During the interrogation process, Qi Lin gradually revealed the truth behind this complex case. The masterminds behind the scenes used their business relationships and resources to cover up the activities of the smuggling group through various means. They used abandoned warehouses, secret docks and companies involved in the case to transfer and trade materials.

Qi Lin used various evidences and clues to uncover the smuggling group's network bit by bit. He tracked down every person involved, from minions to core members, and finally got close to the true identity of the mastermind behind the scenes.

After careful planning, Qi Lin set a trap and successfully arrested the mastermind behind a key transaction. He stood in court and testified firmly and confidently about the other party's crime.

During the trial, Qi Lin quoted a large amount of evidence and eyewitness testimony, demonstrating his irrefutable reasoning ability and insight. In the end, the mastermind behind the scenes was found guilty and sentenced to

Severe punishment.

The cracking of the smuggling case not only demonstrated Qi Lin's intelligence and determination as a detective, but also demonstrated the power of justice. After a long period of investigation and hard work, he not only successfully destroyed the smuggling group, but also brought the masterminds behind the scenes to justice.

The successful cracking of this case has brought positive impact to society. The crackdown on smuggling has revealed that the law cannot be trampled or evaded, and at the same time it has also allowed people to see the existence of those silent heroes who guard justice and protect the safety of society.

Qi Lin became the focus of the public, and his deeds were widely reported by the media. He accepted an interview and shared his experiences and insights to inspire more people to devote themselves to the path of justice.

Qi Lin was not complacent because of the success of this smuggling case. On the contrary, he strengthened his belief in pursuing truth and justice. Continue this detective mission to keep society safe and help those voiceless victims find just solutions.

In the past year, Qi Lin has cracked many major criminal cases, including murder, fraud and drug trafficking. He has become a hero in the hearts of many people and is deeply respected and admired by people.

However, for Qi Lin, the most valuable thing is not the praise from the outside world, but the inner satisfaction. Every time he successfully brings justice to society and allows victims to be redeemed, he feels that everything he does is meaningful.

Qi Lin knows that there will always be cases in the world with dark secrets hidden behind them. As a detective, he will continue to devote himself to this field full of challenges, dangers and responsibilities, using his wisdom and courage to protect justice and pursue the truth.

No matter what difficulties and pressures he faces, Qi Lin firmly believes that justice will eventually defeat evil. He is willing to use his efforts and dedication to make society more fair and safer, and to bring hope and confidence to people.

Detective Qi Lin walked into the police station lobby with steady steps. He was wearing a black suit, with a smile on his face and sharp and firm eyes. He has many years of investigative experience and is good at solving various complex cases. This time, he will face a difficult love murder case.

Qi Lin came to the office door and opened the door gently. The office is neatly decorated, and the table is filled with various case files and documents. His assistant Xiao Li is sorting out case information.

"Captain Qi, you are finally here." Xiao Li saw him coming in and quickly stood up to greet him.

Qi Lin smiled slightly and said: "Xiao Li, let's start working quickly. Give me a brief introduction to this murder case.

Xiao Li picked up a report and handed it to Qi Lin and said: "This is a love murder that occurred in the city center. The victim was a thirty-year-old woman named Yang Xiaowen, unmarried. She was sitting next to her when she was killed. Inside the apartment. Preliminary investigation shows that the murderer may be her ex-boyfriend, but we need more evidence to confirm."

Qi Lin took the report and read it carefully. The love murder case is one of the most challenging cases in detective work. He must find the truth hidden behind the mystery through investigation and reasoning.

"Xiao Li, have you started investigating?" Qi Lin asked.

Xiao Li nodded and replied: "Yes, I have interviewed some witnesses, but they only provided some scattered clues. This case is indeed a bit difficult to handle."

Qi Lin took a deep breath and said: "We need to review the scene. Bring all the evidence and clues and let's go to the scene to see."

The two left the police station and drove to Yang Xiaowen's apartment building. A cordon surrounded the entire building, and police were on site to protect and conduct investigations. Qi Lin and Xiao Li crossed the cordon and entered the apartment.

…Please give me flowers…

There was a suffocating sense of depression in the apartment. Qi Lin opened the record book and began to carefully observe every detail. He carefully examined the layout of the room, the position of the furniture, and the footprints on the floor.

Xiao Li took out a plastic bag, handed it to Qi Lin and said, "This is the murder weapon we found at the crime scene, a sharp knife."

Qi Lin took the knife and observed it carefully. He checked the fingerprints on the handle of the knife and asked Xiao Li to send it to the laboratory for further identification.

After returning to the police station, Qi Lin began to organize his thoughts. He convened a meeting with all witnesses and relevant personnel, hoping to obtain more valuable information from their mouths


"Everyone, thank you very much for your cooperation." Qi Lin said to everyone, "Please describe the situation that night again. Whether it is details related to the case itself or not, it may be helpful to our investigation.

One by one, the witnesses began to describe what happened that night, and Qi Lin listened carefully to every detail. He used a notebook to record what everyone said and build a more complete picture in his mind.

The first witness was Mr. Wang, Yang Xiaowen’s neighbor. He described: “When I went home that night, around 8 p.m., I heard a quarrel, which seemed to come from Ms. Yang’s apartment. of."

Qi Lin immediately kept this clue in mind and asked: "Did you hear any specific words?"

Mr. Wang frowned and thought, "I remember a man roaring loudly and saying, 'I can't stand you anymore!' There were also some women screaming, but I didn't hear what she was saying clearly."

Then there was Yang Xiaowen’s colleague Xiao Zhang. She recalled: “That night, Yang Xiaowen called me and said that she would work overtime until very late. I was in the company at the time, so I didn’t see her. However, I remember she told me that she had Her boyfriend has been pestering her recently, and their relationship is very bad."

Qi Lin's heart moved, and the clues about his ex-boyfriend became more and more important. He continued to ask: "Do you know the name of this ex-boyfriend? We need to know his situation as soon as possible."

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