certain risks, Qi Lin and Wang Kai decided to take the risk.

As they got closer and closer to their target, an alarm suddenly sounded and the lights in the warehouse suddenly turned on. They were forced out of their hiding place.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" one of the men asked angrily.

"We are the police! We are investigating a trafficking case. You need to cooperate with our investigation." Qi Lin replied firmly.

The men were a little nervous when faced with the sudden appearance of the police, but they quickly regained their composure. One of the men said with a sarcastic smile: "Oh, you are the police? No wonder we feel under surveillance recently.

"Do you think you can stop us just by doing this?" Another man sneered, obviously not afraid of facing the police.

Qi Lin looked at them calmly, unswayed by their threats. "We will not be moved by threats. You can continue to bicker, but this will not solve the problem. We have obtained some evidence and believe that you are related to the trafficking case. If you are willing to cooperate with our investigation, you may be able to receive leniency. , otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences!”

These words made the two men calm down a little. They understand that their opponent is no ordinary detective, and it seems that they already have some substantial evidence.

"Okay, since you are so stubborn, let's talk about it. We are indeed involved in a trafficking case, but we will not leak the truth easily." The man who spoke showed a sinister smile

Qi Lin realized that they might not explain easily, but he knew that he had to continue to ask.

"Why are you involved in the abduction case? What is your purpose?" Qi Lin asked calmly.

The man hesitated for a moment, then finally explained: "We were forced to get involved in this criminal network. There is a larger force behind us. They threatened us to participate in trafficking activities and forced us to remain silent.

"Who is this force? Why are they so tough on you?" Qi Lin asked.

The man looked at his accomplices beside him, hesitated for a moment, and then continued: "This force is called the Black Dragon Society. They are a huge criminal organization. They make huge profits through human trafficking and control the entire trafficking industry in the market. .They have influence all over the place, and we cannot escape their control.

Hearing this name, Qi Lin's heart moved. He knew that the Black Dragon Society was a very dangerous and powerful organization, and their existence had always caused a headache for the police.

"Do you know the specific location of the Black Dragon Society's activities? Or is there any other evidence that can reveal their whereabouts?" Qi Lin asked urgently.

The man hesitated for a moment, then whispered: "We do know some information, but if we reveal it, our lives will be in danger.

Qi Lin took a deep breath and understood that this case was more complicated and dangerous than he imagined. He decided to continue talking to those involved in the case, hoping to obtain more useful clues and protect their safety as much as possible.

Qi Lin thought about it and realized that these two people who were forced to be involved in the criminal network needed protection. He decided to cooperate with them and promised to do his best to protect their safety.

"I understand your concerns, but I can apply for a protection plan from my superiors to provide you with a safe place to live and keep your identity confidential. We need your cooperation to attack the Black Dragon Society and bring them to justice." Qi Lin said firmly.

Hearing about the possibility of protection, the men exchanged glances with each other, their expressions gradually softening. They know they cannot deal with the Black Dragon Society alone, and police support is the only way they can be saved.

"Okay, we are willing to cooperate. But please ensure our safety, otherwise we will not tell any clues." The man who spoke warned.

Qi Lin solemnly nodded and agreed to their request. He then contacted his superiors and reported the situation to them.

In the next few days, Qi Lin led other police officers to launch the operation. They secretly collect evidence, formulate plans, and keep in touch with those involved.

Gradually, they learned about some of the Black Dragon Club's activity locations and member 057 information. Qi Lin cooperated with Wang Kai and other police officers to launch a series of arrest operations. They successfully arrested many members of the Black Dragon Society and searched for a large amount of evidence.

All this was possible thanks to the cooperation of two men who were forced into a criminal network. They provided important clues and inside intelligence, helping the police destroy the Black Dragon Society's criminal network in the area.

After a period of hard work, the power of the Black Dragon Society was greatly weakened, and many core members were arrested or fled. The entire fu hawking industry has also been hit hard.

In the end, police officers such as Qi Lin and Wang Kai successfully captured the leader of the Black Dragon Society in an operation. They finally uncovered the truth behind the Black Dragon Society and brought justice to society.

Detective Qi Lin sat on the chair in the office with a serious look on his face, tapping his fingers on the table. He is thinking about the latest case - jewelry theft. This was a major case that caused a sensation. Priceless jewelry was stolen and the entire city fell into panic. Qi Lin realized that this investigation was not only related to his reputation, but also related to the credibility of the entire police station.

The door of the office opened slightly, and a young police officer came in to report the situation to Qi Lin. "Captain Qi, we found a suspect. His name is Li Ming and he is a thief with a criminal record."

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