Qi Lin nodded. "Thank you for your cooperation. We need to find him and see if he knows anything about this case.

Qi Lin and Xiao Ding left the restaurant manager's office and began to search for Li Ming in the restaurant. Soon after, they found Li Ming in a corner.

"Mr. Li Ming, can we talk to you?" Qi Lin asked politely.

Li Ming raised his head and looked at Qi Lin. "What do I have?"

"We are investigating the poisoning case tonight. We noticed that you behaved strangely when you left the kitchen. Do you know anything about this case?" Qi Lin asked.

Li Ming's expression became tense, and there was a trace of sweat on his palms. He hesitated for a moment, and then whispered: "I...I do know something, but I'm afraid of involving myself.

Qi Lin said patiently: "Please rest assured, we are just trying to find out the truth. If you have any clues or information, no matter how small, it may be very important to our investigation."

Li Ming took a breath, obviously trying to overcome the fear in his heart. "Okay, I'll tell you. In fact, I heard some suspicious conversations. Shortly before the dinner, there were two employees in the kitchen secretly communicating." 613 "What were they talking about?" Qi Lin asked.

Li Ming recalled: "They mentioned a plan, which seemed to be to poison the dinner. One of them said he had prepared the poison, and the other said he would do it during the service. I couldn't believe it at the time, thinking They were just joking."

Qi Lin frowned slightly. "Can you describe those two men?"

Li Ming thought hard for a moment. "One is a tall man wearing a white chef's uniform and a black hat. The other is a medium-sized man wearing a black chef's uniform and a clear beard on his face.

Qi Lin said to Xiao Ding: "We need to find these two people as soon as possible and bring them to the police station for further investigation." Then he turned to Li Ming, "Thank you very much for your cooperation

We will protect your Anchen. "

Li Ming breathed a sigh of relief and his expression relaxed a little. "Thank you, I just hope this case can be resolved."

In the next few days, Qi Lin and Xiao Ding continued to follow clues and finally locked in the two suspects. After detailed interrogation, they admitted that they were involved in the poisoning, but refused to disclose the motives behind it.

Qi Lin returned to the restaurant and met with the restaurant manager again. "We have found two suspects and they have admitted their crimes. However, they did not disclose the motive for the poisoning. I don't think we need more investigations to solve this mystery."

The restaurant manager looked worried. "This is really shocking and I can't understand why they would do such a thing. Please continue to investigate and we will cooperate fully."

After careful consideration, Qi Lin said: "I need to question the guests during the dinner to see if anyone else noticed anything unusual. Maybe they can provide some key clues."

So Qi Lin and Xiao Ding began to talk to each guest at the dinner one by one. They collected a large amount of testimony and information. One of the guests mentioned that a young man named Wang Lin behaved abnormally during the dinner and frequently came in and out of the kitchen.

Qi Lin decided to investigate Wang Lin. They found Wang Lin's contact information and agreed with him on a time and place for an interview. In a quiet cafe, Qi Lin and Xiao Ding were waiting for Wang Lin's arrival.

Soon after, a young man entered the cafe, it was Wang Lin. He looked anxious, his eyes constantly darting around. Qi Lin motioned for him to sit down.

"Mr. Wang, please rest assured that we are only here to solve this case. We noticed some unusual behavior on your part during the dinner. Can you tell us the reason?" Qi Lin asked.

Wang Lin trembled slightly and replied: "I...(bddd)...I really can't stand it anymore. That night I saw the two waiters secretly adding some strange powder when preparing the dishes. I felt something was wrong, so I Their actions were secretly filmed.”

Qi Lin and Xiao Ding both showed surprised expressions. "Do you have any evidence of the shooting? Please provide it to us as soon as possible." Qi Lin requested.

Wang Lin took out his mobile phone from his pocket and opened a video. "That's it, you can take a look." He handed the phone to Qi Lin.

Qi Lin watched the video carefully and indeed saw two waiters putting some powder into the dishes. He looked at Wang Lin gratefully: "Thank you very much for your courage and cooperation. This evidence will play an important role in the investigation of the case."

After taking back the phone, Qi Lin asked Xiaoding to record the information provided by Wang Lin and told him to keep it confidential. Then, they submitted this key video to the police station as evidence.

After further analysis and investigation, the police finally revealed the truth of the case. It turns out that the two waiters are members of a criminal gang who were hired to poison the restaurant in order to deliberately damage the reputation of the restaurant. Wang Lin's photographic evidence provided key clues for the detection of the case.

Qi Lin and Xiao Ding participated in the interrogation of the suspects and assisted the police in bringing them to justice. After the case was solved, Qi Lin was commended and made important contributions to solving the poisoning case.

A few weeks later, Qi Lin and Xiao Ding once again came to the high-end restaurant that suffered a poisoning incident. The restaurant manager welcomed them warmly and prepared a sumptuous dinner for them.

During the meal, Qi Lin and Xiao Ding reviewed the investigation process and the challenges they faced. They were deeply moved and proud of their efforts.

Qi Lin is an experienced detective who is always able to solve various complex cases through meticulous observation and keen reasoning skills. This time, he took over an animal trafficking case. According to the report, a huge trafficking network involves the illegal trading of various rare animals, posing a huge threat to wildlife conservation.

Qi Lin immediately launched an investigation after receiving the information. He went to the scene of the crime, a hidden farm on the edge of the city. It is used by suspected trafficking gangs as a base for breeding and trading rare animals. He sneaked into the farm to conduct reconnaissance and overheard some suspicious conversations.

On a dark and windy night, Qi Lin hid in the woods near the farm and listened to the ongoing conversation.

"Boss, what do you think of our supply this time?" a voice from the shadow asked.

"Yes, the newly purchased white tigers and golden monkeys are very popular. We will make a lot of profits." Another voice answered. .

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