Li Ming frowned slightly and was silent for a moment. Finally, he let out a long sigh.

"In fact, I did buy some special jewelry. But I can assure you that I did not know that they were stolen." Li Ming said slowly.

Qi Lin took a deep breath and continued to ask: "Then where did you get these jewelry? Can you provide some relevant evidence?"

Li Ming looked at Qi Lin and said seriously: "It was a man named Zhang Yun who found me. He claimed to be a jewelry collector and wanted to sell these jewelry to me. He claimed that these jewelry were from private collections. It was obtained, but no detailed source was provided.”

Qi Lin and Director Liu exchanged glances and were very interested in this person named Zhang Yun.

"Mr. Li, can you provide us with some Zhang Yun's contact information? We need to investigate further." Qi Lin requested.

Li Ming picked up a business card and handed it to Qi Lin, with Zhang Yun's phone number and address printed on it.

"Thank you for your cooperation. We will launch an investigation as soon as possible." After Qi Lin thanked Li Ming, he and Director Liu left Li Ming's store.

Soon after, Qi Lin and Director Liu arrived at Zhang Yun's residence. After knocking on the door, a middle-aged man opened the door.

"Are you the police? What's the matter?" Zhang Yun asked slightly vigilantly.

Qi Lin showed his detective certificate and explained his purpose.

"We have reason to believe that you may be involved in a jewelry theft case. Now please cooperate with our investigation." Qi Lin said.

Zhang Yun's expression changed slightly, but he quickly regained his composure.

"I did not participate in any theft. These jewelry were purchased from private collectors, and I just helped them resell them." Zhang Yun defended.

Qi Lin calmly observed Zhang Yun's expression and tone, trying to discern the truth.

"We need to further understand the ins and outs of this matter. Please provide relevant evidence or contact information..." Qi Lin demanded firmly.

After Zhang Yun thought for a moment, he handed Qi Lin a transaction record and some evidence.

Qi Lin took the transaction records and relevant evidence handed to him by Zhang Yun and studied them carefully. He found that the transaction records did show a series of purchases and sales of jewelry similar to the stolen jewelry.

"These transaction records appear to be authentic [but we need more evidence to confirm your statement. Can you provide the contact information of these private collectors? We need to further verify with them." Qi Lin asked.

Zhang Yun hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"Okay, I can provide you with some contact information. However, please keep it confidential, because these collectors pay great attention to privacy." Zhang Yun warned.

Qi Lin assured Zhang Yun that it would be handled properly and asked him to provide relevant information. Zhang Yun wrote several names and phone numbers on a piece of paper and handed it to Qi Lin.

"These are the contact information of several private collectors that I know so far. I hope it will be helpful to your investigation." Zhang Yun said.

Qi Lin thanked Zhang Yun for his cooperation and told him that he would investigate as soon as possible. Afterwards, Qi Lin and Director Liu left Zhang Yun's residence, preparing to further trace the information of these private collectors.

Back at the police station, Qi Lin and Director Liu carefully studied the contact information provided by Zhang Yun. They discovered that one of the collectors was a well-known art collector, while the other was a wealthy businessman.

Qi Lin realizes that this case may involve a larger background. He decided to contact the art collector first to seek further clues.

By phone, Qi Lin successfully met with the art collector. During the meeting, Qi Lin learned in detail about the jewelry owned by the collector and verified some transaction records.

"I don't know much about this theft. My jewelry was purchased through formal channels. But one thing I can tell you is that a jeweler did come to me recently and wanted to buy some jewelry at a low price. ” said the art collector.

Qi Lin asked for information about the jeweler and learned that his name was Wang Zhihua and he was the owner of another famous jewelry store in Lingxiao City.

Qi Lin immediately told Director Liu this clue and planned to conduct a detailed investigation.

After some investigation, the police discovered some suspicious circumstances related to Wang Zhihua. He recently visited the jewelry trading market frequently and had contact with some criminals.

Qi Lin and Director Liu decided to conduct secret surveillance on Wang Zhihua to obtain more evidence. A few days later, the police obtained key video evidence showing that Wang Zhihua was in contact with Ye Ting, Li Ming, Zhang Yun and others.

When faced with this evidence, Wang Zhihua finally admitted his crime. He admitted that he planned and directed Ye Ting, Li Ming and Zhang Yun to carry out the theft and made considerable profits from it.

The case was eventually successfully solved, and Wang Zhihua was arrested and interrogated. He revealed more details about the theft operation, including plans, goals and division of labor.

The police subsequently launched further investigations to confirm whether anyone else was involved in the series of jewelry thefts. After carefully sorting out the evidence and questioning the suspects, they finally identified the crimes of Ye Ting, Li Ming, Zhang Yun and others.

During interrogation, Ye Ting admitted that she was Wang Zhihua's subordinate and assisted in multiple thefts. She pointed out that Li Ming was involved in one of the theft cases, while Zhang Yun was responsible for helping sell the stolen jewelry.

Li Ming and Zhang Yun were summoned by the police and faced strict interrogation. Li Ming confessed his behavior [and stated that he was deceived and induced by Wang Zhihua to purchase the stolen jewelry. Zhang Yun argued that he did not know that the jewelry was stolen by Zhao Nuohao.

Through investigation and evidence collection, the police finally determined the crimes of these three people, and the prosecutor's office formally initiated prosecution.

The case was heard in court, with each party providing its own evidence and defense. After careful review of all relevant evidence and eyewitness statements, the court found Ye Ting, Li Ming and Zhang Yun guilty and sentenced them accordingly.

The successful detection of this jewelry theft was due to professional police investigation and in-depth tracking, as well as cooperation with art collectors and other key figures. In the end, the stolen jewelry was returned and the victim received justice.

Qi Lin is a detective who is famous for his intelligence and keen observation. Recently, a high-profile poisoning case occurred in the city, which aroused Qi Lin's interest. He immediately launched an investigation, hoping to find the truth and bring justice to the victims. .

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