Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

854: Liu Fang Denies Involvement In The Theft

Qi Lin asked bluntly: "Ms. Liu, were you involved in this theft?" Liu Fang looked nervous, but she firmly denied: "Absolutely not! I am an honest person."

Qi Lin observed Liu Fang's reaction and asked in depth: "Do you know anything about the company's confidential documents? Have you ever tried to obtain this information?" Liu Fang's expression changed and her voice began to tremble: "Yes, I admit that I have tried to obtain this information, but I have never succeeded."

Qi Lin realized that the truth of the case was not simple. He decided to return to the office again and carefully study the previous evidence and clues.

A few days later, Qi Lin reviewed the previous investigation report and the suspect's testimony. Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind. He noted that in the testimonies of Li Wei and Liu Fang, both men mentioned the fact that they tried to obtain confidential company documents but never succeeded.

Qi Lin began to think of the industrial espionage cases he had cracked before, as well as the stolen documents. He recalled the contents of one of the documents, which contained an advanced technology research and development plan involving the latest industry trends and competitor intelligence.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up. He realized that this case was not just a simple document theft, but a larger conspiracy. Some people use these documents to obtain intelligence about competitors and use them as bargaining chips for commercial espionage.

Qi Lin decided to meet with Mr. Wang again and tell him his conclusion. Mr. Wang listened in shock and his expression became serious. He admitted that the company encountered a lot of trouble in business negotiations with competitors, and many transactions appeared to be extremely difficult.

Qi Lin suggested that he need to conduct further in-depth investigations to find out who was behind all this and what their purpose was. He asked Mr. Wang to provide as much information and cooperation as possible so that he could track the whereabouts of these commercial spies.

Mr. Wang agreed to Qi Lin's request and promised to provide all necessary assistance. He realized that only by finding and stopping this conspiracy could his company get out of trouble and protect its own interests.

In the following weeks, Qi Lin and his team conducted a large amount of investigation and analysis. They gradually unveiled the entire conspiracy through network tracking technology, informants and other investigative methods.

In the end, they locked in a commercial spy named Zhang Qiang. Zhang Qiang was once a senior technician of a competing company. He used his position in the company to obtain many important trade secrets and sold them to other competitors.

Qi Lin decided to take the final action. He cooperated with the police and set up a well-planned trap to lure Zhang Qiang into the trap. With sufficient evidence, they successfully arrested Zhang Qiang and seized all the stolen documents in his possession.

The case was successfully resolved, and Qi Lin's investigation work was praised by all parties. Through smart thinking and keen observation, he successfully exposed a huge commercial espionage network and protected the company's interests.

Qi Lin realized that his mission was not over. As a detective, he will continue to work hard to protect justice and reveal the truth. No matter what difficulties he faces, he will relentlessly pursue the truth and bring justice and security to society.

Detective Qi Lin walked tiredly on the way home in the drizzle. Suddenly, his eyes were attracted by the scene at the intersection ahead. A black car rushed through the intersection at an extremely fast speed, hit a pedestrian and did not stop, but drove straight away from the scene. As a detective, Qi Lin immediately realized that this was a hit-and-run case.

He quickly called the police and began to track the black car that caused the accident. He ran down the street, weaving in and out of traffic, keeping his sight on his target. Although it was getting late, he did not give up hope.

After an arduous chase, Qi Lin finally saw the black car parked in a dark alley. He approached cautiously, ready to investigate further.

"Who are you?" A deep voice suddenly came from the darkness.

Qi Lin was startled and immediately looked around alertly. On the wall behind him, a tall shadowy figure stood quietly.

"I am Qi Lin, a detective." Qi Lin calmed down and replied.

The man smiled and said, "It turned out to be a detective, very good. Did you see the black car that was involved in the hit and run?"

Qi Lin nodded, "Yes, I witnessed the incident with my own eyes and tracked it here."

The man thought for a moment and then said, "I am also investigating this case. I can tell you some situations, but only if you need to help me.

Qi Lin's heart moved, and he knew this was an opportunity. "Please tell me everything you know."

The man walked into a corner where the light could not reach, and Qi Lin followed him in. The atmosphere in the dark alley became more solemn, as if there were endless secrets hidden.

".々This hit-and-run case is related to a murder case I am investigating." The man began to tell, "The deceased was an entrepreneur and he enjoyed a high reputation in the local area. The black car involved in the hit-and-run accident was... His car.

Qi Lin listened carefully and became more and more interested in the importance of this case.

"A few days ago, I received an anonymous call telling me some details about the murder. According to the anonymous person's description, on the day of the incident, someone saw a black sedan parked near the murder scene."

"However, I have not found conclusive evidence to prove that the owner of the black car is the murderer. I tracked the car, but was discovered and threatened.

Qi Lin frowned, "Do you have any clues or sources of clues? We need more information to conduct further investigation.

The man thought for a moment and then said: "The anonymous caller mentioned that there was an eyewitness at the murder scene. He may be a key figure and knows more about the situation. But I haven't found him yet."

Qi Lin nodded, "We can work together to continue looking for this witness. If we can find him, we may be able to solve this mystery."

So, Qi Lin and that person began to search for witnesses. They visited every corner near the murder scene, interviewed surrounding residents, and even checked surveillance videos.

Finally, they found a figure behind a dilapidated building. That figure seemed to be avoiding something and didn't want to be discovered.

"Wait!" Qi Lin shouted, "We are not here to hurt you. We just want to know something, please cooperate with our investigation."

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