They opened the door and broke into the factory. A fierce fight unfolded in the darkness, with gunshots and shouts coming and going.

In the end, Qi Lin and Li Fei successfully subdued Liu Yu and his men. Rescue the abducted girls and set them free. The police arrived and arrested all the criminals.

A few days later, Qi Lin and Li Lin met again. This time it was a scene of joy and gratitude. Li Lin hugged Qi Lin tightly, tears flowing continuously.

"Mr. Qi, without you, I can't imagine what my daughter would be like. Thank you, thank you for saving her!" Li Lin said with a trembling voice.

Qi Lin replied with a smile: "This is my responsibility and my mission. Seeing the happy moment of your reunion is the moment that truly satisfies me."

The resolution of this case not only gave Li Lin's family a new lease of life, but also brought peace of mind to people in the entire city.

Detective Qi Lin walked into the police station, and his name had already become a favorite here. This time, what he is going to uncover is a jewelry theft case that is more complicated than all previous cases.

Qi Lin walked into the office and saw Police Chief Liu Guoping who had been waiting for a long time. Director Liu 13 is an experienced police officer. He has always praised Qilin's talent.

"Mr. Qi, welcome back. This jewelry theft case is quite difficult. We need your help to solve this problem." Director Liu said.

Qi Lin sat down with a smile and put the case information on the table. He began to study every detail carefully, trying to find clues.

"This case is indeed somewhat complicated. Can you give me some more detailed information?" Qi Lin asked.

Director Liu handed Qi Lin a report detailing the time and place of the theft and the value of the stolen jewelry. On the night of the crime, the police found some fingerprints and tools at the scene, but did not find any clues that could directly point to the suspect.

"We have investigated the nearby surveillance videos, but did not find any suspicious characters. This theft seems to be quite clever." Director Liu explained.

Qi Lin frowned, thought for a moment and then said: "It seems that this case is unusual. I think we should start with the victims to understand their background and motives. Also, I hope to go to the crime scene in person and conduct on-site investigation It might give me some inspiration."

So, Qi Lin and Director Liu went to the crime scene together. It was a high-end jewelry store, gorgeously decorated and full of luxury. Qi Lin carefully observed every corner

Try to find some unusual traces.

"The anti-theft system here seems to be quite complete and has not been damaged. This makes me confused. Qi Lin whispered to himself.

At this moment, a young woman walked in. She was Ye Ting, the manager of the jewelry store.

"Are you the ones investigating this theft?" Ye Ting asked.

Qi Lin smiled and nodded. He showed his detective certificate and expressed his gratitude to Ye Ting. He then began to ask Ye Ting for detailed information about the situation in the store.

"On the night of the incident, there were only two employees and me in the store. We were all tied up in the office and couldn't get out. The jewelry was stolen right in front of our eyes," Ye Ting recalled.

Qi Lin thought for a moment and then asked: "Can you tell me the specific type of jewelry that was stolen?

Qi Lin took the jewelry list handed to him by Ye Ting and read it carefully. The list includes a wide variety of jewelry, ranging from diamond necklaces to ruby ​​rings, which are worth a lot of money.

"These jewelry are very valuable, and there are a lot of them. If so many jewelry are stolen at one time, it will definitely take time and reasonable planning to complete." Qi Lin said thoughtfully.

Director Liu nodded in agreement and reminded Qi Lin: "We did not find any suspects with criminal records related to theft during the investigation, but we cannot rule out that it was a novice. What are your thoughts?"

Qi Lin thought for a while and replied: "I think we need more clues to find the criminal. First, we should conduct a detailed background check on Ye Ting and the clerk to confirm whether they are likely to be involved in the theft. Second, we also need We will further investigate the surveillance video to see if there are any missing details."

Director Liu immediately arranged for the police to investigate Ye Ting and the store clerk, and at the same time strengthened the inspection of surveillance videos. A few days later, the results of the investigation came out.

"After investigation, the backgrounds of Ye Ting and the clerks are very clean. None of them have any criminal record, and the evidence against them during the kidnapping on the night of the incident is also very sufficient.

Director Liu reported to Qi Lin.

Qi Lin thought for a moment and then said: "Now that Ye Ting and the clerk have ruled out suspicion, we need to re-examine the scene. This case involves a large amount of jewelry. If the murderer intends to resell it, he needs to find a suitable buyer. We need to delve into the jewelry transaction. Search the market."

Qi Lin and Director Liu rushed to the largest jewelry trading center in Lingxiao City. Many jewelers and buyers gather here, making it an important trading place.

Qi Lin opened the professional jewelry trading software on his mobile phone and began to search for information about the jewelry theft case. He carefully sifted through every clue, looking for transaction records that matched the stolen jewelry.

Finally, Qi Lin discovered a suspicious transaction in the vast sea of ​​data. A jeweler named 663 Li Ming purchased several pieces of jewelry similar to the stolen jewelry at very low prices shortly after the incident.

Qi Lin immediately told Director Liu this clue. The two decided to investigate Li Ming.

After some investigation, the police discovered that Li Ming was a wealthy and prestigious jeweler. He enjoys a high reputation in the jewelry industry and is known as the "Jewelry Master".

Qi Lin and Director Liu decided to visit Li Ming's store in person. When they arrived, Li Ming was at work.

"Mr. Li, I am Detective Qi Lin, and this is Director Liu Guoping. We would like to talk to you about the recent jewelry theft."

Li Ming looked at Qi Lin and Director Liu and greeted them with a smile.

"Please come in, please sit down. I heard that you are here to investigate a jewelry theft case. I don't know much about this case, but if there is anything I can do to help, please let me know." Li Ming said.

Qi Lin looked at Li Ming and observed his reaction. He noticed that Li Ming's expression seemed a little nervous and his eyes averted slightly. This made Qi Lin more certain of his suspicions.

"Mr. Li, we found that you purchased several pieces of jewelry similar to the stolen jewelry shortly after the incident. We want to know your explanation for this." Qi Lin deliberately asked the question.

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