Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

872: Everything Goes According To Plan

This discovery shocked Qi Lin. He recalled the black and white photo he had seen in the hall before, which recorded the figure of a young man and a beautiful woman. And now, he realized that the young man was Wang Junjie!

After further investigation, Qi Lin uncovered the truth about the arson case. It turns out that the man behind the arson was not Wang Junjie, but Wang Junxiong. In order to overturn Wang Qing's opposition and to rebuild the house himself, he decided to take extreme measures.

Wang Junxiong used anonymous letters to threaten surrounding residents and create an atmosphere of fire in an attempt to make the manor no longer worth preserving. The black and white photo revealed his true identity, so he deliberately destroyed the photo after setting it on fire.

Qi Lin informed Wang Qing of the discovery and arrested the leader Xiangxiong overnight. The case was officially investigated and tried with the intervention of the police "703".

Through Qi Lin's efforts and persistence, the arson case was solved and the truth came to light. The manor was preserved and became a historical relic of the town, and Wang Qing finally gained her own justice and peace.

As an excellent detective, Qi Lin once again successfully solved a complex case. His keen insight, keen observation and perseverance made him a key figure in this case. His calm thinking and rigorous reasoning help him gradually piece together the pieces of the truth, and ultimately reveal the criminal's identity and motives.

This arson case also became an important experience in Qi Lin's career. He deeply understands that solving complex cases requires a high level of attention to detail and comprehensive investigation and interrogation of relevant individuals. He learned to think about problems from multiple angles and to organically combine various clues and evidence in order to deduce the most likely truth.

Through this successful case solving, Qi Lin won more people's respect and trust. His reputation quickly spread and he became one of the top detectives in the area. His professional abilities and intelligence play a positive role in the security and justice of society.

However, Qi Lin was not complacent because of this. He knows that every case is a new challenge, and every mystery requires patience and careful solving. He always maintains a thirst for knowledge and skills, and constantly improves his abilities to better serve society.

Qi Lin believes that as a detective, he has the responsibility to protect innocent people from evil. He is willing to invest more time and energy in pursuing the truth and fighting for justice

He firmly believes that as long as you have faith, wisdom and courage, you can solve mysteries, reveal the truth, and bring justice and peace to society.

Qi Lin received a mysterious letter, which described in detail the location and time of a trafficking case. As an experienced detective, he was intrigued and decided to investigate. That night, Qi Lin came to the bar mentioned in the letter.

In the bar, Qi Lin scanned the surrounding crowd sharply, trying to find clues that might be related to the abduction case. Suddenly, he noticed a man in a black suit talking to several suspicious people. This aroused Qi Lin's alert, and he quietly approached them.

Qi Lin pretended to be drinking whiskey at the bar while listening to their conversation. Gradually, he began to understand what they were talking about. It turned out that these people were members of a criminal gang that abducted children. They plan to send a group of children to a mysterious place tomorrow night.

Qi Lin was angry but remained calm. He realized that he had to take action. He quickly left the bar and returned to his office. There, he compiled an action plan and contacted his friend Zhang Ming, a senior police detective.

The next night, Qi Lin and Zhang Ming met in an abandoned warehouse near the location where the trafficking case occurred. They are preparing to fight against this criminal gang and at the same time rescue the abducted children. The two worked separately, placed hidden cameras outside the warehouse, and determined the locations of the entrance and exit.

Late at night, Qi Lin and Zhang Ming suddenly heard a strange sound. They immediately hid in the dark and secretly observed everything happening inside the warehouse. In the darkness, several suspicious figures quietly walked into the warehouse, including the man in a black suit that Qi Lin saw in the bar.

"Everything is going according to plan, we have to keep a low profile." The man said to his friends.

Qi Lin and Zhang Ming prepared the action signal... When the members of the trafficking gang were about to leave the warehouse, they pressed the button at the same time, triggering the camera outside the warehouse to shoot. Then, they quickly rushed into the warehouse.

"Police! Don't move!" Qi Lin shouted loudly.

The criminal gang members were startled, but quickly reacted and raised their weapons. Qi Lin and Zhang Ming quickly evaded and started a fierce gun battle. They work closely together and use precise shooting skills to push the opponent back.

In the chaos, Qi Lin finally found the group of abducted children. They were locked in a small room and looked very scared. Qi Lin comforted them and helped them walk out of the warehouse one by one to ensure that they left safely. At the same time, Zhang Ming and Qi Lin subdued the criminal gang members one by one.

After all the children escaped safely, Qi Lin and Zhang Ming conducted further investigation into the case. They discovered that the criminal gang was a black market organization that made a living by abducting children, and this case was only a small part of their activities. The two decided to investigate in depth in order to completely destroy the entire organization.

In the following weeks, Qi Lin and Zhang Ming launched a fierce pursuit. They collected a large number of clues, investigated many people involved, and gradually revealed the dark side of the entire organization. They discovered that this organization was not only involved in child trafficking, but also in various illegal activities such as drug trafficking and smuggling.

After 4.5 hours of hard work, Qi Lin and Zhang Ming finally succeeded in killing all the core members of this black market organization. They handed the evidence to the police and ensured that these criminals were brought to justice.

Qi Lin and Zhang Ming hope to attract the attention of all sectors of society and work together to protect children's rights and interests so that every child can grow up healthily and happily.

Qi Lin was sitting in his office in the center of the city, staring at the newspaper on the table, his hair slightly messy. As a senior detective, he is accustomed to reading newspapers to obtain clues to cases. His eyes stayed on a headline: "There is still no progress in the case of theft of New York's largest jewelry store."

He smoothed his hair and thought about how to solve this seemingly difficult case. Suddenly, the silence was broken by the sound of calligraphy ringtones.

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