Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

864: The Factory Will Immediately Stop Production For Rectification.

Qi Lin immediately started investigating the factory. He dispatched a team to the scene to conduct covert monitoring and evidence collection activities. After several days of observation and analysis, they finally found conclusive evidence that the factory had a problem with excessive sewage discharge.

On a rainy night, Qi Lin and the police went to the factory to conduct a surprise inspection. They discovered that the factory was illegally discharging sewage directly into a nearby river without any treatment.

Qi Lin personally questioned the person in charge of the factory: "Why do you discharge sewage illegally?"

The person in charge looked flustered and stammered in reply: "In order to reduce costs, we did not purchase better wastewater treatment equipment."

Qi Lin sneered: "For your own selfish interests, you ignore the urban environment and the health of the residents. This kind of behavior is intolerable!"

He immediately took the person in charge to the police car, sealed off the factory and conducted further investigation.

A few weeks later, Qi Lin successfully cracked the sewage discharge case. The factory was fined and required to immediately stop production and make rectifications. The government has also strengthened supervision of other factories to ensure that the city's environmental quality is protected.

Qi Lin said in an interview at the press conference: "Environmental protection is everyone's responsibility, whether it is a company or an individual. Pollution of the environment will have a serious impact on our lives. As a detective, I just did my part, I hope everyone can actively participate in environmental protection.

Through his investigation and persistence, problems were revealed and necessary action was taken. Qilin's successful case has also attracted widespread attention from society, and people have paid more attention to environmental protection issues.

Qi Lin received a commission for a fraud case. A wealthy businessman, Mr. Li Huasheng, said that he had recently suffered severe financial losses and suspected that his partners were committing fraud. Qi Lin decided to meet Mr. Li to learn more details.

When Qi Lin arrived at Mr. Li's mansion, he was guided into the living room by a maid. Mr. Li was sitting on the sofa, looking anxious. Qi Lin signaled the maid to leave, and then sat on the chair opposite Mr. Li.

"Sir, I heard that you suffered financial losses. Please tell me the details." Qi Lin said respectfully.

Mr. Li's eyes looked depressed. "Mr. Qi, I recently participated in an investment - purchasing shares of a tobacco company. But not long ago, I received an anonymous letter stating that there were serious frauds in the company's financial documents. After investigation, I found that there was indeed There are many doubts. But I haven’t found any conclusive evidence yet…

Qi Lin thought for a while. "Sir, please tell me, what doubts have you discovered?"

Mr. Li thought for a moment, and then said: "First of all, this company's sales data are far from the actual situation. They claim to have high sales every month, but I personally went to their warehouse and found that the inventory was simply insufficient. to support such high sales volume.”

Qi Lin nodded. "continue."

Mr. Li continued: "In addition, there are also problems with this company's financial statements. I hired a professional accountant to audit, and he found many irregular operations. There were a large number of unexplained income and expenses on the financial statements. items, and the accounts were artificially obfuscated."

Qi Lin put his finger on his chin and fell into thinking. "Sir, this is indeed a complex case. But we can start from two aspects. First, we need to conduct a deeper investigation into this company to find out whether there is fraud. Second, we need to find the sender of the anonymous letter. man, he may be able to provide more critical information."

Mr. Li showed a hopeful expression. "Mr. Qi, I hope you can find out the truth as soon as possible. These frauds have caused me huge financial losses and also caused me great trouble."

Qi Lin nodded solemnly. "Sir, please rest assured, I will do my best to solve your problem." He stood up. "I will now take some time to investigate and will keep you in touch if there are any new developments."

Qi Lin left Li Huasheng's mansion and began an in-depth investigation of the tobacco company. He first went to the company's headquarters to prepare for interviews with key personnel such as the financial director and sales manager.

When Qi Lin went to the headquarters of the tobacco company, he saw a modern office building rising from the ground. He walked into the hall and was led into the conference room by a secretary.

There were several people sitting in the conference room, including financial director Zhang Ming and sales manager Chen Ting. After Qi Lin said hello to them, the interview began.

"Mr. Zhang, Ms. Chen, I am Qi Lin, employed by Mr. Li Huasheng. We are investigating the financial problems of this company, please help provide some information.

Zhang Ming looked a little nervous. "Mr. Qi, is there anything specific you need me to answer?"

Qi Lin smiled and said: "First of all, I want to understand the company's financial statement production process. Can you tell me who is involved in preparing the statements?"

Zhang Ming thought for a moment and replied: "The staff in the financial department are responsible for collecting and sorting the data, and then submitting it to me for review. After the review is passed, I will summarize the financial statements and submit them to the senior management."

Qi Lin nodded. "So, how do you verify the accuracy of your sales data?"

Chen Ting took over and said: "We have a sales team, who are responsible for communicating with customers and signing contracts. Every month, the sales data will be submitted to me by the sales team, and then I will check and organize it."

Qi Lin thought for a while. "Can you tell me what the company's inventory management process is like?"

Zhang Ming replied: "We have a special warehouse to store products. The sales team places orders according to customer needs (Qian Wang's then picks up the goods from the warehouse and ships them."

Qi Lin frowned slightly. "So, does this company's inventory count match its sales?"

Chen Ting hesitated for a moment, then said: "The actual situation is that we have indeed encountered some supply chain problems recently, resulting in inventory shortages. But we did not fake it, and the sales were real." 1

Qi Lin listened quietly, his expression unchanged. He had begun to feel that things might be more complicated than imagined.

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation. I still need some time to investigate further. Please make sure that all the documents and information required to assist me are ready." Qi Lin stood up. If there are any new clues or discoveries, please contact us immediately I contact. "

After returning to the office, Qi Lin carefully sorted out the information obtained from the company. He began analyzing all the data and comparing it with reports and evidence collected previously. .

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