Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

860: A Customer Was Poisoned And Died, Qi Lin Launched An Investigation

The background of the case is that an important customer in a high-end restaurant was suddenly poisoned and died. The news quickly spread throughout the city, arousing social concern and concern. The government and local police quickly intervened and invited Qi Lin as an independent investigator to help solve the case.

In the restaurant, Qi Lin conducted a careful and careful investigation. He carefully observed the scene, collected relevant evidence, and began to conduct an autopsy on the deceased. As time goes by, more clues gradually surface.

The next morning, Qi Lin summoned all people involved in the case, including restaurant employees and other customers, as well as family members of the deceased. They gathered in a hall, and Qi Lin stood on the stage and began the investigation with a serious expression.

"Gentlemen and ladies, thank you for your cooperation. I am Qi Lin, and I was asked to investigate this poisoning case this time." Qi Lin's opening remarks were very concise and clear, "I think everyone is shocked and saddened by this matter. But in order to find the truth, I need everyone's help."

There was a sound of agreement from the crowd, and everyone nodded.

Qi Lin continued: "According to my preliminary investigation, the deceased was poisoned and died during the meal. I have collected some evidence, but more information is needed to solve this mystery. First, I would like to ask the restaurant staff 847,Has anyone noticed any suspicious behavior or events?"

All the employees looked at each other, and a young waitress raised her hand hesitantly and said: "Sir, I saw a stranger moving around the kitchen that night. He looked very nervous."

Qi Lin frowned slightly and immediately walked towards the waiter: "Please tell me, can you describe the characteristics of the stranger?"

The waitress recalled: "He was about 1.8 meters tall, wearing a black hat and sunglasses. I also remember that he was wearing a dark blue coat, and he lingered around the kitchen for a long time."

Qi Lin recorded these details and continued to ask other employees if they had noticed similar situations. Several people have provided information about this stranger one after another. Although each person's description is not exactly the same, their consensus is that this person behaves suspiciously.

Next, Qi Lin turned to the victim's family: "Do you know anything about the deceased's daily life? Is it possible that there are hostile people who want to harm him?"

A middle-aged man among the family members frowned and replied: "I am the brother of the deceased, and I can tell you something about him. He is a successful businessman.

But he often caused controversy due to business rivalries. While I'm not sure if anyone has a grudge against him, it's not a possibility.

Qi Lin nodded, expressing understanding. He further questioned other family members and friends, hoping to find more information about the deceased. Gradually Qi Lin began to see some patterns.

During the investigation, Qi Lin also summoned chemical experts, toxicologists and forensic scientists to participate in the analysis of the case. Through the analysis of the residues in the body of the deceased, they discovered a rare poison ingredient. This confirmed the fact of the poisoning and made the case more complicated and difficult.

After several days of investigation, Qi Lin gradually collected a large amount of evidence and clues. He began to integrate this information and think about the logic and possibilities of the case. At the same time, he also maintained close contact with the police and relevant experts to report on the progress of the investigation.

Finally, at dawn, in the silence before dawn, Qi Lin suddenly understood. He relied on his own insight and understanding of human nature to find the key to solving the case.

The next day, Qi Lin returned to the high-end restaurant and summoned all people involved in the case, including restaurant employees, family members and other relevant people. They gathered in a conference room

Qi Lin stood on the stage, facing expectant and nervous eyes.

"Gentlemen and ladies, thank you for your cooperation." Qi Lin said with a smile, "After several days of investigation, I believe I have found the truth.

The venue fell silent, and everyone looked at Qi Lin with no expectation.

"The answer to this poisoning case is actually hidden in the hearts of each of us." Qi Lin looked at everyone present affectionately, "The murderer is not a stranger, but

His words elicited a flurry of consternation and speculation. People began to look at each other, wondering about the truth Qi Lin said.

"The murderer is hidden among us and is one of them." Qi Lin slowly revealed the answer, "Moreover, this person took advantage of the darkness and hatred in each of us."

There was silence. People couldn't believe what they heard, and at the same time they began to reflect on whether they might be related to the case.

Qi Lin continued: "In this case, the murderer did not poison directly, but used psychological manipulation and sowing discord to make the victim choose a fatal path.

"Each of us has our own secrets, hatreds and motives. The murderer knew this and used this information to plan this crime." Qi Lin pointed at one of them, a man named Zhang Qi and said: " You are the murderer! You have a strong hatred and motivation for the deceased."

Zhang Qi looked at Qi Lin in surprise, and his face turned pale. Others also looked at Zhang Qi with expressions of disbelief.

"Do you think your conspiracy can be hidden so well? However, I discovered some key details through investigation." Qi Lin's voice was calm and firm, "First of all, you are the only one who did not eat any dishes that night, so you You can avoid the risk of poisoning. Secondly, you had business competition with the deceased, and you felt jealousy and hatred towards him. This is a very likely motive."

Zhang Qi defended with a livid face: "You don't have any evidence to prove me, this is just your speculation!"

Qi Lin responded with a smile: "In fact, I have found conclusive evidence. Chemical experts analyzed the residues in the deceased's body and found a special drug consistent with your daily use."

Everyone was stunned, and they began to understand how Qi Lin deduced Zhang Qi's crime.

"You planned to eliminate yourself from suspicion through this poisoning case. You took advantage of the darkness and hatred in everyone's heart, as well as your competitive relationship with the deceased, to manipulate the progress of the incident." Qi Lin said firmly, "However, the truth cannot be buried after all."

The police took immediate action and arrested Zhang Qi. They interrogated him in detail, and finally Zhang Qi admitted his crime. It turned out that in order to attack his business competitors, he deliberately purchased a deadly poison and put it into the restaurant's food. .

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