Qi Lin's heart moved. He realized that the scale of the trafficking gang was larger, and that they were selling rare and endangered animals. He decided to investigate further.

A few days later, Qi Lin entered a bar in the area while wearing plain clothes. He sat down at a corner table and observed all the people coming in and out of the bar. Soon, he noticed a man in a gorgeous suit, surrounded by bodyguards holding walkie-talkies.

"This person is probably the mastermind behind the scenes." Qi Lin raised his lips slightly and silently recorded the man's appearance.

That night, Qi Lin set a trap and launched an operation. He found the man and planned to talk to get more information. He walked up to the man and said calmly: "Good evening, I heard that you are the most popular animal dealer in the city. I am interested in some of these rare species."

The man frowned and replied reluctantly: "Who are you? I have never seen you."

Qi Lin smiled and said: "Please forgive my directness, I am a private collector and hope to purchase some special animals. I have sufficient funds."

A glimmer of greed flashed in the man's eyes, but he still remained vigilant: "If you are really interested, we can arrange a meeting, but before that I ask for confirmation of your identity."

Qi Lin nodded, expressing understanding. He knew this man would not be easy to deal with, so he had to stay calm.

"Please tell me how you obtained these rare animals." Qi Lin asked deliberately, hoping to arouse the man's interest.

The man looked around, made sure there was no one listening, and replied in a low voice: "We have our channels and can get it from various places. What do you want to buy?"

Qi Lin smiled and replied: "I am very interested in white tigers and golden monkeys. I heard that you have recently purchased these rare animals, and I want to see their quality."

While thinking, the man said carefully: "These are very rare species, and the prices are correspondingly high. But if you can give a reasonable quotation, we can discuss it." His eyes revealed his concern for huge profits. eager.

Qi Lin nodded in agreement, knowing that it was time to reveal the truth of the case.

"Well, I am willing to pay a considerable amount to buy these animals. But before the transaction, I want to see their ecological environment and condition. I am only interested in healthy and legally raised animals." Qi Lin deliberately Emphasis on the last sentence.

The man hesitated slightly, but finally nodded. "Okay, I can arrange for you to visit our breeding base. But remember, this is a secret location and you must keep it secret

Qi Lin smiled, knowing that he was close to the target. "No problem, I will keep it a secret. Please tell me the time and place, and I will arrive on time."

The man wrote the address on a piece of paper and handed it to Qi Lin. "At seven o'clock tomorrow evening, there will be an abandoned warehouse at the foot of the mountain in the north of the city. That is our base. He looked at Qi Lin, "But you have to remember, if you betray me, you will bear the consequences. "

Qi Lin took the note and nodded pretending not to care. "Understood, I am very interested in this transaction and will never betray your trust."

That night, Qi Lin returned to his office and sorted out all the collected intelligence. He knows that the next mission will be very dangerous, but he is determined to completely destroy this black industry chain of animal trafficking.

The next night, Qi Lin went to the agreed place in plain clothes. The abandoned warehouse looked eerie, but he didn't flinch. When he entered the warehouse, the surroundings were extremely quiet, and he could only hear his own footsteps.

Gradually, he discovered a hidden door, and after pushing it open, he discovered a dark and sealed room. Qi Lin turned on the flashlight and illuminated the surrounding area. He saw rows of animals trapped in iron cages.

"Poor creatures." Qi Lin sighed softly. "You will never suffer again."

At this moment, the man suddenly appeared at the door. "You are a smart man, but your luck has come to an end." He said with a sneer.

Qi Lin showed no sign of weakness and stared at the man sharply. "You are the mastermind behind the trafficking of these animals. I have enough evidence to bring you to justice.

The man frowned slightly, but quickly regained his composure. "Even if you catch me, you can't destroy the entire network."

Qi Lin sneered and said firmly: "I am not fighting alone. There are many people behind me who support me and the cause of wildlife protection. Do you think you can escape justice?"

...Please give me flowers...

A trace of surprise flashed in the man's eyes, but then a mocking expression appeared. "You so-called detectives and protectors always think so. But you can't understand that animal trafficking is just a small matter, insignificant compared to other dark industries."

Qi Lin replied calmly: "No matter how big or small, illegal activities should be punished. Moreover, the protection of animals is our common responsibility. Only through cooperation can we truly change the status quo."

After listening to Qi Lin's words, the man hesitated and remained silent for a moment. Finally, he lowered his guard and said, "Maybe you are right. The world needs more people to stand up and protect those innocent lives."

Qi Lin saw the change in the man's heart, and he knew this was an opportunity. "Tell me how you run this trafficking network. I will try my best to help you change your ways."

The man took a deep breath and began to tell his story. He revealed the structure of the entire trafficking network, the people involved and the methods of transactions. Qi Lin carefully recorded every detail.

As the conversation progressed, they gradually established a unique relationship of trust. The man slowly reveals his deep regret and desire for redemption. Qi Lin also proved with his words and deeds that he is a person who truly cares about the welfare of animals and is willing to fight for it.

After a few hours, they finished talking. The man paused for a moment and then said: "I am ready to confess everything to the police and help them destroy this trafficking network. I know that I cannot compensate for the crimes I committed, but at least I can try to repair some."

Qi Lin nodded in agreement and encouraged: "This is the right choice. Only by facing your own mistakes and taking responsibility can you truly change."

The two left the abandoned warehouse silently and stood in the early morning sunshine. Qi Lin shook hands with the man and said goodbye, hoping that he could find a new life and atone for what he had done.

Qi Lin submitted the collected evidence and intelligence to the police to assist them in launching operations. .

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