Li Hua hesitated for a moment and finally realized that the situation was not in their favor. He put down his weapons and raised his hands in surrender.

Members of the trafficking network were arrested one after another by the police, and the entire case was successfully solved. Qi Lin and Xiao Lin successfully knocked down this dark trafficking network and saved the lives of countless animals.

In an interview with reporters, Qi Lin emphasized the importance of protecting rare animals and called on the public to remain vigilant against such crimes. He said that as a detective, he will continue to be committed to cracking down on various illegal and criminal activities and protecting social peace and justice.

The exposure of this case also attracted widespread public attention. People have expressed their appreciation for Qilin's courage and sense of justice, and his awareness of animal protection has also been further promoted.

In subsequent hearings, members of the trafficking network "493" were harshly tried and faced with felony charges. The court's verdict announced that they would face long prison terms and heavy fines.

Qi Lin also won awards from the police for the successful detection of this case and became a hero in the hearts of the public. He used his actual actions to demonstrate the detective's professionalism and pursuit of justice.

From then on, people regarded Qi Lin as a guardian [ten heroes who speak out for the weak. His brave actions inspired more people to join the ranks of animal protection.

Qi Lin is not satisfied with this victory. He knows that the trafficking network is just the tip of the iceberg and there are still many other illegal activities going on secretly. He decided to devote himself to broader social reforms to promote tougher legal provisions and law enforcement to combat crime.

He cooperates with major animal protection organizations, participates in the formulation of relevant policies, and actively calls on the public to pay attention and join actions to protect animals. At the same time, he also spent a lot of time investigating other similar criminal gangs to ensure that they could be brought to justice.

A few years later, thanks to the efforts of Qi Lin and other animal protection advocates, the government passed a series of stricter regulations and stepped up efforts to crack down on the trafficking of rare animals. This has led to a major breakthrough in animal protection work and thwarted more illegal trade.

Qi Lin has not forgotten the original intention of starting this journey. He firmly believes that only through education, publicity and changing people's consciousness can illegal activities against animals be completely eliminated. Therefore, he used his popularity to carry out a series of public welfare activities to popularize animal protection knowledge to the public and called on people to stop buying illegally trafficked animal products.

His efforts are gradually bearing fruit, and more and more people are paying attention to animal protection issues and purchasing legal and sustainable animal products. This provides better protection for the survival of rare animals and creates a better environment for future generations.

One day, when Qi Lin was sorting out documents, the phone suddenly rang. He answered the phone and heard the anxious voice of a strange lady: "Sir, I need your help! The forestry company run by my family for three generations has suffered from the problem of illegal felling of trees, and we have suffered heavy losses. Please help me." Help us!"

Qi Lin took a deep breath and replied: "Don't worry, I will try my best to solve the problem. Please tell me more details."

After a moment of silence, the lady began to describe the whole story. Her name is Meili, and she is the heir to the forestry company. She told Qi Lin that in recent months, trees in their forestland have been frequently stolen and cut down. This not only caused huge economic losses to the company, but also caused serious damage to the environment.

Qi Lin left Mei Li's contact information and told her that he would launch an investigation as soon as possible. The next morning, Qi Lin came to the scene of the crime, and a messy forest appeared in front of him. He carefully observed every stolen tree, trying to find some clues.

Standing next to a remaining tree, Qi Lin began to think. There seems to be no obvious pattern to when, where and how these trees are cut down. However, he is certain of one thing: "These trees were not cut down at will, but carefully selected."

In the next few weeks, Qi Lin investigated everywhere and interviewed many people. He talked with forestry company employees, local residents and officers from nearby police stations, hoping to find some key clues.

A month later, Qi Lin collected a large amount of information. He realized that there might be greater interests behind this case... He decided to call Meili and ask her to meet in his office.

Meili looked a little nervous when she came to the office. After sitting down, she asked: "Sir, did you find anything?"

Qi Lin smiled and replied: "Miss Mei, I believe I have found the key clue to this case. According to what I know, these stolen trees are high-quality and rare species. For some people Of great value.”

Mellie asked in surprise: "So, who is doing this?"

Qi Lin smiled mysteriously, and then said: "Miss Mei, please listen to me calmly. According to my investigation, there is a criminal group hidden behind this case. They took advantage of the location and environment of the forest to cut down rare trees. and resell them to collectors on the black market.”

Meili looked at Qi Lin in astonishment, with an expression of disbelief: "Is there anyone who would do whatever it takes to harm the interests of our company and the natural environment for these trees?"

Qi Lin nodded slightly and then explained: "Yes, this criminal group took advantage of the weaknesses of the forestry company to carefully plan and execute this series of illegal logging operations. They may have colluded internally and externally, and some of their employees may have participated in it to Make sure it goes smoothly. I have notified the local police and provided all the evidence. They will launch an operation to "bring this criminal group to justice."

Meili breathed a sigh of relief, and 5.1 said gratefully: "Sir, thank you so much! Without your help, we would have continued to suffer losses."

Qi Lin replied with a smile: "Miss Mei, this is my duty and mission. I believe that justice will eventually defeat evil and defend the beautiful order of nature."

A few days later, police launched a raid and successfully captured members of the criminal group. They were held criminally responsible, and the municipal forestry company received due compensation.

Qi Lin was pleased with the solution of the case, but he was not satisfied with it. He is determined to further protect the surrounding natural resources and prevent similar crimes from happening again. He discussed with Meili and established a special environmental protection organization dedicated to protecting the safety of woodlands and rare species. .

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