Over the years, Qi Lin's reputation in the detective world has grown day by day, and many new honorary awards have been added to his office. But for him, the greatest achievement is seeing his efforts change people's attitudes and protect the sustainable development of the natural environment.

Qi Lin has become a veritable hero with his wisdom and sense of justice, and his story will be passed down, inspiring more people to work hard to protect our planet.

Under Qi Lin's leadership, environmental protection organizations have launched various actions and initiatives. They have worked with local governments to strengthen supervision of forestry companies and enact stricter regulations to protect natural resources. Qilin also actively promotes education and publicity activities to enhance public awareness of environmental protection.

At an environmental seminar, Qi Lin met a young scientist named Li Feng. Li Feng has an in-depth study of ecology and proposed a novel method to monitor the health of forest ecosystems. Qi Lin was attracted by his ideas and decided to invite him to join the environmental protection organization and cooperate together.

Qi Lin and Li Feng have become tacit partners. They use modern scientific and technological means, such as remote sensing technology and drone monitoring, to conduct comprehensive surveys and analyzes of forest lands. They discovered hidden environmental problems such as soil pollution and loss of biodiversity. Working with scientists, government officials and stakeholders, they developed a series of sustainable conservation plans aimed at restoring damaged ecosystems and improving forestland management.

As time goes by, the cooperation between Qi Lin and Li Feng gradually expands to a global scale. They participated in international environmental protection conferences and shared their experiences and results with scientists, experts and activists from various countries. They put forward some suggestions, such as strengthening transnational cooperation and formulating a stricter legal framework to prevent environmental crimes, which have been widely recognized and supported.

The efforts of Qi Lin and Li Feng brought about substantial changes. More and more people are beginning to pay attention and take action to actively participate in environmental protection. They initiated afforestation activities, organized community clean-up days, and promoted sustainable lifestyles. This positive change makes Qi Lin feel gratified. He knows that his mission is being continued and passed on.

Many years later, when Qi Lin looked back on his detective career, he felt that he had successfully completed a great mission. His efforts to solve the illegal tree felling case not only protected the company's interests, but also protected the beauty of the natural environment.

He believes that as long as everyone can play their part and work together, we can create a more beautiful and sustainable world. Qi Lin's story will always inspire people to care for the earth and protect the environment.

Detective Qi Lin opened the office door and stepped into the dim room. He slowly looked around. The walls were covered with shabby photos, maps and red threads. The threads connecting various clues were intertwined into an intricate network. He took off his hat, scratched his hair, and thought for a long time.

Suddenly, his cell phone rang. He picked up the phone and heard a hurried voice: "Mr. Qi Lin, you are the only one who can help us! Our city is suffering from sewage discharge problems, and the government seems unable to solve it. Please come and investigate this matter."

Qi Lin frowned, the other party's urgent request for help made him curious. He asked for details and arranged a meeting with local government officials.

In the conference room, Qi Lin sat behind the long table with a pile of documents in front of him. Government officials sat in a row, looking serious. Qi Lin glanced at it and saw various statistical data, monitoring reports, and geographical maps of rivers and water sources. He took a deep breath and began to ask questions.

"When did this sewage discharge problem start? Has anyone noticed any abnormalities?" Qi Lin asked.

An official stood up and answered: "We started to notice this problem about half a year ago. Residents found that the nearby river became dirty and smelly. We conducted multiple monitoring and the results showed that the source of the pollution was located in the industrial area near the city." "

"Have you investigated the companies in the industrial zone?" Qi Lin asked.

Another official took the microphone and said: "We have launched an investigation, but we have not found conclusive evidence pointing to a certain company. Local companies all claim that their emissions comply with environmental standards."

Qi Lin rubbed his temples and thought about what to do next. "I need to visit these companies to understand their operations and collect further evidence." He suggested.

The government officials looked at each other, and after a moment of silence, they finally agreed to Qi Lin's request. After arranging the itinerary, Qi Lin immediately set off for the industrial zone.

The first business was a chemical plant. Qi Lin and the person in charge of the factory sat in the office and talked face to face.

"Our emissions are very standardized and comply with environmental standards." the person in charge emphasized.

Qi Lin smiled and asked: "Can you show me your sewage equipment?"

The person in charge nodded slightly embarrassed and took Qi Lin to visit the factory's sewage treatment center. Qi Lin carefully observed every link and discovered a subtle problem.

"Your wastewater treatment equipment seems to be a bit old and may not fully meet environmental protection requirements." He pointed out. The person in charge of 653 looked at Qi Lin in shock, and then suddenly realized. "We do have some old equipment, but we have been maintaining and improving it. We will update the equipment as soon as possible to ensure that emissions meet environmental standards."

Qi Lin nodded and then turned to another factory. This is a textile factory, and the person in charge greeted him warmly. During the visit, Qi Lin carefully observed the factory's production process and wastewater treatment system.

"Do the dyes you use meet environmental protection requirements? Have there been any instances of emissions exceeding standards?" Qi Lin asked.

The person in charge replied with a smile: "We only use environmentally certified dyes and strictly control emissions. We also conduct regular water quality monitoring to ensure that standards are not exceeded.

Qi Lin thought for a moment and did not comment immediately. He realized that it was impossible to draw accurate conclusions solely by relying on the company's statements and that more comprehensive investigation methods must be adopted.

Back in the office, Qi Lin carefully studied the data and reports collected previously. He turned on the computer and began to search for relevant information, including the factory's application records, environmental impact assessment reports, and complaints from surrounding residents.

Gradually, Qi Lin found some clues. By comparing emission data from different companies, he found that one of the factories had unusually high emissions, which coincided with a series of complaints nearby. .

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