At the same time, this case also made Qi Lin rethink his responsibilities as a criminal investigation policeman. He realized that solving cases was only part of the job, and more importantly, protecting social justice and security.

From then on, Qi Lin focused more on investigating the truth behind the case, not only pursuing the punishment of criminals, but also striving for justice and relief for the victims.

The investigation and resolution of this murder case also gave city residents a sense of confidence that justice will be done and that the police will always be at the forefront of defending fairness and safety.

Qi Lin looked at the narrow street and thought about the recent series of arson cases. As a senior detective, he knows that these cases are not just simple arson, but there are more complex motives and conspiracies hidden behind them.

Qi Lin, wearing a black suit, walked into a coffee shop and scanned the crowd, looking for clues related to him. He sat at a table in a corner and ordered a cup of coffee

Waiting for his contact to show up.

Soon after, a man wearing a black hat quietly sat opposite. Although Qi Lin has never met the other person, he knows that this person is what he is looking for. He raised his head, smiled and asked, "Are you Wang Ming?"

Wang Ming nodded and replied in a low voice: "Yes, I am Wang Ming. I heard that you are a great detective and have the ability to solve these arson cases.

Qi Lin looked at him for a while and then asked: "Tell me, how did you know that I could help you?"

There was a trace of hesitation on Wang Ming's face, and then he took out a document from his pocket and handed it to Qi Lin. The document contained details of the arson case, as well as a special marking.

Qi Lin browsed the document, then raised his head and asked: "What does this mark mean?"

Wang Ming explained softly: "Every time before an arson occurs, we will find this mark at the scene. We think this may be a clue left by the arsonist."

Qi Lin thought for a moment and then said: "I need more information, is there anyone else who can provide it?"

Wang Ming nodded: "We have a secret organization that specializes in investigating and handling difficult cases. Their representatives will meet you at midnight in Zhuwei Temple."

Qi Lin nodded in agreement and left the coffee shop. He returned to his office and began to sort out the case information. He studied each arson case in depth, trying to find the connection between them.

The next day, Qi Lin received a phone call. A deep voice came from the other end of the phone: "You are interested in our organization, right?"

Qi Lin knew that this was a representative of a secret organization, and he replied: "Yes, I am very interested in your organization. I believe your clues will be helpful to my investigation."

The representative was silent for a moment, and then said: "We only cooperate with trustworthy people. If you want to join us, you need to pass a special test."

Qi Lin smiled slightly and replied: "I am willing to accept the test, as long as it can help me find the truth about the arson case."

The representative told Qi Lin to wait for their arrival in an abandoned warehouse. Qi Lin organized his tools and then went to the designated location.

The warehouse was dark and cold, and Qi Lin was waiting for the members of the secret organization. Suddenly, several figures appeared and surrounded him.

Qi Lin remained calm and observed the actions and expressions of these people. He knew this was a test and he needed to show his ability and courage.

The member of the organization who presided over the test came forward, stared at Qi Lin sharply, and asked: "Are you ready? We will set a series of challenges for you to see if you are really qualified to join us. "

Qi Lin took a deep breath and replied firmly: "I'm ready, just come."

The first challenge begins. Qi Lin was taken to a simulated scene, which was the location of an arson case. He needs to investigate the scene within a limited time and find out the criminal methods and relevant clues. He quickly scanned his surroundings, looking for any suspicious signs.

As time passed, Qi Lin noticed a slightly invisible mark on the wall, which was probably where the ignition device was installed. He carefully collected samples and analyzed them with a magnifying glass. By characterizing the chemical reaction, he identified the ignition substance used.

After completing the first challenge, Qi Lin was taken to the next room. The challenge this time is to decrypt an encrypted file that contains the identity of the arsonist and the possible location of the next crime. He was given a computer and began to crack the encryption.

…Please give me flowers…

Qi Lin skillfully uses various decryption techniques and constantly tries different password combinations. After some hard work, he successfully decrypted the file [the contents inside shocked him. He immediately shared his findings with members of the organization hosting the ordeal.

The third challenge is to simulate an emergency situation. Qi Lin was taken to a room filled with smoke and flames. He needs to quickly find a way to escape and help others leave safely. Qi Lin calmly analyzed the structure of the room and used his knowledge and skills to guide everyone out smoothly.

The final challenge is against another participant. Qi Lin and his opponents are placed in a maze, and they need to win the game through puzzle solving, reasoning and wisdom. Qi Lin used his thinking flexibly, quickly analyzed each puzzle and gave the correct answer, and finally won.

After completing all the challenges, Qi Lin was led to a secret room. There awaited high-ranking members of the secret organization. The person who presided over the test reported Qi Lin's performance to senior members and recommended him to join the organization.

The senior member looked at Qi Lin and nodded: "You have shown extraordinary talent and strong willpower in this test. You are indeed qualified to join us. But remember, your goal is to solve the arson case Truth, keep innocent people safe."

Qi Lin nodded solemnly to show that he understood. From this moment on, he will officially become a member of the secret organization, working with them to pursue the truth and uncover the conspiracy behind the arson case.

After Qi Lin entered the secret organization, he began to work closely with other members. They work together to collect and analyze clues related to the case, and conduct investigation and tracking. Everyone has their own areas of expertise and skills, and they collaborate with each other to uncover the truth.

A month later, Qi Lin received an anonymous letter at the organization's headquarters. The letter mentioned an important meeting place and suggested that this might be one of the answers to the arson case. Qi Lin immediately shared this discovery with the organization members, and everyone decided to go to that place to investigate. .

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