Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

848: Visit Relevant Departments One By One

He noticed that the soil near the river showed obvious signs of deterioration, indicating that the discharged sewage contained high levels of harmful substances. He also carefully studied the chemical analysis report and found that a special compound existed in it.

"Mr. Xu, have you seen this chemical analysis report?" Qi Lin handed the report to Xu Ming.

"Yes, I have seen it. What is this compound?" Xu Ming asked curiously.

"This is a special wastewater treatment agent used by only a few factories. It can effectively remove harmful substances. But the problem is that no company has been found to be using this treatment agent." Qi Lin said.

Xu Ming thought hard, and then suddenly an idea flashed, "Maybe we should expand the scope of our investigation, not just limited to factories and enterprises." Qi Lin proposed a new idea.

Xu Ming asked doubtfully: "Are you referring to other possible sources of pollution?"

"Yes, it is very possible. I think we should look at broader areas, such as government departments, construction sites, and residential areas," Qi Lin explained.

They decided to reorganize the clues of the case and launch a comprehensive investigation. Qi Elsanlin and Xu Ming jointly formulated a detailed action plan and decided to start the investigation from government departments first.

In the next few days, Qi Lin and Xu Ming worked closely together to conduct a careful investigation of government departments. They visited the heads of relevant departments one by one and had an in-depth understanding of the operations of each department.

During one of their investigations, they discovered an important clue. In the backyard of the Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, Qi Lin noticed an abandoned storage tank. This aroused his suspicion because the soil around the reservoir also showed signs of deterioration.

"Mr. Xu, I think this abandoned water tank may be related to our case. We should investigate it further." Qi Lin said.

Xu Ming nodded in agreement, and he and Qi Lin explored the inside of the reservoir together. They found a blocked drainage pipe, from which the liquid flowing out showed a turbid color.

"This must be a place where sewage is discharged." Xu Ming was full of anger.

Qi Lin squatted down and carefully observed the traces around the pipe. He suddenly spotted a tiny sign that said "ABC Company".

"Mr. Xu, this logo seems to belong to a certain company. We should find ABC Company as soon as possible to see if they are related to this reservoir." Qi Lin suggested.

After some investigation, they successfully found ABC Company. Through in-depth inquiries and a large amount of evidence comparison, they finally exposed ABC Company's illegal discharge of sewage.

It turned out that in order to reduce costs, ABC Company privately built a pipeline for discharging wastewater and discharged the sewage directly into the river. This abandoned storage tank was used by them in the discharge process.

"Mr. Qi, thank you for your help. We finally found the real murderer." Xu Ming expressed his deep gratitude to Qi Lin.

Qi Lin smiled and said: "It is my duty and mission to solve the case and reveal the truth. I am very happy to work with you and do my part to protect the environment.

With the joint efforts of Qi Lin and Xu Ming, ABC Company was forced to admit its illegal activities and accept due legal sanctions. At the same time, government departments have also carried out comprehensive rectifications

The management of environmental protection work has been strengthened.

The successful cracking of this case not only revealed ABC Company's illegal behavior, but also aroused society's attention to environmental protection. The cooperation between Qi Lin and Xu Ming has become a model, and their efforts have been widely praised by the media and the public.

With the exposure of the case, more people began to pay attention to environmental issues and actively participated in environmental protection actions. The government has also stepped up supervision of pollution sources and strengthened the enforcement of laws and regulations. The warning effect brought by this case is far-reaching, causing other companies and individuals to be cautious in discharging wastewater and consciously abide by laws related to environmental protection.

However, Qi Lin was not satisfied with this. He is determined to continue to devote himself to the cause of exposing the truth and safeguarding justice. He knows that there are still many unsolved cases waiting for him to solve, and there are many behaviors that bully the weak and harm the environment that need to be ended.

Detective Qi Lin walked into the office, with a hint of exhaustion on his face. It was a long and challenging investigation, but he finally solved a huge fraud case.

Sitting at his desk, Qi Lin carefully organized the case files. The office is filled with a strong aroma of coffee, and certificates and photos of his successful cases are hung on the wall. He took a deep breath and prepared to summarize the details of the case.

Suddenly the phone rang, Qi Lin picked up the phone, "Qi Lin Detective Agency, this is Qi Lin."

"Hello, Mr. Qi, I'm Li Ming. Is it convenient now?" An anxious voice came from the other end of the phone.

Qi Lin heard the other party's nervousness and asked: "Mr. Li, do you need my help with anything?"

"It's like this. My company recently encountered a fraud case. I would like to ask you to help investigate." Li Ming said.

Qi Lin thought for a moment and then replied: "Okay, Mr. Li, I will rush to your company as soon as possible. Please provide some details of the case so that I can understand the whole situation."

When Qi Lin arrived at Li Ming's 970 office, he was overwhelmed by a large pile of documents and reports. Li Ming explained eagerly: "We are a company that produces food. Recently, we found that the ingredient labels of a batch of products are inconsistent with the actual ingredients. This has had a great impact on our reputation. I need your help to find out who it is." Doing something behind your back.

Qi Lin began to study these documents carefully. During the investigation, he communicated with Li Ming many times. They discussed the company's internal workflow, background information on its employees, and quality control measures at each step.

In these conversations, Qi Lin gradually discovered some important clues. He asked an employee named Zhang Feng, who mistakenly added the wrong ingredient to the food. Zhang Feng admitted his fault and said he did not intentionally manipulate the ingredients of the product.

However, Qi Lin was not satisfied with this answer. He continued to follow leads and investigate other employees. One afternoon, Qi Lin found a female employee named Wang Li. She is a member of the quality control department, responsible for checking that the ingredients of products match their labels.

"Ms. Wang, I heard that you have a very high level of research in quality control." Qi Lin smiled and talked to her.

Wang Li nodded and replied: "Yes, I have professional knowledge and experience in food safety and quality control."

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