The whole city admired Qi Lin for his intelligence and bravery. His investigation and persistence helped reveal the truth and bring justice to the victims.

At the press conference, Qi Lin was commended and praised. He humbly accepted interviews with the media and shared his investigative experience and way of thinking. He emphasized the importance of detective work and the pursuit of the truth.

This case became a classic case in the city, and people called it "Qilin's Poisoning Mystery". Qi Lin continued to persevere in his work, solving more complex cases and becoming a well-respected name in the police community.

Through this case, Qi Lin not only proved his ability and intelligence, but also conveyed the power of justice and truth to everyone.

This time, Qi Lin received an animal trafficking case. It is said that some people are selling exotic animals on the black market, which has attracted the attention of animal protection organizations. As a detective with a full sense of justice, Qi Lin decided to launch an investigation.

He first went to the crime scene, an abandoned warehouse. The door of the warehouse was ajar, and dim light shone on the ground through the crack in the door. Qi Lin carefully opened the door and walked into the warehouse.

In an instant, a pungent smell hit his nostrils, causing him to cover his nose. The warehouse is stacked with various cages containing various rare animals. There are peacocks, elephants, tigers... these lovely creatures are imprisoned in this small space.

"This is simply too cruel!" Qi Lin cursed angrily. He quickly photographed the scene and began searching for possible clues. He found a notebook in which he recorded the details of many transactions.

Qi Lin put this notebook in his pocket and was determined to bring these animal trafficking criminals to justice.

After returning to the detective's office, Qi Lin began to study the notebook carefully. After a series of searches and comparisons, he finally found one of the top buyers of animals—a man named Ji Hua.

Li Hua is a black market boss who makes a living selling exotic animals. Qi Lin knew that if he could be caught, he could open the door to the entire trafficking network.

So Qi Lin set out to investigate Li Hua's background. He discovered that Li Hua often visited a place called "Paradise Zoo". So, he decided to go there to conduct a latent investigation

When entering the "Paradise Zoo", Qi Lin pretended to be a volunteer, hoping to get close to Ji Hua and obtain more information.

At the zoo, Qi Lin became friends with a staff member named Xiao Ming. He told Xiao Ming that he was very interested in rare animals and hoped to receive some special care.

Xiao Ming smiled: "You are so lucky. We recently got a very rare golden monkey from the Amazon rainforest. If you are willing, I can take you to see it."

Qi Lin pretended to be surprised and nodded, then followed Xiao Ming into a quiet corner. He noticed that the "nook" was actually a secret passageway leading to the zoo's basement.

In the basement, Qi Lin discovered a huge sales network. There is a large warehouse for hiding animals, as well as an office. There are various rare animals imprisoned in the warehouse. Their eyes are dull, their bodies are tired, and they seem to have lost their vitality.

Qi Lin quietly entered the office and found a ledger containing all transaction records on the table. He quickly took a photo of the ledger and copied it to his computer. This ledger will become key evidence to expose this animal trafficking conspiracy.

At this moment, he heard footsteps coming from the corridor. He immediately hid in the corner of the office and listened attentively.

"Li Hua, our transaction is getting more and more dangerous. We need to temporarily stop our actions." A deep voice passed into Qi Lin's ears. It was the voice of a man, apparently the leader of a trafficking gang.

"Don't be too impatient. We have been together for so many years, why should we back down now?" Li Hua's voice was a little anxious.

"This time a detective named Qi Lin is following us. He is already close. We can't take any more risks." The leader's voice was full of alertness and uneasiness.

Hearing this, Qi Lin's heart moved, and it turned out that his actions had attracted their attention. He decided to leave this underground trafficking network as soon as possible before the other party discovered his existence.

After returning to the detective office, Qi Lin organized the account books and evidence obtained from the investigation, and discussed the next actions with his assistant Xiaolin.

…please give me flowers…………

"We already have important clues, but we need more evidence to ensure that these criminals can be brought to justice." Qi Lin said.

Xiao Lin nodded and agreed. They decided to expand the scope of the investigation and gain a deeper understanding of the operation mode of the trafficking network, as well as the background and relationships of the people involved.

After several days of intense work, Qi Lin and Xiao Lin successfully collected more evidence and found several important target suspects.

Knowing that he was about to face a decisive battle, Qi Lin decided to sneak into the headquarters of the trafficking network again and wipe out this criminal group.

On a dark and windy night, Qi Lin and Xiao Lin quietly approached the headquarters of the trafficking network. They disguised themselves as workers and blended in, observing every detail secretly.


In a remote corner, Qi Lin found Li Hua, who was discussing the latest trading plan with several of his subordinates. Qi Lin kept in touch with the police through hidden headphones and informed them of the target's location and action plan.

Just as the police launched a raid, people involved in the trafficking network noticed something unusual. They began to search around, trying to find Qi Lin and Xiao Lin hidden among them.

Qi Lin and Xiao Lin acted quickly to avoid the search team and try not to arouse suspicion. They used the goods in the warehouse to weave in and out "like ghosts, avoiding the enemy's sight."

At the critical moment, a loud alarm suddenly sounded, and the entire warehouse fell into chaos. Members of the trafficking network fled, and the police took the opportunity to launch a round-up operation.

Qi Lin and Xiao Lin saw the opportunity and quickly approached Li Hua's location. They are determined to completely destroy this dark trafficking network.

"Li Hua, you have no way to escape. Hand over your accomplices and put down your weapons!" Qi Lin shouted firmly.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Li Hua gritted his teeth and said: "Do you think arresting me will end it? We have more accomplices, and you can't completely eliminate us!

Qi Lin sneered: "Even if you have more accomplices, I believe justice and law will eventually defeat evil. Now is your last chance, choose to cooperate or face severe punishment, it all depends on you."

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