Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

847: Those Involved In The Case Are Subject To Legal Sanctions

In the end, this black industry chain of animal trafficking was successfully destroyed, and those involved were punished by law.

Qi Lin stood at the scene of the crime, scanning the surrounding tree fragments and traces. This is a case of illegal felling of trees. Hundreds of precious trees were ruthlessly cut down and are worth a lot of money. He is determined to bring the criminals to justice and restore the truth.

Qi Lin squatted down and observed the ground carefully. Suddenly, he noticed a trace that looked like a footprint, and then found some slender and sharp branches. He immediately understood that the criminal used special tools for felling and was probably a professional.

So Qi Lin began to investigate nearby residents. He found an old man in the village named Uncle Wang. He was an elder here and was very familiar with the situation here.

"Hello, Uncle Wang! I am Detective "687" Qi Lin, and I am investigating a case of stealing trees. Have you noticed any suspicious people or things?" Qi Lin asked politely.

Uncle Wang frowned and pondered for a moment, then raised his head and said: "Young man, I remember a strange truck parked near here a few days ago. The driver looked very suspicious and always mysterious.

Upon hearing this clue, Qi Lin felt a glimmer of hope for a breakthrough. He recorded the information provided by Uncle Wang, expressed his great gratitude, and told him that he would continue to investigate.

Next, Qi Lin decided to find the truck driver. With the help of the traffic police, he found the owner information of the strange truck.

When he found the driver, he seemed very nervous. Qi Lin calmly started a conversation with him.

"Hello, I am Detective Qi Lin. I noticed that your truck was near the scene of the tree-cutting crime a few days ago. Can you explain it?

The driver timidly replied: "I...I was just making a delivery. I don't know what happened."

Qi Lin looked deeply into the driver's eyes and noticed something unnatural. He decided to keep up the pressure.

"Sir, please cooperate with our investigation. If you really have no problem, why are you so nervous?

The driver started to panic, and he stammered: "I...I did see some people entering the woods, but I don't know what they were doing."

This clue made Qi Lin feel angry. He understood that the driver may have witnessed the crime scene and was suspected of being coerced.

"Sir, please tell me, what are the people you met like? Did they mention any important information?"

The driver hesitated for a moment, and then replied in a deep voice: "They all wore masks and did not dare to show their true colors. They only told me that if I called the police, my family would be in danger."

Qi Lin took a deep breath and realized that the criminals not only cut down trees, but also threatened the safety of innocent people. He is determined to protect the driver and his family and bring the criminals to justice.

"Sir, you did a great job. Now, I will make sure you and your family are safe. Please tell me what happened and I will try my best to help you solve the problem."

The driver relaxed after hearing Qi Lin's promise and began to talk about everything he saw. He described how several masked men felled trees and loaded them into trucks. They threatened the driver not to call the police and left a contact information.

Qi Lin immediately requested the technical department to track the contact information. At the same time, he also found other witnesses at the crime scene and collected more evidence.

After painstaking investigation work, Qi Lin finally locked in an important suspect. He found the suspect's hiding place and successfully captured him after an intense manhunt.

When Qi Lin interrogated the suspect, the latter began to become nervous. He could no longer remain calm and gradually confessed his crimes.

"It was me! It was me who cut down those precious trees!" the suspect finally confessed.

Qi Lin looked at the suspect who looked like a trapped beast. He understood that the criminal was not simply cutting down trees, but that there might be other motives behind it.

"Why are you doing this?" Qi Lin asked.

The suspect replied angrily: "These trees are the family property left by my ancestors. And the government is going to expropriate this land, which I cannot accept. I just want to express my dissatisfaction and protest in this way."

Qi Lin thought deeply. He understood the suspect's emotions, but at the same time he also understood that his behavior was illegal.

"I understand how you feel, but this is not the appropriate way to express your dissatisfaction.... You are a criminal before the law. We will bring you to justice and I will do my best to fight for justice in your case." Let the law rule fairly.

Finally, with Qi Lin's efforts, the suspect was extradited to the court for trial. He was sentenced to an appropriate prison term and ordered to pay damages.

The successful cracking of the case made Qi Lin a hero in the region. People tell stories about his bravery and intelligence, and regard him as the embodiment of justice.

Qi Lin is an experienced, intelligent and keen detective who is famous for solving complex cases and uncovering the truth.

On this day, Qi Lin received an anonymous letter that read, "Jianghe died, and tens of millions of innocent lives were lost." Qi Lin's heart moved. He knew that this was a major case involving the environment and life safety. He quickly packed up his tools and prepared to start investigating.

Qi Lin went to the local police station and found Xu Ming, the police officer in charge of the case. Xu Ming, an upright and brave police officer, admired Qi Lin's intelligence very much. They sat down and discussed the case in detail.

"Mr. Qi, we found a large amount of sewage discharged into the city's rivers, which caused huge damage to the environment. We have launched an investigation, but we have never found the real culprit, and we cannot determine where the sewage was discharged from. ." Xu Ming explained the background of the case to 5.8 Qi Lin in detail.

Qi Lin listened quietly, and then asked: "Have you ever approached any local factories or companies? Is there any possibility that they are discharging pollutants in violation of regulations?"

Xu Ming replied with a wry smile: "We have inspected all the factories, but we did not find any signs of abnormality. This makes us even more confused, because even if someone is secretly draining sewage, there should be some clues left behind." .”

Qi Lin thought for a moment and said: "Then, we need to re-examine this case. Can you provide me with relevant information about the crime scene? And the chemical analysis report of the sewage?"

Xu Ming immediately handed the relevant materials to Qi Lin, hoping that he could quickly find clues.

Qi Lin carefully read the information on the crime scene and fell deeply into thinking. .

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