Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

849: Characteristics Of The Mysterious Man

"So do you know any information about this fraud case?" Qi Lin asked.

Wang Li hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I once discovered some abnormal situations, but I didn't pay much attention to them at the time. After all, this was just an isolated situation and did not arouse much suspicion in me. But now it seems that someone may have taken advantage of these Subtle details were falsified on a massive scale.”

Qi Lin narrowed his eyes and became very interested in Wang Li's answer. "Please describe these anomalies in detail. Maybe they can provide us with clues to solve the mystery.

Wang Li thought for a while, and then recalled what happened before. "Once, I found that in a batch of products, the additives marked on the ingredient list did not match the actual additives used. At the time, I thought it might be an operational error, but I did not delve into it." She explained to Qi Lin .

"Apart from this, are there any other similar situations?" Qi Lin asked.

Wang Li nodded: "Yes, there are several similar cases. Every time I find out, I will immediately communicate with the relevant employees, but they all explain it lightly and say it is a simple mistake.

Qi Lin frowned slightly when he heard this. "Ms. Wang, do you think it is possible that someone has deliberately tampered with the ingredient information?"

Wang Li looked at Qi Lin in surprise, and then thought for a while. "In my opinion, this possibility does exist. Although each error has been explained away as an unconscious oversight, the frequency and scale made me start to wonder whether there was a deeper problem."

Qi Lin smiled and nodded: "Ms. Wang, your observation is very keen. Thank you for providing these important clues. I will investigate further and contact you as soon as possible if there are any new discoveries.

As the investigation deepened, Qi Lin continued to track other employees and gradually uncovered a huge fraud network. Through dialogue and interrogation, he discovered that the man behind the scenes was a senior manager of Li Ming Company named Liu Si.

Qi Lin found Li Ming and informed him of the truth he discovered. Li Ming said in shock: "Liu Zhi? He is one of my cronies. I never thought he would participate in such fraudulent activities."

"The facts of the case have come to light. I will submit relevant evidence to the police and assist them in further investigation." Qi Lin said solemnly.

A few days later, Liu Zhi was arrested by the police. Li Ming Company has also actively taken a series of measures to re-examine the quality control process and strengthen internal supervision measures to avoid similar incidents from happening again.

Qi Lin's investigative work has received widespread praise, and he is respected as the "truth cracker". This case not only revealed the fraud within a company, but also reminded other companies to pay more attention to quality control and protect the rights and interests of consumers.

In the end, Qilin Detective Agency became famous for its successful investigation of the case. People paid tribute to Qi Lin one after another, calling him "the embodiment of justice" and "the guardian of fairness."

In the subsequent investigation, Qilin Detective Agency continued to follow clues, interrogate those involved, and cooperated with the police to ensure that justice was served. Through further investigation, they found more evidence about Liu Zhi and his gang.

The investigation revealed that Liu Zhi used his position and authority in the company to make huge profits by calculating and changing product ingredient information. He and his gang members manipulated the supply chain and quality control processes, allowing counterfeit products to flow smoothly into the market and making huge profits from them.

Qi Lin submitted these evidences to the police and assisted them in launching a comprehensive investigation. As the investigation deepened, the persons involved gradually surfaced, and they were prosecuted and accepted legal sanctions.

At the same time, Li Ming Company has also taken active measures to restore its reputation and strengthen its internal quality control system. They work with regulatory agencies to develop strict regulatory standards to ensure the reliability of product quality and ingredient accuracy.

This investigation attracted widespread attention and discussion. The media reported on the investigation work of Qilin Detective Agency, praising them for exposing fraud within the company and making important contributions to consumer rights protection.

Qilin Detective Agency also received more commissions and recognition for its successful investigation of the case. They continue to be committed to revealing the truth, defending justice, and providing stable and reliable investigative services to society.

This incident not only affected Li Ming's business model, but also served as a warning to the entire industry. Other companies have begun to strengthen their quality control systems to avoid similar incidents and protect the rights and trust of consumers.

Qi Lin demonstrated professional abilities and firm values ​​of justice during the investigation, and his courage and perseverance were recognized and respected by everyone. For a long time, he has continued to solve various complex cases for the society, becoming a super detective in people's hearts, and working hard for fairness and justice.

The scene of the crime was chaotic, and the police were investigating the remaining explosives and collecting evidence.

Qi Lin stood on the edge of the crime scene, carefully observing every detail. He noticed a strange-looking figure and quickly walked towards that person.

"Hello, I'm Qi Lin, you seem to be related to this case." Qi Lin greeted with a smile.

The man looked at him nervously, and then said softly: "My name is Yang Ming, and I'm just passing by here.

"Mr. Yang Ming, as a detective, my eyes will not deceive me. Your expression reveals that you know some inside information. I promise that as long as you provide valuable information, I will help you solve the problem and protect you." Safety." Qi Lin's words were full of trust and firmness.

Yang Ming hesitated for a moment, then nodded. He began to describe what he (Qiannuo) witnessed. "On the morning of the incident, I was passing by this place when I saw a mysterious figure. He was wearing a black hat, wrapped in a black coat, and holding a box. His behavior made me feel unusual, so I stopped Observation. Suddenly, I heard a loud noise, and the whole place became chaotic, and explosives flew. The mysterious man seemed not to be harmed in any way, and he quickly left the scene."

Qi Lin frowned, thinking about the information provided by Yang Ming. "Can you provide more description of the mysterious figure? Also, who do you think might be responsible for the attack on this location?"

Yang Ming pondered for a moment, and then replied: "The mysterious figure is tall, about six feet tall. As for the motive of the attack, I am not sure, but this place has always been a target of government agencies, and there are also some business forces. Have an intention for it.”

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