Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

855: Witnesses Describe Hit-And-Run Situation

The figure paused for a moment, then walked out slowly. It turned out that he was a young man, with a trace of fear and uneasiness in his eyes.

"Are you a witness?" Qi Lin stepped forward and asked.

The man nodded and said with a trembling voice: "Yes, I saw everything. That night, I happened to pass by and witnessed the hit-and-run black car.

"Can you describe the situation at that time?" the man asked quickly.

After the man looked around to make sure no one else was nearby, he began to recall the scene that night: "I saw the black car hit a pedestrian and then drove straight away from the scene without stopping. I remember the license plate number was... …”

The man suddenly paused and his expression became nervous. "Someone is watching us," he warned in a low voice.

Qi Lin and the man immediately became alert and looked around. Sure enough, not far away, there were two suspicious figures approaching them quietly.

Qi Lin immediately made a decision and decided to leave this dangerous scene with that person. They quickly hid in a nearby alley and watched the surroundings vigilantly.

"We are being followed." Qi Lin whispered to the man, "We must find a way to escape.

The man nodded, his eyes showing determination and calmness. 727 "We can spread out first to increase the chance of escape. I will lure one of them away, and you can leave in peace."

Qi Lin thought about it and thought this was the best choice at the moment. "Okay, but you must take care of yourself."

The two acted separately with a tacit understanding, and the man chose to continue traveling on the original route, attracting the attention of the stalker. Qi Lin quietly crossed the street, trying to avoid the flow of people, and quickly left in a safe direction.

He was anxious in his heart, and at the same time he was grateful to the person who did not want to be named. Without his help, it might have fallen into the hands of the enemy by now.

Finally, Qi Lin successfully got rid of the stalker and he breathed a sigh of relief. But he knows that the whole case has just begun and he still has a lot of work to do.

After returning to a safe place, Qi Lin contacted the police and reported to them the clues provided by witnesses. The police said they would launch an investigation as soon as possible and ensured the protection of witnesses.

A few days later, Qi Lin saw the unnamed person again. They agreed to meet in a safe cafe to continue discussing the progress of the case.

"The police have started an investigation," Qi Lin said. "I believe they will find the owner of the black car that hit and run as soon as possible."

The man nodded, thought for a moment and then said: "I also received news. I heard that the investigation of the murder case is going well. They are looking for evidence to confirm the connection between the black car and the murder case." 1

"We need to continue to collect more information and find conclusive evidence as soon as possible." Qi Lin said firmly, "Only in this way can the murderer be brought to justice."

So, Qi Lin and that person started a more in-depth investigation. They work together in a division of labor, with one party responsible for finding relevant clues about witnesses, and the other party conducting an in-depth investigation into the story behind the murder.

After unremitting efforts, they finally found the place where the witness had stayed. It was an old hotel in an alley, abandoned for a long time, but still retaining some clues.

They explored every corner of the hotel, looking for any traces that might be related to the case. Suddenly, Qi Lin's eyes fell on a photo on the wall.

The photo shows a man and a woman, who look close and happy. Qi Lin immediately realized that the man was the deceased in the murder case, and the woman was his wife. This photo seems to reveal a dark secret.

"This is the key." Qi Lin said excitedly, "We have found the motive for the murder.

The man stared at the photo closely, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes. "Things are not that simple." He said, "There is a complicated emotional entanglement between the couple and it is also related to the escape of the black car." (bddb)

Qi Lin asked curiously: "Do you know more details?"

The man nodded, "I was deeply involved in this case. Through investigation, I found that the couple's relationship had broken down, but they still maintained superficial harmony. However, the quarrels and conflicts between them became more and more frequent."

"That night, the hit-and-run black car hit a pedestrian, who was the man's wife. Although they were no longer in love, his sense of responsibility for his wife made him unable to ignore it. So he chose to flee the scene in order to escape legal sanctions.

Qi Lin pondered for a moment, and he gradually understood the ins and outs of the entire case. "So, this murder is intrinsically linked to the hit-and-run case. We need to find conclusive evidence to bring the murderer to justice."

The man sighed, "Yes, but the evidence is not easy to find. We must work harder to find clues and uncover the truth hidden behind it."

So, Qi Lin and that person launched an investigation again. They delve into changes in a couple's relationship, their finances and possible conflicts of interest. At the same time, they also solicited information from people around them, hoping to find evidence that could conclusively prove the murderer.

After hard work, they finally found an insider. This person had witnessed a quarrel between the couple before the murder.

"I saw that they were very excited at the time." An insider recalled, "Moreover, I also noticed that the man left the scene in a hurry after the argument. Soon after, I heard the news about the murder and hit-and-run."

This testimony seems to have become a key link. Qi Lin and the man immediately brought this clue to the police and provided other collected evidence.

The police took this new clue very seriously and launched a more in-depth investigation. After some efforts, they successfully found the murderer's husband.


After interrogation, the murderer finally admitted his criminal behavior in the hit-and-run case. He said he chose to flee the scene out of fear and guilt.

The whole city was shocked by the truth of this case. People began to reassess their impressions of the couple. What appears to be a happy family hides tragedy and conflict.

Qi Lin and that man felt deeply heavy. They realize that every family has its own stories and secrets, and sometimes these stories can lead to tragedy.

Although the case has been solved, the victim's family still needs to face great pain and loss. Qi Lin decided to try his best to help them and provide legal support and comfort. .

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