Xiao Zhang nodded, "His name is Lin Kai and he is a lawyer. According to Yang Xiaowen, after they broke up, he has been harassing her and even threatened her.

Qi Lin immediately asked Xiao Li to investigate Lin Kai's background and whereabouts. He said to everyone: "Thank you very much for the information you provided, which will be of great help to our investigation. Please continue to leave your contact information and contact you again if necessary."

After the meeting, Qi Lin and Xiao Li returned to the office and began to analyze and organize the collected clues.

Xiao Li took out the laboratory test report and handed it to Qi Lin and said: "Captain Qi, the fingerprint found on this knife belongs to Lin Kai. It seems that he is indeed related to the case.

Qi Lin nodded, thinking about the next move: "We need to find Lin Kai and understand his motives. He may be able to provide more valuable clues.

In the following days of "July 43", Qi Lin and Xiao Li launched close tracking and investigation. By interviewing Lin Kai's friends, colleagues and some people familiar with him, they gradually learned about Lin Kai's complex personality and his dissatisfaction with Yang Xiaowen.

Finally one day, they found Lin Kai's hiding place. Qi Lin knocked on the door, and a slightly melancholy man opened the door.

"Are you Qi Lin?" Lin Kai asked, a trace of anxiety flashing in his eyes.

Qi Lin replied calmly: "Yes, I am Detective Qi Lin. We need to talk about Yang Xiaowen.

Lin Kai looked nervous, but did not refuse.

Qi Lin and Lin Kai sat together, and there was a tense atmosphere between them. Qi Lin observed Lin Kai's expression and expression changes, trying to find clues.

"Mr. Lin Kai, we understand that the relationship between you and Yang Xiaowen is not harmonious. Are you willing to provide us with some information about her and yourself?" Qi Lin asked calmly.

Lin Kai bit his lip and answered after a moment: "Yes, Yang Xiaowen and I did break up, but I did not do any harm to her. I admit that we had a quarrel, but I definitely did not kill her. "

Qi Lin looked into Lin Kai's eyes, trying to distinguish the truth from his words: "Then can you tell me your whereabouts on the night of the crime? Is there anyone who can provide you with an alibi?"

Lin Kai was silent for a moment, and then replied: "That night, I did go to her apartment to find her, but I just wanted to have a good talk with her. But when I arrived, I found that the door had been opened, and when I went in, I found her Already dead. I was so shocked that I didn't call the police.

Qi Lin continued to ask: "Did you see anyone else at the scene? Or is there anyone else who may be related to the case?"

Lin Kai shook his head: "After I went in, I didn't see anyone else except Yang Xiaowen's body. I really don't know who did it, but I swear I'm not the murderer."

Qi Lin rubbed his temples, the case became more complicated. He was thinking about the next direction of investigation and decided to conduct further investigation on Lin Kai first.

"Mr. Lin Kai, we need to conduct a comprehensive investigation and interrogation of you. Please cooperate with our work and provide all necessary information and evidence. Only in this way can we find the real murderer and seek justice for Yang Xiaowen." Qi Lin said firmly.

Lin Kai hesitated, but finally nodded: "Okay, if this can help find the truth, I am willing to cooperate with your investigation."

Therefore, Qi Lin organized a detailed investigation, including searching Lin Kai's home, interrogating his relatives and friends, and reviewing phone records and communication information. At the same time, Xiao Li is responsible for cooperating with the laboratory to further analyze and identify all evidence at the crime scene.

After several days of intense work, the investigation made some breakthroughs. At Lin Kai's home, they found a letter of apology written to Yang Xiaowen, which described that he had hated her, but said that he had decided to let go of his resentment and the past, hoping to start over.

In addition, laboratory identification results also showed that the fingerprints on the knife were not those of Lin Kai, but those of another unknown person.

This clue aroused Qi Lin's interest. He decided to convene witnesses and relevant personnel again and tell Qi Lin about the new discovery. Qi Lin convened witnesses, Yang Xiaowen's colleagues Xiao Zhang and Lin Kai to inform them of the laboratory's identification results.

"According to laboratory analysis, the fingerprint on the knife does not belong to Lin Kai. This means that there are other people at the crime scene." Qi Lin said to everyone.

Xiao Zhang asked with a puzzled look: "So, besides Lin Kai and Yang Xiaowen, are there any other suspects?"

Qi Lin nodded: "Yes, we need to re-examine this case.... We cannot rule out other possibilities. Xiao Zhang, do you know whether Yang Xiaowen has any disputes or conflicts with other people?

Xiao Zhang thought for a moment and replied: "Except for Lin Kai, she doesn't seem to have much friction with anyone else. But I heard her mention a colleague named Liu Haiyang, and the relationship between them seems a bit tense. Maybe you You can investigate him."

Qi Lin recorded this new clue and decided to investigate Liu Haiyang. He ordered Xiao Li to collect information about Liu Haiyang, including his professional background, interpersonal relationships and relationship with Yang Xiaowen.

A few days later, Xiao Li brought some investigation results about Liu Haiyang. He told Qi Lin: "According to my investigation, Liu Haiyang is a competitor in the workplace. He has a competitive relationship with Yang Xiaowen and has had disputes before. Moreover, I also found some records of his recent contact with Yang Xiaowen."

Qi Lin was moved when he heard the news. He began to think that Liu Haiyang might be related to the case. He decided to summon Liu Haiyang, Mr. Wang and other complainants again for further interrogation.

During the interrogation, Liu Haiyang stated that he did not know the cause of Yang Xiaowen's death and denied any connection with the case. At the same time, Mr. Wang also confirmed that he did hear some quarrels that night, but could not see clearly what happened at 5.7.

Faced with this situation, Qi Lin realized that they needed more evidence to solve the mystery. He turned his attention to on-site investigation and technical analysis, hoping to find more clues.

At the same time, Qi Lin also decided to continue investigating other possible suspects and maintain contact with Lin Kai, Liu Haiyang and others. He knows that the key to solving this case lies in collecting enough evidence and finding the murderer's motive.

As the investigation deepened, Qi Lin and his team did not give up. They were determined to reveal the truth and seek justice for Yang Xiaowen.

During the subsequent investigation, Qi Lin and his team continued to look for new clues and communicated with relevant personnel. After further research on the site investigation and evidence analysis, they discovered some interesting findings. .

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