After some hard work, Qi Lin successfully solved the mystery of the hit-and-run case. While mistakes were made, they also found ways to resolve them so that the victims were compensated and the perpetrators were held accountable for their actions.

Qi Lin is an experienced detective. This time, he was entrusted to investigate a suspicious arson case. According to reports, a historic building suddenly caught fire late at night. Fortunately, the fire was discovered and extinguished in time, but the interior of the house has suffered serious damage. The local police felt helpless and turned to Qi Lin for help.

Qi Lin rushed to the scene immediately after receiving the task. The building looked like a manor, and although it was old, it still retained its former glory. Qi Lin could tell at a glance that there were many unknown stories hidden behind the fire.

He walked into the hall and noticed that the walls were covered with smoky black-and-white photos documenting years gone by. His eyes rested on a particularly striking photo of a young man and a beautiful woman. This man looked familiar, Qi Lin felt that he had seen him somewhere before. He opened his notebook and [began to record this

Suddenly, a voice came from behind: "Are you Mr. Qi Lin?" Qi Lin looked back and found a young woman standing in front of him. She was wearing a black suit and looked energetic.

"Yes, I am Qi Lin." He replied with a smile. "Who are you?"

"I am Wang Qing, the landlord here." The woman replied with a smile, "I heard that you are an excellent detective. I hope you can help me solve this arson case."

Qi Lin nodded and signaled Wang Qing to continue talking.

"This building was built by my grandfather and has been passed down from generation to generation. However, a few months ago I received an anonymous letter. The letter warned that the house would be subject to arson and mentioned something very personal. message. I ignored the letter and thought it was just a prank, but I didn’t expect that a fire really broke out tonight~"

Qi Lin frowned and thought for a moment. "Do you have any suspicious people or motives?"

Wang Qing thought for a moment and replied: "In recent months, there have been some conflicts between my brother and I. They want to sell this building, but I firmly oppose it. Maybe someone wants to evict it by setting fire to it." us.

Qi Lin silently recorded the key information and told Wang Qing that he would launch an investigation as soon as possible. In the next few days, Qi Lin spent a lot of time and energy collecting evidence and clues

He first had a conversation with local residents and asked if anyone had noticed any suspicious behavior. In the recollections of an old woman, he learned that there was indeed a stranger who often appeared near the manor, and in the days before the fire, she saw the stranger frequently wandering around the manor, seemingly observing something. After careful consideration, Qi Lin decided to find this witness, hoping to get more useful information from her.

After some searching, Qi Lin found the house where the old lady lived and knocked on the door. After the door opened, an amiable old lady appeared at the door. Her name was Wang Cuihua.

"Hello, I am Detective Qi Lin." Qi Lin introduced himself with a smile. "I heard that you witnessed a suspicious figure before the fire. Can you please provide me with more information?

Wang Cuihua nodded and invited Qi Lin into the house. "That night, I happened to be sitting on my balcony drinking tea, and suddenly I saw a young man walking back and forth," she recalled. "His eyes flickered, sometimes looking towards the manor, sometimes looking around. It gave me the feeling that he was spying on me."

Qi Lin quickly recorded these descriptions and then asked: "Can you describe the characteristics of this young man?"

"He was about 20 years old, of medium build, and wearing a black coat." Wang Cuihua recalled. "Another strange detail is that he wore a hat to cover up

. "face

Qi Lin nodded, this description was consistent with the previous clues. He thanked Wang Cuihua for her assistance and told her to contact her if she needed anything further.

Returning to the investigation headquarters, Qi Lin sorted out all the collected information. He discovered that in the days before the fire, residents around the manor also received similar threatening letters, the content of which was similar to the anonymous letter mentioned by Wang Qing before. This seemed to confirm a malicious motive behind the arson.

However, Qi Lin felt that some important clues were still missing. He decided to find Wang Qing's brothers for a face-to-face conversation to learn more about their fight for the manor.

The first brother is called Wang Junjie, a smart and astute businessman. Qi Lin met him at a coffee shop. After the two sat down, Qi Lin asked straight to the point: "Mr. Wang, do you have any motive to destroy this house?"

Wang Junjie was stunned for a moment, then quickly shook his head in denial. "Absolutely not! I simply feel that the house has fallen into disrepair and is no longer worthy of maintenance and preservation. I am proposing the sale for the benefit of our brothers and sisters."

Qi Lin carefully observed Wang Junjie's expression, and his answer seemed sincere. He turned over a page in the notebook in his hand and recorded the conversation.

Next, Qi Lin found another brother, Wang Junxiong, an architect with a cheerful personality. In a bar, Qi Lin and Wang Junxiong sat at a corner table and looked around to make sure no one could hear their conversation.

"Mr. Wang, let me ask you whether it is possible to set this house on fire." Qi Lin stared at Wang Junxiong sharply, waiting for his answer.

Wang Junxiong hesitated for a moment, then smiled bitterly. "I know my motives may seem obvious, after all I am an architect and rebuilding the house is a huge opportunity for me. But I can assure you that I would never resort to such extreme measures to achieve my goals. "

Qi Lin continued to observe Wang Junxiong's expression and behavior, trying to find any clues or contradictions. However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't seem to find anything suspicious.

He was confused, and neither the clues nor the suspects brought him a breakthrough. He needs more evidence to solve the mystery of the arson.

Qi Lin thought for a moment and decided to return to the scene of the fire and check it personally. Perhaps he missed some important details that can only be discovered by seeing them with your own eyes.

When he re-entered the house, he observed every corner. Suddenly, his eyes stopped on a burned picture frame. He took a closer look and found that what was supposed to be a photo of Wang Qing and her grandfather inside was now engulfed in flames. .

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