Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

844: Recall The Man In Black Clothes And Long Hair

Qi Lin frowned. The clue seemed too simple, and he didn't think solving the case meant finding an ex-convict thief. "Do you have evidence to prove that he is the murderer?" Qi Lin asked.

"We found his fingerprints at the crime scene and witnesses saw him leaving there," the officer replied.

"This is only superficial evidence and cannot fully confirm his crime." Qi Lin thought for a moment, "We need more clues to prove that he is a criminal."

Qi Lin led the police officers in a series of investigations. They visited residents near the crime scene to look for any possible witnesses. In a small alley, they found an old woman.

"Excuse me, aunt, have you seen the suspect in the jewelry theft case?" Qi Lin asked politely.

The old woman narrowed her eyes and recalled. "Ah, I remember a young man with black clothes and long hair walking through that alley.

Qi Lin's heart moved. This is consistent with previously collected clues. He decided to follow the lead. After some efforts, they finally found Li Ming.

In the interrogation room, Qi Lin began a severe cross-examination. "Li Ming, we have enough evidence to prove that you were involved in the jewelry theft. You'd better confess truthfully, otherwise the consequences will be serious."

Li Ming firmly denied his crime. "I don't know what you are talking about, I didn't steal anything at all."

Qi Lin looked deeply into Li Ming's eyes and noticed something different. "Tell me the truth, maybe I can help you." There was a hint of tolerance in his voice.

Li Ming hesitated for a moment and finally spoke. "I did it, but I'm not alone. Someone threatened me that if I didn't help them steal the jewelry, they would hurt my family.

Qi Lin frowned, "Can you tell me who they are?"

Li Ming shook his head, "I don't know their identities. I only know that they will contact me at a specific time and place."

Qi Lin thought about how to deal with it. "We can set a trap to catch these people who threaten you."

Qi Lin comforted Li Ming and said: "Don't worry, we will protect you and your family. I need you to cooperate with our actions and let us catch these people who threaten you."

Qi Lin organized a secret team, including technically proficient police officers and covert experts. They made a detailed plan [waiting for the suspect to contact Ji Ming at a specific time and place.

A few days later, when Li Ming received a mysterious phone call and agreed on a location to exchange jewelry, Qi Lin and his team were ready. They quietly set up surveillance equipment and waited in the dark.

As night falls, the exchange location is an abandoned warehouse. Li Ming appeared, followed by three strangers. Qi Lin directed the team and paid close attention to everyone's actions.

Suddenly, Li Ming sent a signal, which was agreed in advance. Qi Lin and his team immediately took action and rushed into the warehouse. They quickly subdued the three strangers while ensuring Li Ming's safety.

Qi Lin interrogated these suspects, trying to obtain more information about the theft. After a confrontation, one of the suspects finally confessed.

"We were hired by a wealthy businessman who wanted to obtain huge insurance money by stealing jewelry." The suspect admitted, "He used Li Ming's family as a threat to force him to assist us."

Qi Lin listened calmly, having already guessed the conspiracy behind it. Tell me the name and contact information of that businessman. "

The suspect hesitated and finally revealed the businessman's name and contact information. Qi Lin immediately recorded the information and arranged for police officers to investigate the businessman's background and whereabouts.

After in-depth investigation, the police discovered the collusion between the businessman and the insurance company, as well as a series of insurance frauds planned by him. They successfully caught the businessman and revealed the truth of the entire case.

At a press conference crowded with reporters, Qi Lin explained the cause and progress of the case to the public. He thanked the team for their efforts and Li Ming's courage, and called on all sectors of society to work together

Detective Qi Lin solved this jewelry theft case with his outstanding talent and brave actions, bringing peace to the city again. His name became widely known throughout the police community and society, and he became a highly respected detective.

However, for Qi Lin, this is just a small victory in his career. He understands that detective work never stops and the shadow of crime is always lurking in the darkness. He made up his mind to stick to justice and continue to work for social security.

Qi Lin pondered as he stood in the kitchen at the crime scene. This is a high-end restaurant that was cordoned off for investigation after the poisoning. Qi Lin looked around and saw various bottles and ingredients placed in front of him.

His assistant Xiao Ding stood aside waiting for instructions. "Xiao Ding, we need to conduct detailed testing on these ingredients to see if there are any suspicious substances." Qi Lin said.

Xiao Ding nodded and began to examine each bottle and box carefully. Qi Lin walked to the table at the crime scene and observed the situation at the scene. He noticed that several waiters were busy preparing dinner, and one of them seemed to be acting a little unusual.

"That waiter wearing glasses, have you noticed him?" Qi Lin asked the worker.

Xiao Ding turned back and looked at the waiter. "Well, he did act a little strange. I remember him being in the kitchen before dinner and then suddenly leaving."

Qi Lin nodded. "We need to find him and see if he knows anything about this case. Let's go to the restaurant manager and see if he knows anything about this waiter's background."

Qi Lin and Xiao Ding walked along the corridor to the door of the restaurant manager's office. Qi Lin knocked on the door, then opened the door and walked in.

The restaurant manager raised his head, showing a hint of surprise. "Oh, Detective Qi Lin, is there anything I can help you with?"

Qi Lin smiled and sat down. "We are investigating a poisoning tonight. I noticed a waiter acting suspiciously. Do you know his background?"

The restaurant manager frowned. "Are you referring to the waiter with glasses? His name is Li Ming, and he is a senior employee of our restaurant. He has been working here for five years and behaves very well."

"Has Li Ming shown any abnormalities recently?" Qi Lin asked.

The restaurant manager thought for a moment. "He has indeed been a bit depressed recently, but I thought it was just for personal reasons. I was not aware of any dangerous behavior on his part."

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